Closed Not as Glorious

Louis Alcott

⚽ QQS assistant | Confident | Funny | French😎
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Curved 16 1/2 Inch Unyielding Maple Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
8/2042 (20)
Louis felt furious about losing the last match. He hated being on the losing team, especially as he hadn't even managed to score for his team at all. It was annoying and infuriating, and not at all how he had pictured things going. He had been so sure he would be great immediately, he was pretty good whenever he played over break. But he knew that was different than a game at Hogwarts, at least... he knew that now. So in between practices with the whole team, Louis occasionally headed to the pitch to do some extra practicing. He did so today, taking an old quaffle and his broom. He put them down in the grass as he geared up, putting on his gloves while glancing at the hoops. It wasn't a lot like a real match without a keeper, but he figured some extra practicing wasn't a bad call, even if it wasn't quite like the real deal.
Isaiah had to admit he was disappointed they had lost their first quidditch game of the year. Who wouldn't be? He loved quidditch and was keen to have gotten a starter position on the team but throwing away their chances at the cup right away did make things a little less exciting. He couldn't help but to feel partly responsible for it as well. Even if he hadn't played a game before he had been an alternate for a while, felt like he belong with the more experienced players of the team and yet he had ended up disappointing himself. If only he could've managed to knock out the slytherin seeker rather than one of their captains maybe things would've gone differently. Nevertheless, he knew they still had another game coming up and was keen to make sure they wouldn't end up in last place this year. He needed to sharpen his skills. Heading up to the pitch he noticed a figure already there, squinting his eyes to try and figure out who it was. "Sup, dude." He greeted when he reached the other kid, realizing it was one of his own teammates. Zay glanced at the old quaffle Louis had brought and couldn't help a small grin. "Need a keeper? Don't know if I'll be any good but I reckon it could be a solid reflexes training for the both of us. You throw, I try to hit it back and then you'll need to catch it again." He offered with a small shrug.
Louis looked up as he heard someone approach. He grinned as he realized it was Isaiah, definitely one of the coolest members of the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Louis never quite knew if he wanted to be like him or wanted to make out with him, possibly a combination of both. But he had heard Isaiah was dating their alternate seeker, which was a shame. "Sup." He said, using the same greeting Isaiah had even though it sounded a little silly in his French accent. He grinned at his suggestion. "Are you saying you'll play keeper with a beater's bat?" Louis asked, eyes lighting up at the suggestion. "That sounds awesome."
Isaiah would've been perfectly happy to work on his flying skills but after eyeing the old quaffle Louis was holding he felt having someone else to practice with would be too good of an opportunity to pass up. Especially since it would allow both of them to work on their skills. Even if he was sure an old quaffle wouldn't be as nice to hit as an actual bludger. "Yeah, why not." Zay replied with a casual shrug, grinning when Louis seemed to like his idea. "I'm not sure how good a quaffle is for hitting but I reckon we'll figure that out fast enough." He added before hopping onto his broom. "You ready? Or do you wanna warm up first?"

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