No Competition

Solomon Mordaunt

Metamorphmagus • Apothecary Assistant
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Gnarled 16 Inch Malleable Hemlock Wand with Hag Hair Core
The Mordaunt boy found himself in the castle's trophy room for the first time in the few years he had already spent at the magical school. He'd never heard of Hogwarts New Zealand competing in any competitions or championships, unlike the other wizarding schools overseas, so he was looking for something, anything really, to suggest they had. What he found so far was nothing short of disappointing. Top point earners for each year, quidditch house cups, and costume competition winners. There was no real pride in this school. No trophies for dueling, no students partaking in the international potions championships. The school kept to itself and lacked any real competitive streak. Solomon's hair grew darker as his frustration further deepened, unwillingly changing from a light blond into a dark red. How was he supposed to show off or prove himself when HNZ sat around doing nothing. Shoving his hands into his pockets, the metamorphmagus moved on, hoping to find something worthwhile to attempt. He had no doubt he could win a costume competition easily, but it was lacklustre. He wanted more.
Eleanor hated going to school, but was nonetheless glad to be back for another year. She was getting older now and knew that she had many responsibilities ahead of her. The girl was lucky enough to have taken on the role of the leader of the Wild Patch Club since Orwell had left and was very excited for what the year would bring. Figuring she hadn't explored Hogwarts as much as what she would have liked to, Ellie decided that during her first week back she would make an effort to let herself become more familiar with the castle. The girl walked out of her common room and began to make her way to the third floor. Eventually, she found her way into the Trophy Room where she noticed a boy who was already in there looking at all the different trophies. At first, she didn't say anything as she was heavily intrigued by his hair changing colour. Without watching her feet, she began to make her way over to him but had tripped over, a loud noise indicating so. "Oh, sorry!" she exclaimed, standing back up, quite embarrassed at what had just happened.
Charlotte was a prefect now which meant many different things. It meant that she was able to be a leader and she even had the ability to take house points off of people if they needed it. The girl was wandering the corridors, still in search for the hidden room Avie had told her about. She promised him that she would find it and was now looking again on the third floor. She had lost count how many times she had walked up and down each corridor of the castle. She was sure she knew the whole place off by heart but was unable to locate a simple room. As she walked, the girl heard a loud noise from a nearby room and, deciding to take initiative, she quickly ran to the source of the noise in the Trophy Room where it seemed a younger girl had just fallen over. "Are you okay?" Charlotte asked. "What are you guys doing?" A boy stood on the other side of the room with his hands in his pockets and Charlotte hoped nothing bad had happened.
So engrossed in his searching, Solomon failed to notice another presence in the Trophy Room until the girl had tripped. He spun around, his maroon hair fading in seconds back into its natural blonde. Had she been sneaking up on him? He couldn't tell, and before he had a chance to question it, the door was thrown open and yet another girl barged in. He immediately recognised her as a new prefect for his house, already trying to flaunt about her authority. He didn't appreciate the way she spoke to him, like he owed her, a mere student, any sort of explanation. "Looking at trophies. Not that what I'm doing is any of your business, Charlotte." He replied, running his fingers through his hair, his eyes challenging her to argue with him.
Eleanor quickly stood up and brushed herself off before an older girl had run into the room, clearly concerned with Ellie's wellbeing. "Oh, I'm perfectly fine." she told her, smiling widely. She was still quite embarrassed about what had happened, especially since it was so loud that it had attracted the attention of someone in the hallway, but what made matters worse was the tone of the boy's voice as he was the first to reply to the older girl's next question. Ellie didn't expect him to talk in such a way. "I was just going to say Hello, but I fell over." she added, telling her own side of what had happened. She assumed the girl's name was Charlotte as that was what the boy had called her. "What about you, Charlotte?"
Charlotte smiled as the younger girl told her that she was fine, but that smile was soon gone when the boy's hair colour changed and he opened his mouth. He obviously wasn't a very nice person and Charlotte sighed, frustrated that she had to deal with such an attitude. On top of that, he somehow knew her name and Charlotte didn't know whether or not she should feel proud about that. Did he perhaps see it in the Hogwarts Monthly last year? Or had he seen someone call her by her name before? Whatever it was, at least Charlotte didn't have to introduce herself. "I know you looking at trophies isn't any of my business, but there's no need for the attitude." she told him, folding her arms across her chest. She then turned to the younger girl, who seemed much nicer than him. "I was just exploring! Did you know there's a hidden room in the castle somewhere?" Charlotte said, eager to share the news with someone else.
Solomon sighed. "There's no need for you to come barging in here and demanding an explanation, either. It comes across as accusatory, as if I had anything to do with her tripping over. Just because you have prefect privileges now doesn't mean anyone owes you anything." He muttered and turned his eyes back to the trophy cases in front of him, pretending to be bothered to read them. "Besides, the hidden room is on the sixth floor. Good luck." He continued, his tone veiled in barely concealed smugness. Charlotte was older than he by a few years, and the fact she still hadn't found the Room of Requirement was funny to him. "Why don't you take the Wild Patch girl with you? Make sure she doesn't fall over again.
Eleanor shook her head at the girl's question. She found a hidden room to be interesting but didn't know if she wanted to dedicate her whole Hogwarts life to finding it. To her, that was a bit of a waste of time when there were plenty of other things to enjoy whilst you could. Nonetheless, Ellie respected the fact that Charlotte seemed more interested about it and rolled her eyes as the boy began to argue. If there was anything Slytherin's liked to do, it was argue and Eleanor hoped that the older girl would not fall to his level. "Why does your hair change colour?" Ellie asked when she was sure the boy was done. That was the only reason why she was in there and she hoped he had a good enough answer.
As the younger girl shook her head, Charlotte beamed. She had just told someone something they didn't know and Charlotte hoped she wanted to find it as much as her, even if she didn't look as excited about it. The boy's words made Charlotte furious. 'Demanding' was the wrong word. "Did I really seem that intimidating as I walked in? I don't think I was demanding anything. You're so sensitive. She doesn't seem to have a problem with what I said so why do you?" she spat, gesturing to the younger Hufflepuff. She didn't mean to have addressed her in such a rude way and immediately regretted it. "And how do you know where the hidden room is? You're only a baby."
The metamorphmagus bit his lip as the younger of the two girls questioned his hair. He hadn't meant for her to see that. He didn't want anyone to see it for that matter, it was his biggest advantage over all the other mundanes of the school. He was biologically superior to every other student in the castle. "Magic. We're in a school full of it. I'd teach you, but you were unhelpful and rude during that little fair. So I guess that's your loss. Oops." He responded quickly, still annoyed that she thought she could step all over the respectable study of Herbology with her flower-crowns. She didn't care about magical plants and what they were used for, how they bettered wizardkind. She was too involved with making herself look pretty.

