New Zealand? Living Hell!

Hazel ColdBlood

Well-Known Member
Hazel wanted to scream, her insides were jumping because she didn't want to go to New Zealand. However Rosemary had decided that they should go and 'see' New Zealand because they were having a week holiday to relax themselves. Hazel was very well aware of what exactly Rose meant by relaxing especially when her boyfriend a.k.a husband was with them. She hated the company of Rufus as he easily scared her by just being present.

Today they were in Obsidian Harbor, a busy area with many wizarding shops. In New Zealand they had already purchased a house on the outskirts of the island. However they were staying for two days in Leaky Cauldron where they had taken two rooms. One for Hazel and the other for Rufus and Rose. Pathetic, she thought however not a bit of emotions were expressed on her face. She knew well how to control herself.

It was Friday morning and an old hag had come to tell Hazel that she were not to disturb Rose and Rufus today as they had a late night and was to explore the area on her own. 'Late night' she mouthed with a frown. She knew that when Rose and Rufus got even a bit of time they had no other work but to make love since Rufus was hardly present as he was always so 'busy'.
Drinking some chilled butterbeer, Hazel walked through the harbor thinking of what she could do in New Zealand which she had nicknamed Living Hell.
Briar was wandering around obsidian harbor and feleing quite cranped between the people and sqiashed py the buildings. she walked quickly with her eyes half cloasd so that she could pretend hat the people were rees from her wooded home. however this also odcsured her vision causing her to not see where she was going. unexpectently she bumbed into a tree which had just seemed to appear out of thin air. "sorry" she exclaimed as she looked at the girl and she saw that she had caused her to spill the drinking that she was drinking.
Hazel was watching the items on display in Gladgags Wizardwear when suddenly someone bumped into her and thus the chilled butterbeer spilled on her dress. The girl, she observed that had bumped into her was strongly built or had strong bones, whatever it was but it had an effect on Hazel since her weak slender body couldn't take the force and thus she fell to the ground. The passer bys looked at her, some laughed while many apologized staring at the girl who had bumped into Hazel.

Getting to her feet, reminding herself to control her emotions out in public, Hazel's grey-blue cat likes eyes buldged outwards as she gaped, her mouth hanging open at her precious expensive pink outfit that she had worn for the first time had been ruined, thanks to the girl. A tear was almost about to roll down her cheeks as her eyes became watery but controlling herself, she pulled the girl by her arm and took her to a silent corner where she would deal with the hag.

Arriving at the far end of the Harbor where she was free from the eyes of onlookers she eyed the girl with anger and fire in her eyes, fire that could cause her to kill the ugly girl that stood before her. "Do you have any idea of what you have done?"she begun maintaining her tone. "This is not some rag that you could just dirty"she told her pointing at her spoiled pink dress that was now drenched in cold butterbeer.
Birar offered her hand to help the other girl up as she had fallen, however she didn't need it. "I'm so sorry" she said again, as she watched the other girl get up. Tensed as the other girl grabbed her by the arm and dragged her to the far end of the alley. she wanted to fight away but she didn't want to hurt the girl any more as she could see that she was upset. "I am sooo sorry" she repeated as she asked her about what she has done. "I am sure if you ask someone they could clean it in a second" she said, knowing that it was an extremely pretty dress.
Hazel wasn't in the mood to hear apologies, she never was the sort that would forgive. Frowning slightly at the idea suggested by the girl of asking someone to clean it up, she fumed. "Do you think I am a beggar?"she questioned her tone rising quickly. "First of all you do this then you expect me to go looking for people, to beg them to clean this mess that is caused by you, by your stupid manners" she continued staring the other girl in the eye.

