Noah William Starr

Noah William Starr

Well-Known Member
Noah William Starr

Date of Birth:
October 30

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
Black hair
Blue eyes
Light skin


Noah was born in Paris, France. However, his parents were killed in the fire, he thought that his sisters were long dead but actually, they’re still alive. This made him feel very sad but he wont tell anyone that he actually miss them.

When he was little, a lady found hi and took him to the orphan house. He used to live in an orphan house where all the children are muggle, but then someone took him and put him to a magical orphan house. The orphans are all either wizards or witches in Wellington.

Noah love to sneak out at night and run away from the orphan house, this is how the Korean mafias found him. At the age of 12, the leader of the gang which is also called a hyung-nim take care of him, he had been sending Noah to the best Wushu academy in China and pay the fee. Noah love his fellow mafias. But as time goes by, he can see that his hyung nim is taking an advantage of him, the hardest work is always given to Noah. Sadly, there’s no way to turn back, so he has to remain with the group.

Noah is quiet and isn’t good with new people. A lot of people think that he’s an ignorant, but he’s actually far from it. He’s just really quiet and tend to stay away from trouble or even run away from it.


Annabelle Starr (Older Sister)
Is the older twin sister of Maybelle Starr. During Maybelle’s first full moon, Anna followed her to the forest, unfortunately, there were wild animals in the woods. Anna cried for Belle’s help when she was attacked but Belle hid in the bushes, she was too scared to save her twin sister. An unknown couple took Anna to their home and raise her, Anna was sent to Durmstrang after that. And right after she graduated, she become a death eater.

Maybelle Starr (Older Sister)
The twin sister of Annabelle Starr. She is the younger twin and the ‘nicer twin’. Belle had been blaming her self for the death of her twin sister (no, Anna's not dead). Since then she become a loner, she love being alone in the nature. She is one of those who is easily scared and one of those who need to be protected really well. She isn't a strong girl, in fact she's as fragile as an antique glass. She has a golden heart and that is one big thing, her inner and outer beauty are both good. Belle doesn't have an enemy but perhaps she has those who hates her. Belle never hate other people, she loves everyone.

An owl

Area of Residence:
Paris, France

Blood Status:

Interests or Hobbies:
Playing Violin
A nice long stroll

Additional Skills:


Anger management

Describe your character in three words:
Quiet, Friendly, Sensitive

Favourite place to be:
The Balcony in the Orphan house

Best school subjects:
Charms, Transfiguration

Worst school subjects:
History of Magic

Current Job:

Plans for your future:
To get out of this mess

Your Patronus:
White wolf

Your Patronus memory:
Being with the family

Your Boggart:

Your Animagus:
A white wolf

Mirror of Erised:
To have his own family

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