Newly sorted student

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Samuel Craft

Samuel Craft is a newly sorted Gryffindor who could use some new friends and enemies. I'm very flexible in any and all plot ideas, so whatever you have brewing in your brain will most likely be completely fine with me. :D

A few words to describe Sam include:

- Spontaneous
- Competitive
- Adventurous
- Reckless
- Loyal
- Lazy

Pretty much, Samuel is a somewhat stereotypical Gryffindor, but I don't have a lot of experience playing lions and I was very interested in giving it a try.
If you wanted an enemy I could offer Ariadne? She hates Gryffindors because she thinks they're all boring cowards, and she's a bratty, selfish troublemaker. Idk, they'd have a clash of personalities, that's for sure. I haven't got much in mind but yeah if you wanted an enemy here's an offer, heh.
I have two Ravenclaw first years :)

Gracie Williams is a bouncy fun, caring, loving girl. She loves meeting new people and she loves to have friends. She needs people to be friends with.

Kona Mason is shy, Quiet, and very messed up. This child sees these people that are part of her kingdom she rules. They dont really exist and she thinks they do. They bug her and sometimes torment her. She gets in trouble a lot because of them.
I have Astrid McElroy. She's a firsty Hufflepuff. She is friendly, excitable and loyal but she knows when she is right and will stand up for herself no mater what.
Oh, I'd definitely love to RP with all of those characters. I'll send out PMs to get some sort of thread going shortly! :)
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