New life

OOC First Name
Carlisle walked into the Harbour. He had only moved to New Zealand a few days ago and since h had spent most of that time in his new house unpacking, this was the first time he had been here. He didnt know which way to go but he do the smart thing and stay on the main pathway so the the would easily find his way home again. He didnt really want to get lost right now, although he always thought life was more fun that way. Carlisle walked over t a bench just to the side of the pavement, he sat down and faced the water. He liked the sound an smell of water he found it strangely calming.
The reason of going to New Zealand wasn't because of Holiday, but Genvieve ws asked to Check on her father's business there. The family had restaurants all over the world and Genvieve's father owned the one in New Zealand, Shanghai, and Kyoto. While the rest of the family took care of the rest of the branches. This was why Genvieve was extremely tired and was always tired, her father and uncles gave her too many things to do while her twin sister Saria didn't have to take care if any of these. With sleepy eyes, Genvieve walk toward the harbor and sat down on a bench that was facing to the water. She couldn't care on anything else except how sleepy she was. The girl yawned and again, she accidentally laye her head on someone's shoulder. She shot her eyes wide open and stood up in an embarrassment and bowed apologizing for three times.
Carlisle felt a breeze blow past him. He didnt really notice the girl sat next to him until he felt something on his shoulder. His eye brows knitted together slightly as he slowly turned his head to look at what was on his shoulder. Before he could register that i was the girl until she stood up. Carlisle looked up at her a little startled. "Urm dont worry about it." He said as he watched the girl bow her head. He guessed she was tired, not that i took a genius to figure that out, after all she had just leant on his shoulder and she looked tired.
Genvieve wanted to run away so bad but sadly she was too tired to sprint and left unnoticed. The girl sat back down, rubbing her eyes as she started closing her eyes "Dang it" She muttered as she shot her eyes wide open and forced her self to smile. "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have done that. What if I treat you in a restaurant near here?" She said, she didn't really want to treat him but it was for business, he wanted to let this man tried eating there and when he liked it, he could go there whenever he could. That was all she thought, entertaining other people, treating people, getting money from them like what her father told her. Nothing more than that, her life was tiring, all of these were too much for her. The girl covered her mouth as she yawned and forced herself to smile.
Carlisle thuoght for a secod before he answered her. He dd need to meet new people after all and what better way than over dinner. He thought to himself as he stood up an flashed her a smile. "Yeah sure ok then. Maybe i should let girls fall asleep on me more often." He joked as he took a step forward to her. "I will have to rely on your knowing of this area because i have absolutely no idea where i am." He said chuckling.Carlisle's knowledge of this area consisted of anywhere close to his house an the pathway here that he had been walking along just now
Baba will love this, Genvieve thought as she stood up and nod. She was wearing a Black coat, high heels, gloves, and skirt. Anyone who saw her could tell that she was either working or finished working. "Honestly, I know nothing about this place. But my family own a restaurant somewhere around. I've been counting all the incomes and outcome since morning and trying to advertise that place. So that's why I'm exhausted" The girl said and covered her mouth as she yawned. "I just came here yesterday from Durmstrang, I mean Europe. What about you? You live here?" the girl quickly changed the topic hoping that he won't ask what Durmstrang was. Genvieve didn't know I this place was filled with muffles or wizards that was why she didn't want to confess to this stranger that she was a wizard. Well that is if he was a muggle.
Carlisle listened to her speak, nodding as he did so, to show that he was listening to her. "Well that does sound tiring but if you have come from Durmstrang then shouldnt you still be here, i graduated from there this year so i know the holidays." He said biting his lip He knew that now was not holidays so maybe she as skipping school or hat ever. No that he minded much it wasnt his business. "I only moved here a few days ago actually so im new here to. Looks like we are in the same boat." He said with grin on his face. "Well will give my honest opinion on the foof at the restaurant then to help."
The restaurant wasn't too far from there, soon it was in front of them. A waiter opened the door as Genvieve signaled them that she was treating someone. She lead him to the balcony and sat on it, the sun was up so they could still see the beautiful view of the sea from the balcony. "You did? That's nice, I'll be graduating soon" She said not hoping to graduate any soon, the closer it was to the graduation day, the more responsibility she had. Her father gave her too much work and of course the school too. Homework, exams, and worse... Business... Soon, the waiter gave two menus, she could see a big golden writing in front. "Welcome to The Kuangs" She welcomed him as she smiled signaling the waiter to offer the man in front of her alcohol "Sake? Champagne? Firewhiskey?" The place was opened for both muggles and wizards but all the workers were wizards or witches. Genvieve was trying her best not to fall asleep but the classical music that was played was a perfect lullaby. The girl opened her eyes wide open as she forced her self to not fall asleep
Carlisle followed the girl into the restaurant. He felt a little odd about this as he didnt know the first thing abut her, not even her name. This wasnt his usual thing, he was still a teenager just out of school and he wasnt a big date person. He sat down opposite her and smiled as she welcomed him. "Thanks." He said quietly as he looked a menu. "Oh right il just have a firewhiskey please." He said before looking back to the menu and back up to the girl. "Im Carlisle by the way." He sad with a smile as he introduced himself
People in the restaurant who were dressing up formally stared at the two of them since Genvieve wearing what they were wearing. The firewhisky appeared in a minute and Genvieve thanked the waiter as she ordered a kobe beef, her favorite menu yet pricey. "You can have whatever you want" She said casually since she considered him as an acquaintance more than business partner. "I'm sorry. I'm Genvieve Kuang, pleasure to meet you" She said forgetting that she knew nothing about Carlisle. "So... Currently working? I've seen a lot of girls on my age who wanted to work in the ministry so bad. I could never understand why people want to work so bad" She giggled. Genvieve was sick of working, she hated it so bad. She wanted to get out of it for a while but she couldn't, her father had high expectation and she had to do what her father said.
Carlisle shrugged. He had not been to the place before so he didn't actually know what was good so he would play it safe and have what she would have. "Il just have what you have. He said with smile as she said her name. "Genvieve nice name. And i wouldnt mind working in the ministry but im just enjoying life at the moment. Il probably apply when a place comes up but for now im my own man. Its good that you are working now You know what to expect when you leave school and you will already have a job so you wont need to worry about that one." Carlisle said her sipping his drink then placing it back down onto the table again. "So i take it you dont like work?" He said with a laugh. Not many people do like working.
Genvieve signaled the workers to bring two sets of Kobe beef, it was pretty pricey, she shouldn't have order that but ahh well... The girl smiled when Carlisle said that her name was nice, she was used to compliments, this explained why she didn't blush. For once in Genvieve's life, she could tell other people that she didn't like working, usually she lied so that the person that she was talking to would com to the restaurant. But just this time, she wanted to treat him as a friend more than a client "Honestly, not really. Since exams are coming, and homework is killing me, and now I have to be away from school because of this" She pointed at the restaurant emotionally. She took a deep breath and forced her self to smile. "Sorry about that. I had a rough day" She said and finally blushed. She had never complain about her work, she didn't dare telling her father about that.

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