New to the school

Scipio Contarini

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OOC First Name
Scipio was slightly nervous because it was his first day at Dumstrang.He couldn't recall ever being in a gloomier place.It was dark and quite and very eerie in the huge castle.When he had stood at the front doors of the castle he had felt like an ant and when he had stepped inside he had been light headed when he saw the high ceiling.He had seen many beautifully furnished castles and manors but none so elegant.It all had a dark beauty to it.

Scipio walked into the common room which he had been assigned.He sat down on one of the dark red couches and closed his eyes trying to get used to the cold.The heating was very poor and he shivered as he took out his wand and said an incantation which created a blue flame.It heated him but did not burn.He closed his eyes again and tried to relax.
Veronica walked into the common room after a very tiring day where she had dueled one of her enemies, ended up in detention, spent whole afternoon in the library doing her homework. She was looking forward to some light chit chat and conversation with one of her friends and was disappointed to find that Kenny, Josh, Nicky, Enzo or Zac were not in the common room. Ugh! she thought as she sat beside someone.

The fire was nice and warm, Veronica watched its flames dancing for a minute before realizing that the boy who was seated beside her was someone new, someone whom she had never seen. Veronica knew almost everyone in the school so she couldn't miss this good face if it had existed before. "Hey, you're new right?"she asked the boy who sat with his eyes closed but she had figured out from his breathing that he wasn't asleep.
Scipio's eyes opened when he heard someone,a girl,address him,"Yes,you could say that."he mumbled his agreement as he straitened his position on the couch.It was a girl,he had been right and she looked like she could be his around his age.He could see in the dim light that she was short but could judge by her features that she was older that her height suggested.
Veronica smiled as the guy said yes. It was always fun talking to newbies. "I'm Veronica White, fifth year" she said introducing herself to the guy. The guy looked like her age and she wondered if they would be classmates. "What year would you be joining?"she asked him curiously.
Thanks to the siblings, Kyouhei's mood became worse. If he saw Ranmaru in the common room, he would probably duel with him even though he was the closest brother he had. He was sick in listening to his parents arguing about his behavior and he was tired of Ranmaru who had been acting all nice to Sunako. Kyouhei control his brothers and of course a little sister of his too, that should be Ranmaru's job but thanks to Kyouhei's stubborn personality, he didn't want to give that honor to Ranmaru. All the siblings of his had been acting all nice, Kyouhei was the only one who had no heart and who enjoyed looking at other people suffering. The rest of his family wasn't like him except Sunako, and that was why he loved his sister, she was always good in making poison and potion and she was very helpful.

Kyouhei made his way to the common room as he sat on a couch and watch the fire burning. He saw two other students in there but he showed no interest in them. Watching the stupid fire was better than dealing with them. But Kyouhei was getting annoyed by them, they babbled too much "Will you be quiet!?" He said coldly, glaring at them and back to the fire. He was having a rough day and if they were smart enough to figure that out, they would shut up instead of kicking him.
"Scipio Contarini,I am just begining my sixth year."Scip told the girl named Veronica.Even if he wanted to tell her that it was none of her concern,he didn't because he knew it would be very rude and he didn't want to make a girl cry on the very first day of school.And he had no reason to do so because the girl seemed nice and friendly and Scip had decided before coming to Dumstrang that he would not avoid other children of his age.

He noticed another boy walk into the common room.He looked like a Japanese but Scip couldn't be sure because Japanese,Chinese and Koreans looked so alike.He didn't seem interested in knowing him so that was a relief to Scip.He didn't like people to interrogate him.But when the boy said that they should be quiet Scip did not like it because they were not shouting at the top of their voices and the common room was a place without a SILENCE notice so they could talk as much as they liked.

"Listen mate,if your ears are so sensitive then you could always lock yourself up in your dorm room,because if I am not wrong then there is no rule in this school which says that you are not allowed to talk in the common room,and you don't look old enough to be making your own rules in this place."Scip told the Asian boy in a cool voice which did not hint to his irritation with the boy.And Scip didn't care if he sounded absolutely rude but he wasn't going to be bullied around by a fellow student.
Kyouhei was slightly annoyed when the boy start talking, he hated the school there were too many noisy ones. Kyouhei loved complete silence and Sunako did too and that was why he could get along with his little sister. But Yuki was always noisy, he would dance around the living room and start humming this stupid song all day long. Kyouhei was used to physical attack instead of using magic, his father had taught him everything about the Japanese martial art. Kyouhei couldn't attack people with magic outside school but he could attack them physically. That was why he love martial art instead of learning new spells.

