New Semester! New Characters! New Roleplays!

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David Pike

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
Hey! Look it's me! Hi everyone! Yeah I need new RPS! And I have three whole characters now (No, not two and a half, not four. Three!) So, yeah! This is going to be intense.</FONT>


David Pike (Seventh Year Slytherin)
So first up I have David Pike! He's like, my main character guys. Be nice. He's a Australian Seventh Year Slytherin, but he's not a bad guy. He's a wrier and a poet with manic depression, which for anyone who doesn't know is bi-polar depression basically. He'll sometimes be depressed, and other times he'll be fine. He's not a very open person, so no one knows about his depression or anything yet. But, he'd probably be open to telling someone if he thought it was a good idea. Interestingly enough, he's also not very open about his writing. He won't tell anyone about it because he's afraid that they'll judge him or something. It's all very sad. Anyways! In terms of RPing he could use a couple friends, because well friends are kind of important most of the time. He's not too picky on who he makes friends with. They'd just have to be like nice people. The issue with David is that when he's depressed he gets really negative about everything, and that scares people away sometimes. He could also use some romance in his life, so if you have any ideas that'd be amazing. ^.^


James Thompson, Third Year Gryffindor
So, here we have James Thompson, my 13 year-old gentleman. Now, he was raised in the southern united states, but is from the United Kingdom. Which resulted in quite the gentleman. He's not pompous or anything, he just won't talk about anything bad around females or anything. And he holds doors and such. He's quite a nice guy. On top of that he's pretty adventurous and out going. I've had those character forever but never really used him much at all. So, he kind of needs anything. One of the things I'd really like him to have is a professor who is his mentor of sorts. Just because I think it'd be interesting. His favorite subjects are Defense Against the Dark Arts and Charms. So! Yeah! He does kind of need everything. In terms of romance. I guess he could do it although he is a bit young. But if you have any ideas don't be afraid to just go ahead and say them. Thanks guys! ^.^


Bryan Bishop, 23 Year Old Squib
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So! I saved what I think is the best for last. The best of my new characters that is. This here is Bryan An American 23 year old squib. Since he feels that he was cheated out of magical powers and of the wizarding world. He decided to take up his own form of magic. Stage Magic! Card tricks and the lot. Since I do magic as a hobby in real life, I should be able to roleplay this aspect realistically. Although on the inside he is bitter, he tries never to show it. Normally he's calm, collected and most importantly suave. Bryan is a silver tongued devil, which is one of the reasons he's so good at stage performing. He's also very good at speaking to women, and he's not much for steady romantic relationships. Which is one of the reasons I'd like him to have one. It'd be interesting, because he'd want to make it stable, but it would be very difficult for him because it's against his nature. On top of that he's going to need a few good friends. Probably mostly muggles, but some wizards work too. Or really whatever you guys think is best. In the end, Bryan is a pretty nice guy. So, yeah. We'll see how this goes.
hey David!

I just have one guy to offer you, it's my third year Gryffindor for your 3rd year Gryffindor. Ty. Ty is also from Southern America. But much less of a gentleman as your character James. Ty's a nice guy, open, honest guy, who thrives of being kind to others. He loves photography and is really beginning to love quidditch. He works very hard in school, gives it all he's got. He isn't naturally smart, the boy reads and reads to be sure to be on top of things. They could maybe be friends?
Yeah! That'd be great! I'm a little busy right this second, but if you want to start it that'd be great. ^.^ Sorry. I'm trying to get some work done.
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