No-one is left behind

Morgan Le Fey

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OOC First Name
fancy staff
92 (10/1970)
Morgan pulled her woollen shall around her as she quickly walked along the main street of Brightstone village, although it was summer the nights were still cool and after the warmth of maya's house snugly tucked behind madam puddifoots and heated by a huge fire it felt bitter. she had just spent a pleasant evening with her twin and niece drinking tea, and reminiscing on the past. She was just heading to where had found a nice place to apparate from.
she discovered long ago that she wasn't that good at apparating but if she had a few places she knew well as apparating points she could do it far better, and she had learned not to make these too close to peoples houses as then they would see her every time she went somewhere for a visit or shopping. in brightstone it was actually in the centre of a band stand in the park. it was a good place unless it was raining. thankfully tonight the stars were bright not even a cloud filled the sky. all there was was the bitter wind bringing with it the feelings of change. she didn't know what change. just something. her footsteps crunched on the gravel and the lady hummed as she walked. it was the song that had been on the radio just as she had left the De Niro's house. it was called chasing pavements. the path was dark. she paused to tap her staff on the floor. "lumos" she said lighting the top of her staff and like a lanton lighting the surrounding area.
Kicked out of home. Lamia couldn't believe it. How could her parents let her roam the streets at the age ten? Even though she had returned home multiple times, they still didn't care. Didn't they understand the love she had for them? Lamia sat on the grass in a random park. Of course they would send her to New Zealand. An unknown place to Lamia, a place that her so-called-parents could quickly forget about. Lamia leant against the small bag that sat next to her, packed with only a small amount of clothes and a little bit of money. Shivering, Lamia let out a sniff. She hated being alone. The park was dark, her eyes slowly adjusting, but she couldn't see much. Being in the dark made her feel even more lonely. Lamia stood up, and squinted, looking around to see if there was a playground to offer some shelter for the night; the next day she would go knocking on doors.
Lamia quickly wiped away a stray tear, not wanting to let herself believe she was weak. All to suddenly, a light appeared on the pathway. Lamia quickly dropped her bag and put her fists up to her face, mimicking the action she had seen a few times in Detroit. She saw a shadowy figure ahead, and called out. "B-back up, or I will fight! I know how to!" Lamia tried to sound menacing, but she felt frightened.
as she was passing a childrens playground she saw some movement ahead. she paused unsure who it was she stopped. she heard the voice it was that of a young girl. she could hear a slight tone of for in her voice her voice that was trying to be tough. she could see the girls fists up and hoped she wasn't actually going to fight her she took half a step back to show the girl she was no threat. "I don't want to hurt you. I was just passing through. I'm morgan, Morgan le fey" she said wondering who the girl was. she looked up at her the light illuminating her face and reflecting off a damp line on her cheek. but a tough expression on her face. the light also showed her clothing looked like it had been worn for a few days without being washed. it was the sort of look she had seen before, first with Sapphire then with Stefan after Elvera had brought him back to the cottage after he had passed out on the street. "are you okay" she asked. wanting to reassure the girl that it would be but waiting for her to move.
Lamia glared at the figure when it spoke. It seemed to be an older woman. Much older than what her parents were. Lamia slowly lowered her fists, but didn't unclench them; she knew surprise attacks were the worst. She at least wanted to be ready if anything were to happen. Lamia closed her eyes slightly as the glare of the light reached her eyes. Yes, this lady was definitely older than her parents. Lamia's eyes flicked down to the staff that was emitting light. Lamia figured she was probably in an area where magical people lived; which she supposed was a good thing.
The young girl looked at the lady who called herself Morgan with distrust. How was Lamia supposed to trust anyone? In the end, they all just leave you. However, this lady hadn't moved. She was standing still, and had given Lamia tons of time to run away. Without realizing, Lamia unclenched her fists. Keeping her eye on the older lady, Lamia kept her voice tough when she asked, "Do you have any food?", her stomach rumbling as if to question the lady also.
morgan watched as the girl lowered her fists realising that she was squinting because of the light. she out her hand in front of the staff not to make it dark but just a little less bright. she watched as the girl slowly seemed to work out that she wasn't a threat. and seemed to relax just a little though she could tell she was still tense. all was quiet around except for the sound of a bin shutting in the village and a couple of cats fighting in the other side of the park.
the girl spoke again. though her voice still had a tough tone to it morgan had a feeling is was more put on. "I have some. nothing very filling i'm afraid" she said reaching out a couple of macaroon she had been taking home for netties lunch box the next day. she slowly walked over to the girl making sure not to scare her. "I am afraid thats all i have with me. if you want i can get you some more from home" she sad. from close she could see the girls clothing was no where near enough for the cool nights that were slowly starting to creep into new zealand now. putting her bag on the floor she took off her shawl and handed it to the girl. "have that too. I should help keep you warm" she said. without it she could feel the cool air more so but she knew the girl needed it more than her.
