🌹 Rose Giving Not An Emergency

Margo Fox

7th🌸hopeless romantic🌸hm co-editor🌸heta vp
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Pear Wand with Fairy Wing Core
09/2043 (18)
Pink Rose for @Isabella Romanes

Margo thankfully had never had a reason to end up in the hospital wing so it took her a while to fine her way there and she hoped that the next person on her list would actually be there. But even if she wasn't she had at least learned where to go if she ever got hurt. She wasn't sure if it was like a professor's office and she should knock first or just walk in. In the end she decided to knock but walked in before waiting for a response. "Hello." she said a bit timidly. "I'm looking for Isa- uh, I mean Ms. Romanes?"
Isabella was walking around the hospital wing, putting some of the more important items up so that the others would have whatever they need on hand. A student came in which barely registered until she heard her name. Isabella turned and glanced down at the student, "That is me. What can I do for you?"
Margo smiled and felt a bit relieved to fine who she was looking for. She was glad professors and staff got involved with roses but she had been worried they might be a bit harder to find. But so far things were going smoothly and she walked over to the nurse while she pulled out a pink rose. "I have a rose for you." Margo said answering the woman's question. "And here's the note. Happy Valentine's day."

Happy Valentine’s day!

Can’t wait to spend more time with you tonight.

Isabella gently took the pink rose and note, not sure when they started doing this but it was appreciated regardless. She read the note and smiled softly. "How Charming." Isabella shifted her magenta eyes to the student. "Thank you very much for this. Your work is appreciated."
Margo smiled when it seemed like the rose was well received and shrugged when the nurse thanked her. "I'm happy to do it." she said. "And I could say the same to you." she added knowing that the hospital wing was plenty busy with magical accidents and quidditch injuries. "Well I better get going. Have a nice day!" Margo said before waving and heading back the way she came. She was a little curious about who her note was from. It was hard not to be when it came to professors and staff sending them. But it was best to keep those questions to herself.

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