"I knew that people like yourself, no class, manners with bad blood would be dirty beggars but never had come across one"she said ignoring the 'sorry' that the girl had told her. A few heads had turned their way but she didn't care. She was far from where Rufus or Rose would find and punish her for misbehaving. Then again the person at guilt wasn't her but the stupid girl that stood infront of her. She couldn't bare to see her face anymore.
Briar was not the kind of person to be made fun of. sure she had gone along with the older girls torment to start with as she believed that she had hurt the girl but she did not tolerate the other girl insulting her more than she believed fair. "no i do not think that you are a beggar, i think that you are stuck up and take pleasure in picking people younger than yourself because you dont have the back bone to pick on someone your own age". Briar knew that she had over stepped the line from the string of insults that followed. giving up on her wild attempt of settling things the way most humans thought polite she felt her self slipping back into the ways of her childhood. using the wall as propulsion she pushed against it whilst pushing the other girl aside. she was surprised at how light she was and she may have used a little too much force. she went to leave but stopped and offered to help the other girl up as she had fallen((sorry for god moding, i will change it ig you want me to))
(Both of them are eleven?! :r )

Hazel watched amazed as the girl called her stuck up and thought that they were of different age. "Oh! Now I know, you don't even know how to calculate your own age and then you are calling me stuck up" she said letting out a small cold laughter. "Although I am eleven, I am much more matured for my age and don't go spilling people's drink on them, being blind" she said, her breathing becoming heavy.

Hazel wasn't the one that could fight, she was weak and thus could not protect herself by physical means. Her only way was words. It was in a split second that she received a force so large come from the girl that she was pushed down to the ground. Now she was past the anger that had filled her up. She hurt her head and her back from the fall and eyed the girl coldly as she offered her a hand.She surely couldn't understand the girl. Was she mental, first she pushed her and now she was offering herlp.

She got to her feet, brushing her already spoiled dress. She stared at the girl, taking a second to regain her brains. This was when all of a sudden she performed magic unknowingly. Without her using her hands, she could feel a force coming from her that pushed the girl so bad that she was pushed back into the hard wall, cracks starting to form on the wall due to the new force. She smiled evilly watching the magic being done in her favor. It seemed that the force had pushed the girl back by grabbing her neck thus Hazel thought she was having difficulty to breathe. "You deserve to be punished more worse than this" she said smiling as she watched the effects of the magic wear off.
(Ok if I join? I can leave it not)

Adam was doing his daily patrols around the harbour. It was a so-so day for him. He knew that although there was nothing to do, there was something big about to happen. SOmething him and the aurros had been planning. It was going to be great. He had walked this very street an hour ago. He had been walking and partoling for quite some time now. About 8 hours. HE was ready to turn in and get some sleep. He would need it for what came up. As he walked down another familiar street, he noticed to girls fighting. "Oh for the love of...." He muttered to himself. Why did people fight to cause harm? He could see that neither of them were saving another person, but instead fighting each other's guts. Well, it looked like 1 more than the other. Then it hit him, she was using spells to hurt the other girl. HE couldn't do much about it but he had to say, "Hey, break it up." HE spoke in a tone with firmness and a little osmething that said 'give me a break.'
Hazel watched as the magic worked itself pushing the girl into the wall. She was smiling and just then someone, a different matured male voice told them to break the fight. Hazel's concentration broke and the girl was freed. She was scared for a minute by the new face that stood before her, however getting her courage back she spoke "Excuse me, but who are you to tell us what to do?"she questioned, her tone sharp and her cold grey-blue eyes scanning the man.

"For your information, she spilled my butterbeer on my new dress, on top of that she pushed me to the ground and thinks I am a beggar, what do you expect me to do, huh? And I didn't do the magic intentionally, get it? I don't have a wand" she told the man, once again getting angry as she retold the story.

