New Year Resolutions

Sephora Finette

Well-Known Member
Yew Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Phoenix Feather
Hi everyone!
As we all know, the year of 2009 is coming to a close as a new era starts in our lives for the year 2010.
Being Reality and all - we have all encountered many high points and low points of 2009 - so why not share some of our moments together and share what we would like to change for the new year. And in a small way, we'll also learn small things about each other and maybe give advice to each other.

You can be as vague in your descriptions as you want. There are no limits of resolutions you can have.
You can optionally share a memory or share what you *wished* you have done this year.

Thats about it, you can read a positive highlight of my year and my resolutions below.

Have fun and happy 2010 HNZ! :wub:

Lita x

1.Whenever I tweet something negative, I will overcome this by tweeting one positive thing.
2.I will try and do my best at University - I will realize that it'll be hard work being first year and all.
3.To not be so self-concious. It's okay to be curvy!
4.To not lose contact with Friends that I've made in the past five years.
5.To not angst so much when something goes wrong in my life.
6.To stop worrying about the little things in life.

A Stand out memory in 2009::
Being made a Prefect at my school is like finding a golden ticket in a wonka bar.
I really thought I had no hope since I wasn't a"popular" girl at my school.
I was one of those shy people who hung out at the library or with my tight-knit group of friends.
It was really amazing, and I was proud of myselffor the first time in ages.

One thing that I *wish* I did though (even though I had no hope) is singing as a soloist for Celebration Service.
I've always wanted to sing in front of my school, especially to the Year 13s - because I wanted to show everyone what I was capable of and to see if I can *really* sing (I was the underdog in my year group I guess you can say.). I guess I'll never have that opportunity.

Okay, so here are mine. Note, I make them so I can hate myself more, never fill them, and make the same ones year after year and never go after them, cause why would I want to achieve them when I can be down on myself?
1. To try and achieve some degree of fitness and drop my BMI to 20. This is more reasonable than in past years, I assure you. 22 is 'normal' but mum says cause I have a small frame I should have a BMI of 19 or's okay, I have a Wii Fit now. :p
2. To get a job. Oh God, please, let me get a better job. I can't bear to work at Hungry Jacks another year.
3. To figure out what I'm supposed to do with the rest of my life. This is the tricky one, there is nothing that I am good at. Nothing. NOTHING. I can't go back to university until I work this out...and I have no idea how to resolve it. -crai-
4. ROMANCE. Ahahahaha like hell that will happen. I should get out of this relationship I have, though. It's not making me happy. So a backbone would be nice. I'm sick of having my guilt played on and being walked all over.

A standout memory? Hmmm. I remember the lovely tutor I had for English Literature, first semester, and our tute group telling him he had a lovely voice, I remember a group of us going to go see Public Enemies (Kingy and Martine, haha) and it being an enjoyable evening, I remember going to the Ekka, twice, seeing both Paul Dempsey and the Ten Tenors, I remember lining up for two and a half hours to get my Big Day Out ticket, which is early next year, I remember having my first kiss and, yeah. First time out drinking with friends, then my eighteenth birthday and my first (and only) time's been a year of interesting memories.

All I wish I'd done is that I'd taken the year off uni. Seriously. Or at least studied harder and not failed. I think the time off will help me. At least I hope it will.
Okay, This seems interesting, makes me think :p
1. Try and get within two marks of my GCSE target when I take them.
2. Get my effort grades up in Art
3. Get my right ear pierced so I'm not the random girl with only one ear done.
4. Manage to ignore the drama my friends bring to me
5. Figure out which A levels I want to take.
Hmmm, a stand out memory.
Two weeks ago, the first day of proper snow, also the last day of school for the year. It was amazing. Year elevens were let out earlier because we didn't have a form party to go to so Me, Tin tin (A girl in my form and is on here too) and Toby (One of my mates bf's) went out and span in the snow, teasing all our friends, and Toby's gf, in the younger years as they looked out the window. It was so fun!
Hmm, I wish I had gotten both ears pierced when Char (my friend who pierces ears) offered to do it instead of only having one.
OK so this is going to be fun. First of all I'll start of with memories from '09. I have to say '09 has been an amazing year for me ^_^ I recently discovered this when I made a picture of facebook with one of the apps that makes a collage of pictures from that year. So here it goes:
Well this year saw me leave tech and with it we had some amazing times. Such as pranking our teachers including one teacher who we didn't have but we got on well with him. Also we had a few days out and we had some great times such as running into the ocean on a rainy day and running around the beach while taunting my teachers as we played rounders. Playing on the kids swings and slides at the zoo (and getting sun-burnt while lying on the grass xD ) On the last day having a tearful goodbye as I gave a sort of speech while giving our teachers presents, then going out to a meal, cinema and pub with the ones from my class who in our two years I never really got on the best with but having an blast. Just tech in general, best two years of my life ^_^