Kyouhei kept quiet and didn't answer the lad, he wasn't expecting him to talk back like that. "Who are you telling me what to do?" He muttered in Japanese, he loved Japan and hated other country. "My bad, you don't understand Japanese" He sneered at him not translating what he said. He stood up and made his way to the lad "You're new here so you better respect me" He said calmly and coldly. If one of his siblings didn't showed up, Kyouhei would probably slam this boy to the wall not caring about the detention. He was known as the bully in the school and he didn't know why he was the only one like that. Sunako was always into magic while Ranmaru and the rest of the brothers weren't into violence.
Scipio didn't understand what the boy said in Japanese.He just sounded really funny because to Scip, all foreign languages sounded funny.He let out a bark of laugh before he turned it to look like he was coughing.But the mocking smile remained on his face."No,the bad-luck is mine that I met such self-worshiping git who spoilt my day.And for your information,I don't think I should respect you since you are not any older than me."he told the boy with an even voice and a cool face,which did not show how much anger was boiling inside him.He looked straight up at the boy who was now towering him his expression remained unchanged as he told him,"Now if you don't mind,I would be more interested in making a conversation with my new friend compared to a slimy git like your self."His tone full of silent mockery.His hands were in his pocket where he could feel his wand,ready to defend himself if he had to.
Veronica smiled as the guy introduced himself and said he would join sixth year. Just as she was about to talk and ask him from where he had come, she heard the other occupant of the common room besides them talk. She obviously didn't understand the language he spoke. She raised an eyebrow as she watched Scipio talk back to him and she wasn't sure if Scipio understood Japanese or not but he was pretty sure that this boy was a Watanuki and she had got into enough mess for a month's detention and she didn't want Scipio to end in the same.

"Scipio, don't" she said as she caught Scipio's mocking tone. She held his arm and tried to take him away from the Japanese guy because she wasn't going to welcome another chaotic evening. "Chill, we're going" she told the boy.
"No Veronica,I am not going anywhere."he told her slowly not wanting to sound rude.Today,for once he wanted to see what the boy would do.Scip was not someone who would go around looking for a fight but neither was he a coward who would back off.The boy had started it and Scip was determined to show him that no one bossed a Contarini around.Scip had inherited some of his father's arrogance and he was proud to be a Contarini and would not let anyone underestimate him.

Scip didn't know if Veronica knew the boy or had any experience of him but Scip wanted to wait and watch what the boy could do.Was he as dangerous as he tried to pretend.Scip knew one thing more surely than others,that Scipio Contarini would be threatened and if someone dared to do so they would face the consequences.And more than anything,Scipio didn't care if he got into trouble.
((Sorry I was busy hehe))

Kyouhei was a little offended after being called slimy git, but that wasn't the first time, even Yuki would call him a slimy git if he burnt Yuki's books. "If I'm a git, what are you?" He stared at him coldly, he wasn't paying attention to the girl, she seemed invisible at least not until she start talking and wanted to leave. With that, a smirk appear on his face, he started to like the girl for having a brain, perhaps she was in the same year as Sunako? He had heard that Sunako was kicking someone but he didn't know who. "Same year as Sunako Chan?" He asked "She's my sister" He said softly, he wasn't proud of Sunako, she wore black robes and boots and that was embarrassing. The only thing he liked about her was that she was a good poison maker and he probably would ask her to make on to poison this lad.

His smirk fade when he heard that the boy wasn't going anywhere. "At least she's smarter than you" He said coldly at the lad. If he wanted to fight him, Kyouhei wouldn't be using magic, coz all he knew was dark magic and if he perform that to other student, he might get suspended or detention. "Secondly, if you want to mess up with me, I prefer a non-magic fight" He glared at him, the boy knew nothing about him, he mastered all the Japanese martial art and he was proud of it.
Scipio's inner anger,his violent streak,had been disturbed.He knew that the anger boiling inside him was something that happened rarely.He didn't wan't Veronica to be there when he would screw this Asian boy who thought he was some kind of person that everyone should be afraid of."You know what? Maybe I don't wan't to be smart.Maybe I am looking for a fight."he told the boy his voice rising enough that you could tell it was shaking with anger.

"Yeah rite!So this is the part when I get all angry and slug it out on you and you kick my butt with your Karate."Scipio told him with a mocking smirk.The Asian boy was not taller than Scipio and Scipio was guessing that this boy was learned in some kind of Japanese martial arts,other wise he would not challenge Scip to a non-magic fight."If you think I am gonna fall for it,believe me I am not stupid."he told him as he readied himself thinking of what spell he should use."I wasn't born with magical powers so that I could put my wand aside and come down to muggle-style duel.And unlike you,I am not afraid of detention."he told him as he pulled out his wand and twirled it between his palms.
Veronica narrowed her eyes at the Japanese boy who told her he was a Watanuki. "Yeah. Gave her a good duel and tell her she's welcome again anytime she wants" Veronica said to the boy her temper rising a little. What did these Japanese think of themselves? They had just got to the school and someone needed to teach them how to behave. "I don't want to be smart as well" she said as she tossed her hair and walked to the other end of the room to lock the door.

