New surroundings

Adrian Smith

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Laura :D
Adrian Smith was new to the area after moving here the other week from Spain. He had come here to start a new life away from his adoptive parents and also to find his blood family. Adrian had known most of his life that he was adopted but as far as talking about his real family went, they were not to be mentioned in the house or anywhere around his parent. Still he was here now ready to start his life properly. He was thinking of maybe working in the ministry or even becoming a Quidditch player. He had been on the school team and he had enjoyed it then so surely he could do it again.

Taking a deep breath Adrian sat down on a bench to rest for a bit. He had been out and about all day getting used to the area, seeing where was good to go and where was not. He had thought that the Medley had been pretty good when he had been there the other night. He would have to make sure to go there again sometime.
Audrey Marie Love was sitting on a bench, simply enjoying the warm summer sun. It was much, much colder in France at the moment. She had been lucky that she had gotten permission to go home for the week. Lindsay was sick and Alastair had a photoshoot this weekend so Lindsay needed help with little Bella. Audrey smiled at the two year old in her lap who was asleep. Of course, Arabella was enchanting, as all partial veela children were. Her golden curls matched both Love sisters' right to a tee. The little girl had also inherited their striking emerald eyes. Together, Audrey and Bella were mesmerizing. The seventeen year old knew that most people would assume that Arabella was Audrey's child but she didn't mind. Several men had still stopped to stare at her longingly.

Yet there was only one man on her mind. Link Black was nearly impossible for her to forget. He would pop up at least once every hour in her thoughts. She would often find herself wondering where he was or what he was doing. Did he ever think of her? Audrey was distracted by her thoughts as another man sat down beside her. He was almost as attractive as Audrey was. The veela girl smiled at him as he took a deep breath. A soft frown formed on her lips. "Are you alright?" she asked curiously.
A cool breezed pushed past Adrian and sent a little shiver down his spine. The breeze was welcome though as it was a hot day. Not as hot in Spain however but hotter than America. He had not noticed the girl and the baby next to him until she spoke. He looked to his side to see a very attractive young girl holding a beautiful toddler in her arms. The child looked a lit like the older girl and he guessed she was her daughter or something along those close relative line. "Oh im fine. Just a little thoughtful, a lot of things to think about." He said looking away from the girl and looked down at his dark trainers. Because of Adrian's up bringing he had adopted his own smart but casual dress for going out, and staying in. His parents told him that he always had to look decent or else how would anyone know he had something to dress smart about. Of course he knew that he meant money but that was what Adrian lacked right now. He just dressed smart because he was so very used to it now. "Is she yours?" He asked looking at the child then looking back up to the girls face. She looked awfully young to have a child that age. Again he could have been wrong and she could have just been a close relative, it would make more sense that way
Audrey was intrigued by the man's comment. She wanted to ask him what it was that was consuming her mind but she knew that was too personal. Audrey wouldn't want to admit the truth of who was overpowering her mind if the situation were reversed. Audrey smiled at his question, amusement in her emerald eyes. She shook her head in reply. "No she's my neice, Arabella." she said, smiling sweetly down at the sleeping baby in her arms. She looked the man over, seeing no harm in talking to him or introducing herself. "I'm Audrey by the way." she said, offering her name to the attractive man sitting next to her.
Adrian nodded his head as she imformed him that the child asleep in her arms was in fact her niece . He had been right on the close relative thing at least. He had not yet had a child of his own, he would like one but in his current situation he couldn't finance having one and not to mention he would want to be with a girl for at least two years before he starting trying for a child. "Oh right. Well she is beautiful." He sad smiling down at the little girl. His gaze worked back up to Audreys face as she introduced herself to him. "Im Adrian. nice to meet you." He said giving her his name in return for hers. "So what brings you here?" He asked her curiously.
Audrey smiled at the man as he complimented the little girl in her arms. The blonde shook her head. "Well she is probably the prettiest baby I have ever seen but it might have to do with the fact that she's part veela." she admitted with a sheepish smile. Audrey grinned as he introduced himself. "Its a pleasure to meet you too Adrian." the beautiful girl told the handsome man. "My sister is sick and needed help with her little girl so I came to babysit until Lindsay feels better." Audrey said, answering the question.

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