With tech came Uni :D Yes I started Uni this September and wow I have to say I love it so far. I've had some great laughs with lecturers and students alike, made some great friends and passed all my coursework so far :woot: Of course the work sucks but eh it's a part of life ^_^ I also moved to Belfast :D

This year I got to go to the All - Ireland line dancing finals again :frantics: Always a good achievement. Of course I didn't place but it was a great weekend and I got to see one of my friends come first and our whole club crying while cheering for joy (even our teacher did :cry: ) It was soo good to see him win because he is really bad with Parkinson's disease and we don't know how much longer he will be able to dance for :erm:

This year I turned 18 :D Went out with my friends and had a great night, even though it kinda sucked at the end, urgh drama :glare:

As of last night I went to my first gig kind of thing, not the kind of music I would usually listen too but my friend is a drummer in one of the bands and we were having a get-together with a load of friends who I hadn't seen in ages and it was an amazing night :D

On the job front: I volunteered at the Tall Ships which was an amazing thing, I loved it sooo much :D I also started volunteering at my local youth club and it's only eh :erm: but not too bad, but one good thing out of it, it's lead me to get closer to a girl I went to high school with and we hated each other, now we get on really well ^_^

I also got work placement at a local music festival which I am uber excited for :D Also my friends band will be playing there and no doubt the other bands too so at least I now know what to expect xD

And I got a job for the xmas holidays in a local call center, the pay is good but the hours are really crap and I'm not looking forward to them, but eh it's a job.
So that was '09 in a nutshell for me :lol:

Now on to 2010! Haven't thought of much yet but here goes the usual stuff I always say and maybe a few more things thrown in there xD
[ul][li]Loose more weight. I did well this year, lost control again but I want to loose a few more stone :lol:</LI>
[li]Meet up with my friends from home more often, over the past few weeks I've had so much catching up to do it's unreal, I never want that to happen again!
[li]Choreograph a dance for the Youth Club like now!
[li]Not give anyone food poisoning while working in the kitchen at Uni xD
[li]Revise for my exams and pass them!
[li]Never leave uni assignments so late again....not going to happen but eh one can dream xD
[li]Go out with ones from uni more often, I never went out with them and I want to change that. The one night I did go out with them I got so friendly with them all and without that I probably wouldn't be as friendly with them.
[li]Get to the All-Ireland line dancing finals again ^_^
[li]Manage my money a bit more better
[li]SEE CAMILLA!!!! :frantics: :woot:
[li]Get into second year of Uni and start planning my years work placement in America :woot:
[li]Read my Wicked Years Series and Dan Brown - The Lost Symbol books :D
[li]See HP 7....duh! :lol:
[li]Do something spontaneous, anything, just something out of the blue. Like going and getting half my hair chopped off one day after Uni because I felt like it xD ......and I may have been dared by a few girls but I love it ^_^
<LI>[li]Just have fun![/li][/ul]
So that's what I'd like to do in 2010, I wonder how much of it I'll do? I remember this group I was in (the one that I met up with everyone last night from) the first night back after xmas break we would full out a questionnaire with things about ourselves, fav tv shows, music etc and look at the same time next year and see what changed about us. Now it's finished I hope our leader posts them out to us as we left them in envelopes with our names and addresses on them xD [/random sentimental moment xD ]

2009 Has been a good year for me. Better than the last. Firstly it was the fact I joined HNZ, in like March, and that was Awesome.

Well the first would be the week before I left for my Summer Holiday my friends and I had just gone to the cinema, and we wanted a place to sit which was shaded. It was really warm, surprise for Scotland :lol: and We went to the business section because it has a bit of green in the centre. We first got asked if we had a bottle opener. Then a nearby business building had a fire drill and all the workers were assembling in this grassy area. We had no idea what was going on so we followed them. Pretended that we worked their. We didn't exactly blend in, we were all wearing the same t-shirt which weren't black. We followed for a while, then we broke off, and walked down a slightly different street. We got a little lost, and then we found the building where the workers were coming from. It was Huge. We were like OMG. Then we spent 10 minutes trying to figure out where we were, then we took a 3 mile walk back to my house. Twas so much fun. It was so hot we bought ice cream and it melted.
That memory stands out a lot.

Then there was the SnowBall. Which was sooo awesome. I had so much fun. And I keep listening to Wizard Rock.