The young girl saw the lady reaching to take out something. She took a hesitant step backwards ready to run if anything were to happen. Lamia saw a couple of small things in the ladies hand, and clenched her fists up again as the lady approached her with them. Snatching the food from the lady, Lamia quickly took a few more steps back, watching her, before slowly taking a bite into the food. An explosion of taste burst into Lamia's mouth. This was the most delicious thing she had ever tasted. Forgetting about the lady in front of her for a second, Lamia quickly shoved the food down. When the lady had offered more from her home, Lamia looked up with glee. "Do you have any more of these?" Lamia asked her mouth full, quickly becoming obsessed with them.
Disappointed that she had finished her food so quickly, Lamia got a shock when the lady spoke again, giving her what looked like a blanket that she was wearing around her shoulders. The young girl looked at Le Fey, and narrowed her eyes as she slowly took the blanket. Wrapping it around her shoulders she wondered why the lady was being so nice. Lamia hoped she didn't want anything in return. "I have nothing to give you for this."
Morgan didn't mind that the girl still seemed cautious of her. taking the food before quickly backing away. she didn't move closer. she let her have her space as the girl cautiously ate them before looking up at her excitedly asking for more. "I'm afraid that i haven't got any more. what sort of food do you like and i will get you something else, or you can come and pick something yourself" she said. she had most things at home. she was a little surprised that there was suspicion in the girls face when she had given her her shawl, but as he girl spoke she realised why. "I don't want anything in return. you look like you need it more than me. Sorry it isn't anything cooler or warmer." she said. knowing Lilith or eden wouldn't voluntarily wear a shawl if they had another option. but right now it was all she had to offer the girl. "if you don't mind me asking what are you doing out here at night. shouldn't you be at home with your family" she asked. hoping that this wouldn't scare the girl away.
Lamia looked at the lady again when she offered for Lamia to go with her. She wasn't sure about doing that. Even though she had already given her some food, leaving with a stranger was never a good idea; Lamia knew that. Maybe she should just ask for more, and the lady could bring her more food in the morning. "I, I like what you just gave me. You can get me more of those." Lamia said to the lady, still suspicious.
Tugging the blanket closer to her and holding on to it, Lamia offered a small smile when the lady said she didn't want anything in return. She almost seemed to good to be true. Lamia pinched herself on her arm just to double check that she wasn't seeing things. When the lady spoke, Lamia let out a sarcastic laugh. She was feeling very bitter towards her parents, and didn't think anyone would blame her for that. "As far as I know, I don't have a family. Besides, they wouldn't want me back anyway." Lamia replied, the latter a bit softer.
morgan smiled when the girl said that she wanted some more of the macaroons. she shook her head when she asked if there was any more. "sorry. that is all that was left. I was saving them for my daughters lunch box. she said thinking of what else she had at home.
it was then that the girl answered her question about her family. it sounded similar to what nettie had said when she had found her. she put her arm around the girl, gently so as not to scare her, when she said that her own family wouldn't want her. "everyone deserves a family. Even if it wasn't the family they were born into" she said softly reassuring the girl. "now I am just going to apparate home to get you some more food. I will be back in a few minutes" she said. letting go of the girl.
she walked a few steps before turning and apparating once she was in her kitchen she rummaged around for food to take. she found a couple of cookies Elvera and Nettie must have made that evening when she was away, some chicken, some bread (which she buttered). she found some grape tomatoes that she had brought in from the garden that afternoon, and some pasta salad. basically a bit of everything. she packed it all in boxes and apparated back to the park. she walked over to where she had left the girl. "Are you there still? I brought you some food" she said. hoping that the girl was still there and hadn't taken the opportunity to take off.