"You wouldn't intimidate a house-elf, Charlotte." Solomon turned his attention back to the Slytherin with a small smile. "You're calling me sensitive, but listen to yourself. Calling me a baby? Oh, no.." He pressed a hand to his heart, feigning a sudden pain to his chest. "You wound me. Sincerely." He ended the charade and returned his hands to his pockets. There she was, with her arms across her chest, clearly more upset. Girls always were. His stance was far more relaxed, but his expression conveyed how much he looked down on her. "I know where it is because I'm better than you, I suppose. The Room won't reveal itself to just anyone, which is what you are. Plain. Boring. Mundane. Sorry sweetheart. The truth hurts." His smile broadened somewhat. He was decidedly enjoying himself and their little exchange, though he half expected her to storm off and cry at any moment. "I would bet that the only interesting thing to happen to you is that shiny little badge. Didn't that rock boy get one too? I read those rumour articles, sounds like he wasn't too bright, so I'm guessing the bar for becoming a prefect is quite low. It makes sense why you made the cut."
It didn't take long for Eleanor to realise she didn't really like both of the people in the room. She thought that the prefect would know better than to argue with someone two years younger than her and it kind of disappointed Ellie who hated arguments and was all about keeping peace. As the boy began to tease the prefect and say something about a 'rock boy' Eleanor snapped, having had enough of such cruel words being said right in front of her. "Stop it!!" she shouted, feeling her face go red with anger. "Please don't argue. There's nothing worse than arguing for no reason." She turned to the boy. "As Charlotte said, there's no need for the attitude. She was just concerned after she heard the noise. And Charlotte, there's no need to call him names. It makes him think you care about what he's saying and the argument just goes on for longer." Eleanor sighed, burying her head in her hands. She had become fed up.
The boy was giving Eleanor attitude too and Charlotte felt quite sorry for whoever had to raise him. His words made Charlotte think of Daniel. What would he think about what the boy was saying to her? The younger boy had only known her for five minutes and he already thought he knew everything about her. On top of that, somehow he knew about Avie but she tried not to let one person's opinion get to her. Just as Charlotte was about to retaliate, a shout from the girl made her stop. The Hufflepuff was obviously extremely affected by the arguing and made Charlotte feel like the one who had started it all when it was clearly the boy. "I don't give a sh** what he's saying!" Charlotte blurted out. "If he thinks he knows me, he really doesn't. And it's not me calling him names at all." Charlotte felt like a child who didn't get a treat and she sighed, feeling for a moment that she didn't deserve to be a prefect at all with this kind of attitude. "But she's right. This arguing is pointless. You don't deserve to get attention from me." she told the boy, not caring about whatever he had to say next.
Evidently, Charlotte suffered from short-term memory loss, as she appeared to forget she had called him a name only a few moments earlier. "You called me a baby. While not the most creative or original of insults, it'd be considered one by some people anyway. The way you said it was.." He took a second to think of the word he was looking for. "Condescending. Shouldn't you be leading by example as a prefect?" He questioned her privileges, sincerely thinking she was unfit for the position, having been riled up so easily. At her comment on no longer deserving his attention any more, Solomon glanced towards the doorway. "Do you hear that? I think I heard another noise somewhere further away. Why don't you go investigate, Charlotte? Since you love investigating sounds so much."

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