Nicholas James Hyde

OOC First Name
Full Name:
-Nicholas James Hyde

Date of Birth:

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
-Nicholas is a rather average man, standing at 5'8 with a toned but unobtrusive body. He has thick brown hair that he keeps cut short to avoid the mess of combing it in the morning, brown eyes with a hint of hazel on the sides, a body covered in scars (Most notably one above his left eyebrow and a large one down his stomach), and long arms for his height.

-Nicholas is a very solemn and bitter man, a man of few words. He keeps to himself preferring the company of his books and his animals, and rarely ventures outside of his home, except in search of one man in particular.

-Nicholas was born to Leroy Hyde and his wife Priscilla in Great Britain in the year 1994. He is an only child and his parents are now deceased.

-He owns a four year old Owl named Lauren and a nine year old Australian Shepherd named Niko.

Area of Residence:
-He lives in a small cottage in the hills to the west of Wellington.

Blood Status:
-He is a mixed blood, his mother being a witch and his father a Muggle.

-Through his mother's line he can trace his ancestry back to Johann Gutenberg, the man famous for printing the first bible. And through his father's line he can distantly trace his ancestry back to William Tell.

Special Abilities:
-He is particularly adept at offensive magic, having grown up on the streets after the deaths of his parents. He also has the ability to quickly pick up languages, and learning to speak them fluently.

Interests or Hobbies:
-Nicholas' main interests involve playing with his dog Niko and flying with his owl Lauren, as well as studying the deeper areas of magic, reading, and playing chess.

-He is particularly skilled at offensive magic having learned how to duel multiple people at once, and is a hard worker able to take orders well but preferring to work alone.

-He is quick to anger and when angry often loses his sense.

Describe your character in three words:
-Solemn, lonely, bitter,

Favourite place to be:
-At home in his study.

-Nicholas has no friends of yet as he recently moved to New Zealand.

Current Job:
-He is currently unemployed.

Plans for your future:
-He plans to become employed by the Ministry of Magic and continue his search for the man who was behind his parents deaths.

Your Patronus:
-A leopard.

Your Patronus memory:
-Nicholas thinks of the last time he saw his parents.

Your Boggart:
-A man cloaked in black.

Your Animagus:
-An Australian Shepherd.

Mirror of Erised:
-His parents alive and holding him.

A page from your diary:
Today was another day spent fruitlessly searching Wellington for him. My contact told me he was currently residing here, but I have yet to see any sign of him. How he has managed to remain nameless through all these years baffles me. All I have to go one is a symbol. A green snake intertwined around a staff of solid gold topped with a ruby. You would think a symbol like that would stand out and be known, but almost no one has ever heard of it, let alone seen it. I end this day in frustration and anger, like almost everyday before it.
Hey there Logan.

I just had one question. Where did the scars on Nicholas's body come from?
I planned on explaining that. His parents were murdered when he was young and he tried to fight his parents murderers and was tortured and left for dead. (I had written something else, but I like this better.)

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