"Why not use magic? Are you a squib?" she challenged Watanuki. "Lets see whose got more of it. Go on duel" she said with a smirk. She would enjoy being an audience and if needed she would be Scipio's second. "I'm his second. Whose yours? You'll be needing one" she said mocking him.
Kyouhei rolled his eyes at the older lad. He knew that he was taller than him but he knew that he wouldn't be better than Kyouhei. Kyouhei's father had beat him up since he was little and this boy should be nothing, he had defeated his father once. Even though his father beat him up right after he defeated him, Kyouhei was still proud at his skill. He was the only one who mastered all the martial art in the family. Well his father taught it all, but Ranmaru wasn't as good as him while Sunako was always into magic.

Kyouhei sat on the couch and glare at the lad and sneer. He thought that he was pathetic for challenging him. "I wont be needing my wand" He placed it gently on the table, if they were weak then they would use it. Kyouhei then glare at the girl, he was going to kill her once she was all alone. "I don't need any backup" He shot and look at the girl in disgust. "And you do realize that a wizard without their wand will be nothing. Well I'm not one of them" He said and stood up. He was sure that Sunako could kill this girl in a second, and he was sure that his sister would hate this girl as much as he hate this girl.
The lights seemed to flicker as Sunako walked into the scene with her head down and as always her hair over her face. She had changed when school had let out. She was in her black hooded robes and her over-sized boots. There was a book hugged to her chest as there always was when she walked around in her dark cloud. "Onii-chan, Takenaga-san is looking for you. He needs his notes back he said and he will not take death as an answer. She said in Japanese then looked at the two that where talking to him.

The sight of Veronica made a corner of Sunako's mouth come up. "Another duel then Veronica-sama. Maybe a nice little dance will do the trick this time." She said very condescendingly. Sunako had already gotten the image of Veronica dancing around as if her feet had been set on fire. It made her laugh somewhat to think about it too although no one would ever hear her do so. Sunako Watanuki did not do things such as laugh. Sunako didn't know the boy so he in Sunako's mind didn't exist.
"No,Veronica.I don't want you to be my second."Scipio told her firmly.It wasn't like he feared for the girl's safety or thought that she wasn't strong enough to duel.It was just the he didn't not wan't her to be involved in a fight that he had picked."I'd rather you stay out of it.After all you haven't even completed OWL and we are NEWT levels."he told her with a insulting look.He hoped this fake insult would discourage her from involving herself in the fight.No matter how much he lied to himself,Scipio was abit concerned about the girl.

Just then a younger girl walked into the common room,muttering something in Japanese to the Watanuki boy who appeared to be her elder brother.There was a lot of resemblance."Ah,let me must be Sunako."he said addressing her directly."Your brother and I were just planning out a duel,would you be game?"he asked her in a tone that suggested that they were planning a picnic not a duel.
Kyouhei glared at the blond girl in a disgust, and he was pleased that the lad wouldn't want her to be involve in the fight. She would be down on the floor looking like a dead dwarf if she second the lad. Just then, Sunako came in and start babbling about Takenaga. "I'm killing him later" He said, he was going to slam his brother to the wall later on but if someone could calm him, he wouldn't do that. "Get it in my room, I'm not his slave" He spatted in Japanese as he looked at her sister and then back to the lad. He didn't know if Sunako was great in non-magical fight but if they were dueling wizard style, he knew that Sunako could kill them in a minute.

Kyouhei was a little surprised when his sister called Veronica `Veronica-sama`. "Why are you showing a respect to her?" Kyouhei spatted to Sunako. In a minute, the lad started talking and Kyouhei didn't care a bit. He stared at Sunako seeing if she wanted to try to kill the lad, Kyouhei didn't mind he was proud of Sunako for being tough unlike Yuki who would weep when he was threatened by Kyouhei. "You or me?" He asked with his famous monotone. "You don't know what we're capable of"
Veronica frowned now angry at Scipio for being talked to in this way. "You don't me as your second?"she asked holding his collar although she was shorter than him when she got angry she could be a wild cat. "Fine, I'll report this then" she said as she pushed Scipio and walked out of the room heading straight for the headmaster's office. It would be fun to get both the Watanuki's in trouble and maybe she could let it slip that this was a planned duel and say that they were attacking him!
Kyouhei didn't stop the girl from reporting them to the headmaster. The one who would got the detention was the lad not him and not Sunako. "I don't care. We have Veritaserum anyway" A smirk appear on his face, he was pleased that Sunako was good in making potion and poison and the truth serum wont lie. If he drank it, the professor would find out who wanted to fight in the first place. What Kyouhei did was asking them to be quiet nothing else. "Don't be stupid" He said coldly as he glared at her then to Sunako.

