New Students need Friends

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Kida Frost

Tuscan Charmers Captain • Animagus • Frost Academy
OOC First Name
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Straight Dark Cherrywood Wand 13" Sturdy with Selkie Hair
Good Morning,

I'm so used to writing e-mails that i started typing as if i was writing an e-mail!

Hey All,
So i have a few Newbies which need friends so i'm going to list them here and you can let me know if you're Interested!

So to start things off we have
Cleo Silver

Cleo is fairly shy untill she knows someone, Her Aunt works at the schol in the Library and she spends most of her time hiding in the Library talking to her Aunt.
Cleo looked very young in her first few months at Hogwarts, she was afraid to grow up and she decided that she needed a change and that she needed to grow up and asked her Sister to send her over some new "Funky" clothes for her and she did, Cleo dyed her hair a lighter shade of blonde and bought new glasses which looked more of the statement, Even though she looks a bit older she still is to shy to makes friends.
<SIZE size="150">Juliette DiSnow

Juliette is more out going, shes very bossy and nice aswell untill being nice is in the way of getting what she wants, then her attitude changes and she won't be nice. Juliette is mainly seen as Angelic as she is a Big suck up she spends most of her time sitting in the North tower hating everyone else for having good friendships when she can't manage to get one.
Juliette likes quidditch but isn't sure what position she is more suited to. I'm still deciding on what to do with Juliette so she is very plyable at the moment​
<COLOR color="#000">

So let me know, these are my two girls at the moment :)

Mwah - Ash - Kiss
Hey Ash,

Wanted to know if you remembered our plans with Juliette and Taylor, they were going to be bestfriends ^_^
Hey, I remember
I stopped watching when you didn't reply and then i got Busy
i'll reply to the Topic in the North tower ASAP :) once i've made Juliette a new banner
Hey Ash ^_^

In all honesty, I have been avoiding doing this, because I've been rather busy and my replying has been slow on occasion right now, but I have been wanting to get one of my characters to interact with some other characters, as I'm still tweaking his personality, and his reactions in situations are always different.

Deme Aurelious is a first year Ravenclaw, he's a typical kid really. He loves adventuring and getting into all sorts of situations, he is reckless, though he likes to describ himself as brave. Sometimes he can be very quiet, because when he's nervous, he goes into his shell and doesn't communicate with others out of fear of being socially awkward He's level-headed, and can control his angry very well, but his erractic personality can both draw people to him, and push them away. He is slightly annoyed with being put in Ravenclaw, because he doesn't see himself as smart enough and feels that he is expected to get good grades and to be super smart like other Ravenclaws. He is adopted, and has two older siblings in Hogwarts, he feels invisable with his adoptive family because he is over-looked since everyone else absorbs all the attention. Deme is from Russia, and is still getting used to New Zealand's laws and regulations, he likes to think about his surroundings and can be a very friendly and happy person when he wants to be.

So that's Deme for you, if you want I'm happy to put him in for anyone, your choice ^_^

Deme looks like he would suit Juliette but his personality matches with Cleo... but Cleo is him nervous really but all the time...

What do you think, What is Deme after a Mate or a friend :p
if you get what i mean.. Like someone he can go "Why does my life suck" and D&M with or someone who will go "Cheer up and move on"
Well... Deme does not usually go to people with his problems, as he finds it extremely hard to trust people with his feelings and inner thoughts. Bt he's always open to making friends, so I suppose he would do better with someone more quiet, like Cleo, since he can be very energetic at times ^_^
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