Newfound Reflection

Lizzie Parker-Taylor

🦁energetic🦁confident🦁 . 🦁kaikōura kea beater🦁
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Daisy ) ( Lesbian
Curly 14 Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
4/2030 (33)
Lizzie had never spent so much time on a broom in her life... Gryffindor losing her very first game on the team had been upsetting and embarrassing for the girl who wasn't used to being anything less than the best at anything athletic she tried, and compounding on her stressful winter holiday, Lizzie was feeling pressure like she'd never felt before. She had been taking every bit of free time she had since the game to either hit the pitch for a fly, or even just practice swinging her bat in the dorm if the weather was too horrible.

But this particular day it was just fine and Lizzie had spent the afternoon on her broom, trying to get better at sudden stops. Now sweaty and exhausted she was heading back up to the castle, broom under her arm, ready for a relaxing bath and to catch up on a bit of overdue homework. About halfway up she paused for a bit to catch her breath, leaning on a tree for a moment and closed her eyes, letting her worries and troubles and exhaustion wash over her for a long moment.
Elizabeth wasn't really busy with her homework and stuff, she just hated it and previous year she was having bad grades but this year it looked like it was going the same direction. She was sure that her mother would be very angry at her for this, but it looked like Riley wasn't exactly doing his best too. Elizabeth had to be outside today, she was done with being inside. She had to explore outside, or search for new things. She enjoyed Hogwarts still and it was the best place she ever had been, she really saw it as her home. She walked to the Great Lawn and was going by herself, she loved to have people around her but she could also be very good alone. Still she hoped she would run in to somebody, Aaron perhaps he was her best buddy at the moment together with Lucas. She really liked the two boys they were her exploring squad, the two boys weren't afraid of trouble or punishment too and Elizabeth really liked that about them. She didn't really had somebody that she didn't liked because Elizabeth was very social and people who didn't loved exploring were also nice.

While she was walking at the Great Lawn she noticed a girl that she knew. Lizzie, her almost name buddy. Aaron called her Lizzie too, and she remembered at the party from Evelyn in the Common room that they both turned there heads while hearing that name, that was really funny. She stopped at the three were she saw Lizzie leaning on to and saw her closed eyes. She tried to be quiet as she could, but that plan was soon over because she stepped on a broken tree. '' Hey Lizzie! Uh Boo!'' she said with a bright smile, she wanted to scare her because she liked to do pranks and little jokes, but that was completly failed.
As she rested against the tree Lizzie let her mind wander, thoughts beginning to filter back to worries she had been avoiding since the holidays. Throwing herself into sports was usually the way Lizzie coped with things but it just wasn't helping, and she felt unsettled no matter what she did. Lizzie was so lost in thought she didn't realise there was anyone approaching her until she heard the snap of a twig breaking under someone's foot. Jumping a little in shock, she looked over at the sound, relaxing slightly when she saw who it was.

Lizzie laughed softly when Elizabeth greeted her, smiling back. "Almost got me... hey, Elizabeth." She smiled, leaning her head against the tree. "What's up?" Lizzie hadn't spent a lot of time with Elizabeth, but she seemed like the kind of person who was always having fun and finding excitement, and Lizzie envied that a little.
Elizabeth was happy to see that Lizzie could laugh about it. She didn't got along well with people that couldn't laugh about things like this, because Elizabeth was almost always happy and in for a joke. She didn't really understand serious people, she could get along with few of those as well, but people like her mother that always were afraid of risks were difficult for Elizabeth to get along with. '' Hey Lizzie!'' she said while laughing along. '' I didn't thought of the sprigs, otherwise I would got you.'' Elizabeth said with a smile. It was strange of saying Lizzie, because Aaron called her that way. Elizabeth went sitting next to Lizzie and looked at her. '' Nothing special, what were you doing?'' Elizabeth asked at while she went with her hands through her hair.
Lizzie shrugged, patting the broom on her lap. "I've just been getting some extra flying practice in." She said a little sadly. "I haven't been doing great during matches, so I really wanna hurry up and get better and kick butt in the next game." She smiled quickly, trying not to pull the conversation down into a sob-fest. "I've been practicing loads lately, I've barely had time to even think about anything else... what's been going on with you? Any cool new adventures lately?"
Elizabeth looked at Lizzie next to her and listened to what she had to say. She knew Lizzie was all the way of Quidditch and the Gryffindor always liked to cheer her team together with her friends. It didn't sounded very happy so Elizabeth was wondering why it sounded so sad. She explained later and Elizabeth nodded. '' You sure will, I know it and we will all cheer for you!'' she said happy. Elizabeth didn't liked it when people weren't happy, she always tried to make people happy. If it was with a joke or some cheerfull words she always did her very best. It sounded that Lizzie was very busy with Quidditch and everything. Elizabeth thought about her own things, and had to laugh for a moment. '' Well.. I should be busy with my homework and such things, but I've had different adventures and met some new people, so that was cool!'' She had met Leo and he was her buddy in pranks at the moment. Aaron and Lucas where her partners in crime for adventures too, but Leo was older and very interesting with his idea's of pranks. Elizabeth was wondering what her mom would say when she would return in the holiday, she hoped she would still be alive if she would return to Hogwarts. '' I'm not sure if my mother is happy with my grades, but I just enjoy my time here.'' Elizabeth said while laughing at Lizzie.

Sorry it is very late!

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