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Missouri Svajone

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Whippy Cherry Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
So I'm relatively new here and I have some characters which I'd like to put forward for RP'ing! -Aaron

Marzen Svajone|Unsorted|Eleven​
Marzen is my main, he's 11 years old and has only just moved too New Zealand from Lithuania, leaving his mom behind. His younger sister Missouri (Missy) moved along with him. I'd really like him to make some friends before being sorted into a house, because he honestly wouldn't understand the division between houses and he wouldn't really care. Marzen is pretty loyal but can be easily led astray. Any future love interests would be male.

Missouri "Missy" Svajone|Family|Ten​
Missy is Marzen's little sister, who upon first glance is a quiet shy girl, but really this loud mouthed terror who will grow up to be a party animal. She's only 10 but she has a year until she's ready for Hogwarts and she plans to study for most of it, while her brother is away at school. For her I'm looking for friends in her own age group. Any future love interests would be male or female.

Quinn Roseberg|Beauxbatons|Sixteen​
Quinn is a Beauxbatons student who lives in New Zealand during the summer and holidays, alongside his family. He is an avid romantic, interested in either gender, and looking for friends/love interest/final. He used to be a super shy teenager but now he has major confidence and is very outgoing. Any future love interests would be male or female.

Alina Ardeleanu|Unsorted|Eleven​

Alina is my second Unsorted student, also from an Eastern European country. She is both studious and adventurous, and a bit of a tom boy, and mostly. hangs around with boys. Any future love interests would be female, but right now looking for guy friends.
Hi Aaron!

I know you said you were looking for male friends for Alina, but I want to offer Raylee just in case. She's also a tomboy - though more adventurous than studious - as she grew up on a farm full of boys. Maybe they could meet at Hogwarts when Ray has her hair tied up under a hat or something, and since she introduces herself as Ray Alina mistakes her for being a boy :lol:

Pretty sure that's all I have to offer right now but if I think of any more I'll be back :p Feel free to decline if you're not up for it!
Hey Claire! I'm totally up for that! She'll need at least one girl friend anyway and Raylee sounds great. I'm totally up for RP'ing if you want to PM me and we can start something?
Hey Aaron I have a possible friend for Missouri and he may even serve as a future love interest if you're up for it. I have Lucas Woodlock, he's due to start Hogwarts the same time as Missouri I think, the year after next. He's the very younger cousin of my Professor James Woodlock. There's not much to say about him because he's an extremely new character and still under develop. Let me know what you think anyway.
Daniel I'm totally up for that :) Obviously it'd be a few years into the future before romance is involved, but yes if you want to PM me so we can talk more, hmu anytime :) I'm going to need finals for all of them at some point so we'll see how Missy and Lucas get along.
Missouri Svajone said:
Hey Claire! I'm totally up for that! She'll need at least one girl friend anyway and Raylee sounds great. I'm totally up for RP'ing if you want to PM me and we can start something?
Awesome! They probably wouldn't meet until Hogwarts (or perhaps on the train there!) because Ray's in New York, but I'll shoot you a PM a bit closer to the time if you'd like? ^_^
Sounds great Claire! If they become good friends we can plot future plots with them as well!
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