Nikolina Gulbrandsen

Nikolina Gulbrandsen

Active Member
OOC First Name
Rosewood, 14' ½", Dragon Heartstring, Rigid.


Given Names
Nikolina Rumena
Aludra Gulbrandsen
Date of Birth
16th of April, 2014
Durmstrang Student
Blood Status
Wand Information
Rosewood, rigid,
fourteen and a half inches,
dragon heartstring core
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)


Positive Traits
Loyal with a passion
Strong of heart
Focussed on goals
Unabashed by others
Determined to live
Negative Traits
Stubborn as a muel
Untrusting of others
Enjoys a fight
Oak brown
Reels of ivy
Pumpkin juice
Karasjok Kites
Blue steak
Salmon pink
Muggle chess
Caerphilly Catapults
Cheese cake
Bonfire smoke,
broomstick polish,
opium incense


Magdolna Gulbrandsen
Married to Bernhard Gulbrandsen
Mother of Nikolina Gulbrandsen
Born on the 15th November, 1986
Works as an Arithmancer
Bernhard Gulbrandsen
Married to Magdolna Gulbrandsen
Father of Nikolina Gulbrandsen
Born on the 2nd of February, 1984
Works as a Mediwizard
Paternal Aunt
Anniken Kreuz
Married to Ignus Kreuz
Mother of Vidar Kreuz
Born on the 4th of May, 1989
Works on the Invisibility Task Force
In-Law Paternal Unlce
Ignus Kreuz
Married to Anniken Kreuz
Father of Vidar Kreuz
Born on the 2nd of February, 1990
Works as a Barkeep at
'Das Schwarze Kerze'
Paternal Cousin
Vidar Kreuz
Currently unmarried
Currently no children
Born on the 1st of December, 2019
In home education
Maternal Grandmother
Angyalka Bauer
Married to Adrian Bauer
Mother of Magdolna Gulbrandsen
Born on the 23rd of October, 1953
Retired Improper Use of Magic Officer
Maternal Grandfather
Adrian Bauer
Married to Angyalka Bauer
Father of Magdolna Gulbrandsen
Born on the 9th of March, 1956
Retired Magizoologist
Paternal Grandmother
Freyja Gulbrandsen
Married to Gunnar Gulbrandsen
Mother of Bernhard Gulbrandsen
and Anniken Kreuz
Born on the 6th of August, 1950
Retired Journalist
Paternal Granfather
Gunnar Gulbrandsen
Father of Bernhard Gulbrandsen
and Anniken Kreuz
Born on the 30th of July, 1948
Retired member of the Magical Law
Enforcement Squad


Family History
The Gulbrandsen family line could be traced back a couple of centuries, if anyone bothered to check, though the Gulbrandsen's, themselves, have no real interest, nor desire to uncover their heritage. In part, this is through concern as to what they may find, and they are unaware of muggle blood in the family for several generations. The earliest record of a Gulbrandsen of this particular family, was back in 1712, in the form of a diary, which hinted at a name change from 'Schmidt' to 'Gulbrandsen', and wizarding parentage of which the author seemed not to agree with. The heritage roots are the family, as with their blood status, is something they have scarcely bothered to take the time to discover, though they have immediate links to Norway, Hungary, Germany.

Gunnar Gulbrandsen was a young Ministry of Magic worker at the time of the first Wizarding War. He was driven to fight on behalf of the Ministry. While battle raged on, Gunnar sustained a rather nasty laceration to his arm, resulting in a stay at a wizarding hospital. While there, a young witch, named Freyja Hagebak, was interviewing the less mortally wounded of patients on behalf of the newspaper she wrote for. It was during this period of time that Gunnar and Freyja first became acquainted. This soon changed to a friendship after a couple of interviews for her tiny column, which seemed to increase in popularity. She continued to return to visit Gunnar, though these visits became less about interviews, and more about seeing her good friend. Though Gunnar's arm never regained full function, he was still prepared to head back out into battle. This time, he would not be so lucky. Gunnar and Freyja would write to each other on a regular basis, and it was through these letters that Gunnar asked Freyja to court him, to which she agreed. A couple of months after this development, Gunnar turned up in hospital, again, but this time he was minus his right foot after a fierce severing charm had caught it. He became the owner of a false wooden foot, and soon of a piece of paper legally joining he and Freyja in holy matrimony. The two felt like soul mates, and, a couple of years after the war's end, settled down in the countryside where their children, Bernhard and Anniken were born.

