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Marcus Karlson

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ash Wand 14 1/4 Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
Hello :D

So I got Marcus finally finished today, already got him in a thread but still searching for more, so friends, enemies, lovers everything and anything. If you have an idea for something to happen between Marcus and any of your characters, post below, I want to read it. :D
Sounds good, Marcus wouldn't be overly happy every time he crosses Dederick and for Isobel... we'd need to roleplay them to see how it goes between them.

Heyy Randy! I loved the biography, so much detail.

Anyway, I have a couple of people to offer you,
Firstly, I have a 5th year Durmstrang male, called Grae Kanu.
he's a pretty closed off guy. And doesn't believe in having friends. he thinks they are pretty
pointless. But, he's slowly, coming out of his shell. Since, the people looking after him, aren't
going to be around much longer and Grae needs to have people to turn to when he's alone. He
has an identical twin brother, who he's currently meeting. So, this will make him a little more open
to new people. He loves quidditch and is a good player. he's friendly enough when he wants to
be, just it takes him a while to ever open up to people.

secondly I have Michelle James.
She's a fifth year Durmstrang as well. She's also very overly emotion. So, she's not really
one to ever act like she's strong, she'll go from nice and friendly to a b!tch in the blink of
an eye. She's really just looking for attention from those around her. So, she'll do whatever
it takes to get it. She'll generally be caught crying, but they tend to be false tears, her real
tears are only when she's alone. She's not that developed yet, I get her off someone else
and am working on her.

So, They can be anything to Marcus, what ever you think would be best.

Thank you, it's quite fun to hear someone read his biography completely :D

So for Grae Kanu, I can see them being friends in progress? They have little discussions here and there but nothing too major yet as Grae slowly opens up? Marcus isn't the most impatient person around, so he wouldn't have any problems taking his time with Grae.

For Michelle, I have to say maybe that at first Marcus fell for her attention seeking but after discovering that she cries false tears for attention, he'd be annoyed by her? Since one of his values is to be loyal especially towards your emotion and she's not, he'd be against her and wouldn't be afraid to tell her that her attention grabbing is ridiculous or something? If we want them to be on friendlier terms, maybe she could kind of change around Marcus, do less attention seeking?
Marcus Karlson said:
Thank you, it's quite fun to hear someone read his biography completely :D

So for Grae Kanu, I can see them being friends in progress? They have little discussions here and there but nothing too major yet as Grae slowly opens up? Marcus isn't the most impatient person around, so he wouldn't have any problems taking his time with Grae.

For Michelle, I have to say maybe that at first Marcus fell for her attention seeking but after discovering that she cries false tears for attention, he'd be annoyed by her? Since one of his values is to be loyal especially towards your emotion and she's not, he'd be against her and wouldn't be afraid to tell her that her attention grabbing is ridiculous or something? If we want them to be on friendlier terms, maybe she could kind of change around Marcus, do less attention seeking?

I agree, a few meetings, more said each time. Leading to both just becoming better friends. But never really talk about the problems, and then if they were to become very good friends, would eventually start opening up and then they could have a cute little bromance. lol. Just basically, improving their friendship each time they meet.

I had realised that, so I was thinking that they could get along well to begin with and then he could see her fake cry. And he'd be annoyed and she wouldn't understand it, and try to get him to notice her. And then he could snap at her. And she'd think about it, and have a sort of revelation/epiphany and then try to attention seek less. Something like that?

Would you like to start one? And I can start the other one?
Yeah that's good for both of them and I don't mind starting one while you do the other one.

I'll start the Grae&Marcus one, and you can start the Marcus&Michelle one?
That cool?
Well we can just rp Dederick, I try not put up two characters at once, makes no sense for me sometimes >_<
If you want to start something that be great, otherwise I will be posting something later on, if not soonish thanks ^^
Hey there! I have here Hikari Izumi, a werewolf. She has a generally tomboyish nature and she is quite aggressive towards boys. However, she is really kind as well, often going out of her way to help a friend in need. She is always driven to do her best regardless of the endeavor, and has a strong sense of justice, though she also has a tendency to forget her own well being in the process of helping others.
i have Nobody here, who could definitely use some friends. She's not completely developed, but here's what i've got so far.

She's shy, and she hates Durmstrang with a passion. She's been bullied around a lot, most of her life. By her clan, and by people at the school. She is sweet and a little above average in the intelligence department. Even though she's a year (or so) older then Marcus, i think they could be friends, because she doesn't judge by age.
She's musically talented, and wil befriend anyone she can, once she gets over the fear that they will harm her.

i know it's not much, but it's what I've got down so far.
No problem, take your time :p

Also for Nobody, Marcus wouldn't have any problems being friends with her. He'd stand up for her against people who bully her. I'd say we could start a thread but considering I got about 4 made for people... I don't wanna drown myself into too many threads and be stuck with plenty of replies due, so once I get one done or more time, we could start one?
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