Kyouhei had a big interest in his sister, he was the only one who could get along with her. "I know why you hate this girl. Do whatever you want, Sunako chan. I'm not stopping you." He muttered in Japanese as he eyed the girl up and down. He would love to slam her to the wall instead of using magic to fight.
Ranmaru walks in hearing his brother and then looks at the other boy in the room. "Why do I hear people yelling clear across the hallway?"
((lol Watanuki family reunion xD ))

Scipio shoved Veronica away.He knew that he would upset her but didn't know that she had the gut to hold his collar like that.She must have a split personality case he thought with a small smile.His mother was the same.She was always sweet and caring but Scip had never know that she was a pro at Dark spells,not that she used them,but she had taught them to Scipio because she knew that normal DADA lessons wouldn't help him in Dumstrang.

"Veronica!"Scip moaned as she said that she would report them.She was going to ruin all the fun.It was really interfering of her.But Scip knew that till now they hadn't done a single spell and they wouldn't he wouldn't be punished for provocation because it hadn't resulted into a fight.Not yet.Scip threw a nasty look at the Watanuki boy and then hurried off to stop Veronica.

He reached the door and noticed another boy,again a Asian boy,walk in asking why he heard people yelling across the hallway."You see your brother wanted us to be quiet.So we decided to do the exact opposite!"he told the boy guessing that he too was a Watanuki.After saying that he left the room to find Veronica who was definitely headed towards the Headmaster's office."Veronica!"he called out to her.
Veronica was halfway towards the headmaster's office, her face teary because she had been sorted into the weak and unuseful pile by a new comer. That was a spot in her reputation and she was determined to show Scipio that she could do what she wanted to and no one would stop her. She heard footsteps behind her and turned her wand in her hand that now pointed at Scipio. "Don't follow me" she said angrily as she stared at him. "I was trying to save your butt back there, I left so you chickened out" she told him and then imitated a chicken.
With a new coat on Sally's left arm, she walk toward the corridor trying to figure out where on earth her common room was. She was glad that she was finally in the same school as Zac although she hated the uniform so bad. The uniform in Beauxbaton was so much prettier than this, Durmstrang's uniform was rather boring and ugly. And Sally hated dark art class she thought it was rather... Useless since she wasn't planning to master them. If it wasn't for Zac, Sally wouldn't want to go to Durmstrang.

Noises were heard by Sally, and they seemed familiar. Sally took her wand out of her pocket after finding out that Veronica was pointing a wand to her boyfriend.
"Surprise... Surprise! Touch him and I'll jinx you" Sally said, she couldn't control her temper unlike Zac who only lose his temper when he broke up. He had heard that it was Veronica who disappoint him not the other way around.
Scipio took a small step back to show Veronica that he didn't mean to follow her.However,he saw that Veronica's anger was at the peak and he knew that he would not be able to talk her into calming down."Chill!"he told her in a reassuring voice."I only said that stuff to keep you out of the fight.I know you are completely able to take down the Watanuki boy,but his sister looked like a completely different case to me.And I didn't wan't you to end up in detention because of a fight that I had picked."he told her looking for a sign of understanding on her face.

He heard a voice behind him.It was a voice that Scip could recognized anywhere.But right now was not the moment of admiring the girl who had just appeared and happened to be his girlfriend.He saw that she too had her wand out and pointing at Veronica,"Chill Sally it was just a misunderstanding."he told her using the same tone.Two wild cats face to face,Scip knew that none of them knew how to stopper their anger.He wander to use a disarming spell but he was sure that Sally was capable enough of a counter spell.However to calm her he took her other hand in his own hands and gave it a kiss.
Unlike Zac, Sally had the heart to jinx other people especially those who broke her brother's heart. She thought the girl was different, she thought she was like Sandy but turned out to be different. Sally wasn't a violent type as well but if she had to cast a spell at other people, she would while Zac wouldn't. "Put your wand down and I wont cast a spell at you" Sally threatened Veronica ignoring Scipio. She was too focus in the wand of Veronica's if she hurt him, Sally wasn't going to forgive her. "I don't want to hurt you so put it away" She said still pointing her wand at the girl.

Sally couldn't imagine seeing a boyfriend of hers got hurt physically. She wasn't going to let Veronica hurt someone she love, Zac was the first victim and she didn't want Scipio be the second victim. She cared too much about them.
"Scipio please do explain" She said in a serious tone as she observe Veronica up and down. She knew it wasn't polite to eye people like that but it was a habit of hers and she couldn't stop herself from doing that.

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