((whoops i knew that :shy: okay i didn't but briar defiantly didn't))

Briar watched as the other girl stood up gracefully not needing any help, despite the way in which she fell. I'm in for it now she thought as the look in the girls eyes could have terrified anyone all of a sudden she felt something grab her around her neck and pull her against a wall strangling her from behind she tried to fight it but it was no use then she saw someone else appear and she smiled that there was an adult here to help sort things out. she coughed as the man came
as she couldn't breathe to to the pressure on her neck. suddenly she felt the thing around her neck let go and she fell to the floor gasping for air. it was strange that the loudest thing that she could hear was her heart hammering away in her ear. but she could hear the girl explain what she had done, however she missed out some facts. "I accidently nocked her then she dragged me here and started insulting me then she somehow caused that to happen. i didn't mean to hurt her, and I'm sorry if i did" she muttered horsely but getting stronger by the end.
Adam kind of chuckled to himself as the snotty girl complained about her new dress. Then he turned to the other girl and said, "WEll if you're sorry, then theres no harm done." Then he tunred to the girl. "How did you do such a thing without a wand?" HE asked in awe. She definetly has some sort of special powers. HE wanted to know, not snoop. "Well, try not to fight. And I guess I'll be off." HE said. He started to walk.
Briar was glad that the man seemed sympathetic towards her. however his awe at her dong that thing with the bricks made her feel a little uncomfortable as she had never done anything like that. the best she had done was make a a tree move when she was about to run into it. "well i had better be off now" said Briar making her way to the end of the alley.
"Hmph" Hazel let out the sound as she heard the other girl explain the man. He didn't have any status whatsoever to tell them anything and he had walked to butt in their fight. She would have been enjoying whatever was happening to the other girl if he hadn't interrupted them.

However when he asked her how she had done it, her eyes widened. How was she supposed to know that. "I don't know" she said truthfully, curiosity reflecting in her tone. "You are elder, you're supposed to know" she challenged him as he started to walk. What sort of man was this? First he interrupted their fight and now he was walking away. Then the girl even said she would go. "Marshmallows" she muttered eying them both.
briar stopped just as she was to leave the alley. she turned around to the girl who was sounding slightly annoyed towards the man who had saved her. "would you like me to get another drink to make up for the on that i spilled? she asked in a final attempt to remain friendly to the girl hoping that it wasn't the wrong thing to say, and that she wouldn't cause the bins behind her to start spitting rubbish at her
Rufus was with Rose in their room in Leaky Cauldroun enjoying every bit of their holiday together in New Zealand. For all those who knew him even knew that he hated to be disturbed yet some people just wouldn't stop bothering him like Rose's eleven year old daughter Hazel. He hated every bit of the girl and would have thrown her somewhere to stink weren't she the only daughter of Rose whom he dearly loved.

Hearing a knock on the door he swore getting out of the bed as he put on his emerald green robes to see who was butting in when it was clearly written on the door, 'Do Not Disturb'. It was one of his trusted persons whom he used as his left hand in all his dirty work, spying and others. Rufus narrowed his cold lemon eyes at him waiting for an explanation on the disturbance.

"Sir, I am very sorry to disturb but I have just seen Ms.ColdBlood fighting down the street with someone. An Auror to happened to be there but he asked them to stop and then left and it seems they won't be stopping" he informed his head bent low looking at the ground, just the way it should always be.

Rufus apparated on the spot and the next moment he was a standing a few feet away from Hazel and the other girl who seemed to be ending their argument. Taking large steps with his long feet he strode towards them and narrowed his cold eyes at Hazel and asked in his icy tone "Have been fighting again?"
Briar jumped as someone appeared out of thin air in front of her. when start going to magic school i had better start getting used to magic, i bet that people will be doing that all of the time there she thought to herself. however the appearance of the man had frightened her so much that she seemed unable to move, she just stood there watching him talk to the girl.
Hazel frowned as she watched the girl walk away. Raising an eyebrow she heard her question. "No, Thankyou but I wouldn't drink something that those filthy hands get me" she said rudely and loudly this time. Seeing a familiar shadow cover her she raised her eyes in fear to see who had come this time.

She started shaking as she heard Rufus speak. He was angry, she knew from his tone. "I..wasn'" she stammered looking at her feet. She feared the man who stood there worse than anything else in the world. Why did he have to come out of bed? she thought miserably.
Briar watched as the girl answered her question however she was still too stunned to hear what she said, she only knew that she had replied because her lips were moving. then Briar watched as the girl noticed the man standing behind her. she saw her cower under his gaze and saw her stutter a response but once again didn't here it, it seemed that she knew him, however she didn't know him and her seemed scary to her.
Rufus's lemon eyes moved from Hazel to the strange girl and back to Hazel. He heard her stammer that she wasn't fighting. "Liar!" he said in a low voice that came out like a snarl. Shaking his head in disbelief that after having told her a million times not to lie she still continued the same thing. "Apologize to her" he said his cold tone once again in effect. His lips barely moved as he spoke.