Angyalka Kardos was a fierce but beautiful young witch who, like most of the Gulbrandsen's, attended Durmstrang. While there, she received many 'Outstanding's in a variety of subjects. She opted to work at the Ministry of Magic, where she went mostly undisturbed by others. She had never been romantically involved with anyone, and had no intention to. It was the brave Adrian Bauer, a few years her senior, who finally tamed Angyalka. They met at the funeral of an elderly mutual friend, and it was here that Adrian first spotted the attractive young witch. His attempts to catch her eye were, initially, unsuccessful, though he finally grabbed her attention while, during conversation with another guest, mentioned several spells that were not strictly legal in certain scenarios, but could be incredibly useful. Angyalka then beckoned Adrian to a side, and attemped to wheedle the information from him. Adrian refused to tell her what had been said, as she had not properly heard the conversation. Now that he had her hooked for the wrong reasons, Adrian began to chat up the young witch. They became contacts, though she frequently badgered him about what he had said. He continued not telling her until he convinced her to let him take her out for dinner. The two went out, and the date went so well, that Angyalka forgot to ask for the information for which she came. The whole thing seemingly continued to slip her mind with each fantastic date that Adrian took her on. After two years of dating, Adrian proposed. Angyalka, now 31, and more interested in family life, accepted, and the two were soon married. Shortly after, Angyalka fell pregnant with their daughter, Magdolna, and the three of them settled into a calmer style of life. Adrian, at last, on the night of their honeymoon, told Angyalka exactly what he had said, which had not been a crime, at all. Adrian still claims that he is the only one who tamed Angyalka because of his experience as a Magizoologist.

Magdolna Bauer attended Durmstrang from the age of eleven. She would spend her time in the corridors, watching the world pass by. Her passion soon became Arithmancy, a subject at which she excelled, and she could often be found with scrolls of parchment, writing dozens of numbers, and knowing what they meant. She first noticed Bernhard Gulbrandsen in her fourth year when he accidentally hit her with a frisbee. The group of boys with him had laughed. He apologised for the bruise, but Magdolna decided to fetch a professor to sort the group of boys out for playing in the corridor. Bernhard's group of friends began to purposely taunt Magdolna, and one day, after a particularly cruel insult, Bernhard found her crying in a corner of the library. They talked for a while about the boys saying that a troll coated in slime was more likely to win a beauty contest than her. Bernhard had initially laughed, but had quickly corrected himself by saying the he thought she was pretty. The year had been coming to an end, and it was right there and then, that the two shared their first kiss. They did not meet again until after the summer holidays, at the beginning of a new year. Magdolna had been made a prefect when she returned for her fifth year, and she had become a completely different person, or so it seemed. Instead of hiding away, she would march proudly through the corridors, scolding students who misbehaved. She was reunited with Bernhard within the first week, when he and his group of friends were having a water fight in the corridor. When one of his friends attempted to insult Magdolna, she simply muttered something and flicked her wand at him, causing his lips to zip shut. She told the others to clean up, and when they didn't obey her, Bernhard piped up, telling them to just get on with it, as it was better than getting a detention in their first week. As the year passed by, Bernhard and Magdolna saw each other more often, and sometimes it would seem as though Bernhard was causing trouble when she was near, just to spend time with her. It was at the very end of the year, that Bernhard decided to ask Magdolna to be his girlfriend, and the two would write to each other all the time, after Bernhard had left Durmstrang. At the ages of 23 and 25, the pair married, and several years later, had a daughter named Nikolina.

