Closed New Year, New Encounters

Rosalind Montgomery

Strong-willed | Kind | Bookworm
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Sturdy Elm Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
Rosalind didn't go to the student lounge that often - she preferred the Hogwarts garden or the library - but today she felt like a bit of a change. It was a new school year after all, and if she was being honest, she kind of felt like socialising. She entered the student lounge and looked around for anyone she recognised. There was no one she was that close to, so she shrugged and took a seat near one of the windows. It looked a little gloomy outside, but Rosalind didn't mind the rain. It was good for the plants. She smiled idly, watching as the rain began to fall against the glass. She traced a raindrop as it slid down. It was interesting to be back at Hogwarts, after all her uncertainty it didn't seem to matter what she'd decided on for her classes. Rosalind's thoughts stayed on classes, not noticing as the lounge began to get busier, seats getting taken up until the few ones left were mostly next to her.
It was one of those days that Eurydice found herself alone. Rose had Quidditch practice while her boys (her friends) had gone off to spend time with... well... just boys. That was fine with her. She understood that sometimes, there really were just days when she would rather just be with girls - she just didn't have enough female friends for that. And so, she'd decided she was going to go study in the lounge. She hadn't quite expected there to be so many people though - perhaps she should've considering the weather. Still, she didn't want to hole herself up in any of the abandoned classrooms or the library. The student lounge was just a little more brighter and welcoming than any other area in the school except the Courtyard, but Eury had since had some reservations about staying in the Ground Floor. Deciding that it couldn't hurt to ask, she approached a girl she didn't recognize. "Mind if I sit with you?" There was quite a lot of people around, so hopefully this girl didn't have any friends she was waiting for.
Rosalind looked up and gave a smile. "Sure! Oh, wow, this place filled up quick," Rosalind commented without really thinking. She didn't recognise the girl as someone from her year but she'd estimate she wouldn't be older, unless she really hadn't had many growth spurts yet. Rosalind herself was a little tall for her age and felt a bit weird about it. But that was okay. "I'm Rosalind, by the way. What's your name?" Rosalind asked kindly.

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