Nora Herrington

Nora Herrington

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Character's Full Name: Pippa Nora Herrington
Character's Etymology: Pippa: Lover of horses. Nora: Honour. Herrington: Woodland or Pasture.
Character's Nicknames: Pips, Pay-Pay, Nora (she mostly goes by her middle name), Perfect Pippa (used more by the people that dislike just how "perfect" she may seem) and Noree.
Character's Birthdate: March 14[sup]th[/sup], 2014.
Character's Age: Eleven-years-old.
Character's Zodiac Symbol: Pisces.[sup](more here)[/sup]
Character's Element: Water. [sup](more here)[/sup]
Character's Planet:Neptune. [sup](more more)[/sup]
Character's Hometown: Burwell, Cambridgeshire, England.
Character's Education: Hogwarts New Zealand.
Character's Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff.
Character's Sorting Post:
The long train ride had been nothing to the nerves of Nora Herrington compared waiting to be sorted. Standing amongst her peers, she was silent but her thoughts were swarming so loudly and beating against the inside of her head that she was sure that everyone standing around her could hear them. These next few minutes would be paramount to her future, or so Nora had read, if she was put into a house of anything less then what she was, it would be clear that there was something behind the smiles and polite gestures that she had never delved into. As frightening as a thought this was, she could not spare the time to think of such things now.

If Nora was to reach her goals, she would have to focus from here on in. Looking to her older cousin, Clarice she smiled gently, her features almost lighting her dark eyes but her cousin looked over at a red-headed boy and almost appeared jaded as she spoke quietly to him. Looking away in embarrassment, she heard the Sorting Hat sing it's song and smiled as the first students were called up and sorted. The 'A's all went by smoothly as had the 'B' and 'C's but by the 'D's, Nora was feeling nervous again. Calm down, they'll all love you no matter what house you been placed in, she thought, remembering what her mother had told her of her days at Hogwarts as they had spoken the night before she had left for New Zealand.

"Herrington, Pippa." Nora looked up as she heard the name that was only spoken by her close relatives and sighed. "It's Nora," she corrected as she walked forward through the crowd, her fingers fiddling with the sleeves of her cardigan as her oxford shoes padded on the wooden flooring, making gentle cracking sounds until she sat on the stool. As the over-sized, older hat was placed on her young, almost undeserving head, Nora thought as her stomach twisted and untwisted, Erm, hi there! I don't know if you can hear this or how you really work but I guess I'd like to thank you for sorting me into the house you feel I will belong into. A nervous chuckle and a shake of her shoulders later, Nora fell silent and waited for any sort of response from the Sorting Hat.

Character's Hair:
Character's Eyes: The colour of Nora's eyes are a deep brown that have a light hint of orange and yellow in, in certain light. They are the most magnificent thing about her appearance and she loves the almond shape of them.
Symbolism of Character's Eye Colour: "Brown is a strong and rich color that has connotations of earth-energy, creativity, simplicity, strength, endurance, and fertility. Initiates into spiritual orders often wear brown robes to indicate their humility, simplicity, and stability. The colour brown signifies their desire to ground themselves by renouncing all superfluous luxuries and dedicating themselves to becoming stewards of the earth. In living close to the land, they can free their souls to seek enlightenment. Brown eyes may indicate a strong and independent person who feels a deep connection to nature and the earth."
Character's Height and Weight: As Nora is only eleven years old, her height is a simply 5'1" and her weight is 99 pounds.
Character's Style:
Character's Other Distinguishing Features:

Character's Personality:

Character's History:

Character's Grandmother:
Character's Grandfather:
Character's Father:
Character's Grandmother:
Character's Grandfather:
Character's Mother:

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