Lamia hung her head when the lady said she didn't have any food left. The few bits she had made her feel more hungry than before. She wondered what she would do for food if no-one took her in. A thought popped into her head, maybe this lady, Le Fey, would take her home with her. Still unsure about leaving with a stranger though, Lamia tensed up when the lady put her arm around her. The young girl didn't know what to think of it, as she had never had any kind of compassionate touch before. A small sigh left her mouth when Le Fey said that everyone deserves a family. It made Lamia think of what she may have done to make her family dislike her so much, to make her undeserving of her. As the lady walked away to apparate, Lamia hugged the blanket closer to her, missing her gentle touch already. Looking around, Lamia felt immediately lonely again. She wondered if the lady was going to come back. The young girl sat where she was, and decided she would wait for more food. If Le Fey hadn't returned by the morning, then she could go find another family to stay with. It would be a cold night, but Lamia thought only of the hope of more food, and tried to forget any other worry as she waited.
A pop made Lamia look up. It certainly didn't take the lady very long to get back. She jumped up as Le Fey called out and grinned as she saw all the food. Taking a bite out of some of the chicken, Lamia looked at the lady, feeling at peace at last. "My name is Lamia." She stated, her mouth half-full.
Morgan smiled when the girls seems exited to her her return. she saw how quickly she tucked into the chicken and realised that it was probably a while since she had eaten. she let her eat letting her take her time. she seemed to trust her a little more now. she certainly seemed less tense and almost pleased to see her. after a few mouthfuls the girl introduced herself by name. "It is nice to meet you Lamia" she said. she gave the girl some time to finish her mouth. "how long have you been alone?" she asked. she wondered if she wanted a home even just for a night. she had taken in a few children in what seemed to be a similar state to Lamia and she liked being able to give a home to children who were homeless, a family to those who were familyless, hope to those who were hopeless, and joy to those who were joyless. one only needed to look at how far ruby and netty had come to see the impact that something that simple would make such an impact on someones life.
Lamia just couldn't seem to get enough of the food, it tasted way better than anything she had had back at 'home'. Chewing the chicken, taking more mouthfuls before she had even finished her first, Lamia smiled a real smile towards Le Fey when she stated it was nice to meet her. The young girl didn't understand why the lady felt that way, but no one had ever been pleased to meet her before, so she would take it without any explanation.
Lamia slowed her chewing when the lady asked how long she had been alone. She wondered if it would make a difference to how the lady felt about giving her the food. It hadn't been that long, and she wondered how long it should be before someone would give away their food. Swallowing her food, Lamia looked down, wondering if she should finish the food before she answered. Sighing and deciding against doing that, the young girl looked up at Le Fey. "Only since last night..." She said softly. Looking back down at the food before putting a piece of bread in her mouth sneakily.
just watching how hungrily Lamia attacked the food. she would have thought that the girl had been on the streets for a while. she was a little surprised that she said that she had only been alone for a day. it lead her to think maybe she wasn't treated the best before then. she saw the girl try and put another piece of bread into her mouth and not let her see. a small smile reached the edge of her mouth. "do you have anywhere to stay tonight? or are you staying in the park? she asked. living in the park or anywhere homeless was not a good place for such a young girl, or anyone for that matter. she knew that if the girl didn't have anywhere to stay she would offer her a room in the le fey cottage. but she wanted to be sure she wasn't taking the girl from anywhere first. she gave the girl time to answer before making her offer. "If you are in need of a bed, there is always a free room at my cottage?' she said. it was true. eden had sat up the first floor with enough charms as to that there was always an empty bedroom waiting to be occupied and once that was occupied it had to be asked to be removed, and once one was claimed a new one appeared. at the moment she had her own room, Edens liliths, which were the orrigional rooms, then Aines Padme's Luxens, Sapphires, Rubys, nettys and One that had briefly been Stefans as well as a guest room. she wondered what the girl would make of the offer, hopefully she would not freak out, or run away, she knew the girl needed some kind of help and she, like always, was happy to offer her assistance.
Lamia chewed her bread slowly as she watched Le Fey talk to her. Shaking her head when the lady asked if she had anywhere to stay, and quickly changing it into a nod when she asked if she was staying in the park. Swallowing her food, Lamia wiped a stray tear from her face, feeling a bit useless and lonely. "I have no where to stay." The young girl replied softly. When Le Fey offered a bed, Lamia grinned and stood up, wanting to hug the lady. She walked tentatively over and quickly gave her a small side hug. "I am definitely in need of a bed." Lamia stated. Her back was sore from only one nights sleep in the park and even though her bed back home was uncomfortable, it was much better than the park floor.

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