Once he was done with making her apologize he was going to give her a cruel punishment. It was imprudent of Hazel to behave in such manner and she was going to pay for it. He would make her life in NewZealand a living hell and wouldn't stay calm until he was done with that. He didn't know when the girl would understand and change herself.
Hazel shivered as goose bumps raised on the back of her neck when Rufus caught her white lie. His snarl frighetened her beyond imagination. "" she said continuing to look at her feet as silent tears slid down her white cheeks. Her eyes soon became puffy and lost their beauty as she looked at Briar and mouthed 'Sorry' but no words came out of her mouth.

Shaking as she dared to look into those cold lemon eyes another shiver ran down her spine as she tried to speak again. She was starting to feel dizzzy as she realised that the clouds had shifted and the sun was shining down on her.
Briar rased her haid. she saw that the girl was petrified of this man, and that was understandable as he looked asary and not to mention that he had appered out of nowhere. hopeing that she wasnt being stupid or signing her death warent she took a step forward and started to speek. "Actually i dont se why this girl should be appologising. i hust bubmed into her and then offered to but her a drink to amke up for the one i had spilled down her beautiful dress. if anyone i should be the one appologising for spilling it in the first place." she stoped hopeing that she hadnt gone too far, shr looked at the man acting alightly braver than she felt.
Rufus did not know the girl and having nothing to do with her he saw no reason for showing her his dark side. Anyone who would fight or be enemies with Hazel would surely be a friend to Rufus therefore giving the young girl a smile that revealed the handsomeness of his cold face and a dimple on his right cheek he spoke "I can understand but the scenario remains the same dear". Although his words reflected sweetness his voice was as icy as ever.

"Hazel did magic unknowingly and that proves she is not paying attention at school. Also she fought with you for so long and refused a drink and abused you as well" he said as if he were concluding matters that would end up having Hazel sentenced for life time in the cold dungeons of his manor in Bulgaria where she would rot in the prisons of his ancient ancestors and be the meal of the snakes that dwelled there.

"Come on Hazel, apologize to her" he said once again. Rufus did not like repeating his words especially to an eleven year old brat who was good for nothing except for her looks. Whether or not Hazel apologised he did not care. All he wanted was to prove it to Rosemary that Hazel deserved one week of grounding and being locked in the prisons while they enjoyed themselves in their bedroom.
Briar sighed as the man started to explain why he was still right. it was annoying listening to him. "Well i have already said we were not fighting, and didn't harry potter cast magic unwillingly when he was sixteen, and no one can say he wasn't paying attention. and as for abusing me i didn't hear her." she knew that she probably shouldn't have said so much but she couldn't help herself. this man just infuriated her.
"I cannot believe you dear when I have someone like Hazel with such a big temper problem" he said with a smile at the young girl. Hearing her give an example on Harry Potter, Rufus frowned slightly. Couldn't people get over him? he thought as he gripped Hazel's wrist.

"She must have thanked you for getting her back but I'm afraid that no matter what we say she wouldn't change so its time we tried once again to stuff some manners, now if you'll excuse us" Rufus said flashing a final smile to the girl before he apparated at the spot to the Leaky Cauldron where he would tell Rosemary about his decision to lock the girl in Bulgaria and be back in a few minutes after completing the task at hand.
Hazel watched the exchange between the girl and Rufus. She couldn't believe that the girl was helping her to get out of this mess and she felt an emotion of gratitude swap over her. She was lost for words on this happening that would lead into a big cruel punishment in Bulgaria. Large tears made way down her watery red eyes as she took one last glance at the girl and mumbled something that sounded like "Thankyou"


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