Anniken Gulbrandsen grew up in Norway, alongside her brother, Bernhard. The two got on relatively well, though they would often fight over who could use the child's broom they shared. Anniken attended Durmstrang, but very much kept herself to herself. Once she had finished at Durmstrang, she went on to move to Germany, and to join the Ministry of Magic. It was on the night that her beloved owl passed away, Anniken turned up at 'Das Schwarze Kerze' ('The Black Candle'). At 24 years of age, and now without a friend in the world, Anniken managed to get drunk while chatting to the barkeep, whose name turned out to be Ignus Kreuz. Too drunk to stagger back home, Ignus helped her to one of the upstairs rooms, where she slept the night. He was kind and patient when she awoke the next morning and came downstairs to speak to him at the bar. They got talking about this and that. Anniken started making frequent trips to the inn to drink and chat with Ignus. After a few months of doing this, and with enough savings to make it possible, Anniken asked Ignus to go on a tour of the eastern wizarding world. The friends traveled for a couple of months, before returning home. A couple of years later, during a normal drunken conversation, the subject of relationships popped up, and Ignus asked if Anniken wanted to give a relationship between them, a try. They remained boyfriend and girlfriend until early 2019 when Anniken fell pregnant. Deciding it was the right time for it, the couple wed privately. Just weeks before their son, Vidar, was due to be born, The Black Candle was up for sale. It was a bit of a stretch, financially, but between them, the couple bought the inn, and began to run it as their own business. Preferring not to waste resources unnecessarily on sending Vidar to a muggle school, and risk messing up his chances for an education at Durmstrang, Ignus took to home-tutoring his son.

Nikolina was the only child of Magdolna and Bernhard Gulbrandsen. She had quite a stable childhood, though her father's often erratic work hours, combined with her mother's normal work hours, meant that Nikolina spend her early childhood in the care of a local muggle nursery, during the daytime. She was not particularly interested in befriending the other children, and would instantly find her way to the paints. She would often paint pictures of broomsticks and people on cloaks. Muggles being what they are, none of the staff became suspicious of Nikolina, and her behaviour was simply written off as 'odd'. Nikolina was then pushed into an early stage of muggle schooling, once she was old enough, but only remained in this education until she eight, when she refused to do her work, and was scolded by the teacher. Wound up by the fact that she was made to stay in at break time and finish her work, she showed her first sign of magic when the bulb of the teacher's desk lamp, exploded. Though the teacher simply put this down to a dodgy fuse, Nikolina's parents realised what was going on, and decided to withdraw her from muggle education. She was sent to live with her grandparents, the plan being that Gunner and Freyja would teach Nikolina not only the very basics of the wizarding world, but also a bit of discipline. Nikolina, however, was a little ahead of the game, and she acted politely towards her grandparents, giving them no reason to doubt that she was a good child. In fact, this worked so well in her favour, that she and her grandfather became very close friends. Gunner decided to teach her to make dung bombs, something he said he had done a lot in his early years at Durmstrang. While Gunner educated Nikolina in the more entertaining side of school, Freyja would read to Nikolina from wizarding books, and show her many of the old newspaper columns that she had written herself. In her old age, Freyja had developed a passion for keeping different sorts of magical plants. As the property they lived in was quite a large house, separated from the neighbouring homes by a series of trees, Freyja had her own greenhouse in the least seen corner of the garden, in which she kept her specimens of wizarding plants. The plant that Nikolina most enjoyed, however, was the ivy creeping up the back outer walls of the house. Nikolina considered her years living with her grandparents, to be the best of her life. She attended Durmstrang at the age of eleven, and her parents decided she should move back in with them, now that she was not going to be in need of their care every day of the year. She had a rather good first year, trying out all the various tricks that her grandfather had taught her, and she received no less than seventeen detentions. Her second year passed by just as eagerly, with Nikolina actually making a couple of proper friends. In her third year, Nikolina took her options for which subjects she would add to her time table. During this year, she discovered that one of the professors had met her mother at school, and asked if Nikolina was as good at Arithmancy as her mother was, or if she was half the Quidditch player her father was. Nikolina soon proved that she was not like her mother, and Arithmancy quickly became her least favourite school subject. In her fourth year, Nikolina managed to scoop a detention in the first week when she was caught dueling in the corridor with a seventh year. Regardless of the string of offenses she committed in each of her first four years at Durmstrang, Nikolina still passed every subject she took, some with flying colours, others by the skin of her teeth. She also proved that she takes after her father in broom skill.


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PotionsDark ArtsHerbologyAstronomyCharmsTransfigurationHoMCoMCArithmancyAncient RunesDivination 

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