Oh and my friends Birthday, myself and another friend went to visit her, as she doesn't live in the city and we had sugar, for breakfast, and were sitting on an empty train for about an hour, with only sugar in our system. We were completely hyper all day. Like all of it. I can barely remember the day, due to the amount of sugar. And the fact my memory kind sucks. ^_^

I will work harder. I'll as hard as I can work as hard as I can. I'll try my best to not procrastinated. It'll be a challenge but it should work.
Enjoy myself, as 2010 is the last full year I'll spend in High School. I finish in the Summer of 2011, it's scary.
Figure out what I want to do at University, and persuade my parents that Social Anthropology is not a lame thing to do, and not something that deserves being taken the mickey out off.
Try to go to the Cinema at least once a month to blow off steam.
Not be so dependent on the internet.
Have lots of Fun!
2009 hasn't been the best year of my life, I have to say. Bullying has started, etc. etc.
[ul][li]Ignore bullies, you'll get it eventually.</LI>
[li]Go to sleep earlier.
[li]Practice singing.
[li]Build up confidence so I can put myself on YouTube.
[li]Stop giving second chances to people who have been so mean to you. Translation: I trusted someone who had been bullying me and then they used the info they got to backstab me.
[li]Read more.
[li]Thank people more often.
[li]Get less frustrated over things.
[li]Get more people to go green.
[li]Help people when they feel horrible because they've been teased.
[li]Practice acting.
[li]Practice writing.
[li]Have more fun.
<LI>[li]Stop being so hard on myself.[/li][/ul]

Going to Outdoor Ed., definitely brought a lot of good memories. I strengthened friendships and had a lot of fun. We sang songs at night and learning actually seemed fun. The teachers there were really funny. We were split in to field groups by our school teachers. We had skit night where each field group came up a different skit and performed it. My group did a skit where there was a pet show. My field group's teacher had a puppet dinosaur and she brought that for the skit. There was a person being a dog and someone being their trainer. There was a judge and a person who owned the house where the pet show was going on. There were people in Senty the centipede and Senty's trainer. So first the dog came up and it kept getting mad at it's trainer and then it got mad at the judge. Then instead of doing the tricks my field group told him to, her dinosaur puppet bit the judge's ear. I was part of Senty and we were under a sheet so people could only see our legs. So we came out and Senty's trainer said, "Senty, speak." Everyone in Senty mooed. "Senty shake." Everyone in Senty shook around. We had planned to take a certain teacher and play a trick on them. "We need a volunteer for our next trick," Senty's trainer said. "How about you?" she said to the person we were playing the trick on. Senty's trainer got the person to lie down on the ground. "Now Senty will jump over this person!" Each person jumped over the person, but the last person in Senty had been holding a cup of water. As they jumped over the person, they dumped it on them. Then we all said, "Senty peed!" Like centipede. Everybody in the audience laughed. It was awesome.
This is my first resolutions of the year ... actually I don't make them because I never do it anyway. But this year, I'm totally going to make it happen.
1. I'll cut off the my time limit on HNZ, last year I almost spend 8 hours in here but will cut off 4 hours in 8 hours. That will be only 4 hours remaining.

2. I'll do Homework on time and will not procrastinate

3. I'll eat on time because I'm beginning to fall on the ground lately.

4. Give my characters a life

5. Pick a dissent course for college

6. Do house works

7. Sleep on time

8. Will not create a fight over Shouty and will behave

9. To buy the whole set of Gossip Girl book

10. Find a love life :glare: (If I got one)
2009 was a roller-coaster kind of year for me. I had one really bad thing happen :cry: and a couple of really great things, but my best memories of the year were:
Meeting Jared Padalecki at the New York City Comic Con. He is so frickin' HOT :wub: and it absolutely made my day, week, month...

I also taught my first class this year which was really cool. It was a remedial English class, so it could've been terribly boring but I think my assistant and I did a good job making it fun. And, 6 out of 9 of our students passed their placement test at the end of the session. ^_^

But, I think the best memory I have of this year has got to be helping my mother move into her first house. My mother has lived in a tiny apartment for as long as I can remember. As of June though, she was able to leave the apartment for her very own place in New Jersey. The look on her face when everything was finally in the new house was totally worth all the aches and pains we all had from painting, packing and moving boxes. :)

My resolutions and wishes are pretty much one and the same, so here goes:
Get serious about losing weight- I always complain about wanting to lose weight and this year I hope to be more proactive about it. When I've applied myself in the past, I actually do lose weight quickly, but then I get lazy :doh: .

Be more daring- I am not a risk-taker by nature, but I want to put myself out there a little more and take chances.

Get rid of the negativity in my life- I've been having some problems with an old friend from high school. She was a great friend back then but now...not so much. I've been dreading doing anything about it :unsure: , but I think it's time to stop talking to her for good. There's also other negative people I should probably stop talking to.

Be more confident- :) I am so down on myself sometimes, and I think I need to be more proud of the accomplishments I've made and think about them when I am down. I also think this will probably help me in many other situations.

Stop procrastinating so much- This is my biggest problem :correct: . I guess we'll see if it gets taken care of this year. It will be hard to not break this one though.
1. Give up eating brocolli
2. Play more HNZ

2. Study more for NCEA :grim: :frantics:
3. Spend less time on HNZ :cry:
4. Procrastinate less (later...?) :correct:
5. Stop complaining or mum will turn into a :deatheater: or go :wacko: xD
6. Go completely vegetarian... =))
7. Stop spending all my money on HNZ (on my mobile), especially as I can't do anything but read posts :glare:

Yes, I know half these are the same as last years. They... didn't work out. :lol: :r

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