Closed New Horizons

Hamish Reid

Cook- Protective- Sensitive- Seeker
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Unyielding Hornbeam Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
7/3/2052 (18)
Hamish wasn't sure what he was doing. But he'd heard of other kids doing this, and it seemed like a good idea. After several scrapped attempts, he finally got something resembling a decent letter. He was still tempted to shred it, but he decided against it, wanting to try and branch out just a little. He wasn't sure he'd get anything back, but it was worth a shot, right? He walked up to the owlery, chose a smaller owl, and sent it off. He watched the owl fly away, wondering if he'd ever see it again.

My name is Hamish. I'm not sure why I'm writing, but I've heard some other kids talking about how great this can be. I just thought maybe I could try it and see what happens. Well, I'm a Ravenclaw. Fourth Year. I'm a Seeker, and I have a twin brother named Seamus. He's a Slytherin beater. I like to cook; I want to be a chef when I graduate. I like to read. I'm not really sure what else to say, so I'll just end it here. Feel free to write me back, but I understand if you don't.

Ophelia had been enjoying Beauxbaton, it was a decent school and she had managed to make a good number of friends, but she wasn't managing as well as she had at the last hogwarts she been at, and she was hoping to broaden her horizons. So signing up to have a pen pal at the other hogwarts had been exactly what she had needed. She got the first letter and was very very happy with it. It wasn't a particularly long letter but she thought it was more than enough to get started. So Ophelia wrote her response and then sent it off.

Hello Hamish,

I was very excited to received your letter. Admittedly I'd been a bit unsure about this, but welcome it. My name is Ophelia Reilly, I'm a sixth year at Beauxbatons Academy of magic. But this isn't the school I started at. I originally went to the other Hogwarts, I was sorted into Slytherin and transfered to Beauxbaton last year.

My mother is french and my father english and as a family we live in London (we run a tea shop I've enclosed a bag of my favourite tea for you). But I wanted to experience my mother's school after having done a few years at Hogwarts. The schools are very different, but not so different that anyone couldn't settle in easily. It does help that I speak and write french.

I'm also on the quidditch team, though I play chaser. I do not have siblings, but I have cousins. Two of my cousins went to Hogwarts, but they'll have both graduated before you joined the school.

I like tea...I like quidditch...I don't know particularly what I want to do when I leave school, but it's nice that you do. What's your favourite dish to make? What's the most challenging? What's your easiest dish?

Hopefully I will hear from you soon. Until then, thank you for writing.

Ophelia 💕
Hamish hadn't been expecting a reply so he'd been surprised to receive the letter. He tucked it away, waiting to read it over until he was alone. That night, he curled up in the window seat in his room, taking the letter and and looking it over. He smiled softly. Ophelia sounded like she was nice. He summoned over his notebook and set about writing a reply, taking his time to make sure it was nice and legible. He wasn't used to talking to girls often, despite his newish friendship with Renata. He stayed up a bit, before sending the letter out.
Dear Ophelia,

That's a really pretty name. I've heard Beauxbatons is nice. Do you like it there? I've heard they only speak mostly French, which makes sense for a French school. What was the other Hogwarts like? My brother Seamus is in Slytherin. I was worried they would separate us and I was right; he's on the bottom of the castle and I'm at the very top.

Thank you for the tea, it was very good. My family and I are all Scottish; our parents are both nurses. They work too much, all they care about are their jobs. Seamus and I grew up on our own; I'm the only one who knows how to feed him properly. He's a really picky eater.

I'm not sure how to answer your questions; I love everything that I make, though I suppose stews are the easiest. I have a hard time with baking, but I'm trying still. You say you like Quidditch and you like tea, do you have any hobbies?

Ophelia had half expected that the boy… Hamish…wouldn't bother writing back to her, but he had. She read the letter eagerly. Thinking it fascinating what he had to say. It was nice to write little bits of pieces about her life and hear about someone else's too.


Thank you, I like my name too. Beauxbatons is very pretty, a majestic palace rather than a castle. They do mostly speak French, which is partly why I came here. It's just a very different place, a very elegant place. The other hogwarts…well, it's the hogwarts for me. I think, by your descriptions, they would be similar. I was in Slytherin and at the bottom, and Ravenclaw was at the top. Two of my cousins were ravenclaws at your school.

Are you and your twin very different?

You are welcome! Let me know if you would let to try others, I'm good at blending the teas. That sucks about your parents. My parents are busy too, with running the shop, but I help out a lot, so I see them. It's nice that you take care of him, I'm sure he's thankful.

What kind of stews do you make? Baking can be difficult, I've heard. If you can cook, it doesn't always mean you can bake and vice versa. I like quidditch – I'm a chaser – and I like tea. Those are my hobbies, really. Those are the things I enjoy doing.

I used to take part in duelling at the other Hogwarts, but I have less time now, since homework in French takes me longer.

What else do you like to do?

Looking forward to hearing from you and happy Halloween

Ophelia 💕

Beauxbatons sounds lovely, I'm glad you like it. Seamus and I are different a lot, similar in other ways. He's very sporty, a bit reckless, while I prefer to stay in the kitchens. I'm the responsible one, he's the fun one. Although I did join my house Quidditch team for him, which is both good and bad. He's an alternate beater for Slytherin right now, while I'm the seeker for Ravenclaw. I caught the snitch in our last match, actually, though we were up against my brothers team. I'm both proud and embarrassed, honestly. The pros and cons of playing against your twin brother, I suppose.

Anyway, I would love to try other teas. What other ones do you like? And it's okay, I'm used to it by now. I make all sorts of stews. That's the fun thing about stews- if you know what you're doing, you can stew just about anything. I'm slowly getting better at baking- biscuits are the easiest.

I've heard French is a very complex language, is that true? I imagine it is.

As far as what I like to do, my hobbies are simple. I cook, read books, and play sports with my brother. Do you like to read at all?

Happy Halloween to you too.

Ophelia was rather glad she had signed up for this penpal thing. It was quite exciting to have someone to write to and learn from. She read the letter she'd gotten and smiled a little, thinking it was sweet to learn about this person she had never met.


I am sibling-less, so it's very interest to hear about how a twin is the same and different. It's probably good to be similar but also different. I think it would be fun to have a sibling or a twin. It would always be someone to speak to. Someone to spend time with.

With teas, it really depends. I like sweet teas, not one with an overly fruit flavour but ones with a subtle sweetness where you wonder if you accidentally put in a bit of sugar. I'm sending one of my least favourite teas, not because I would like you to suffer or anything, but while I don't like it, lots of others do. It's a warm and cinnamon flavour, makes it feel like autumn or sometimes like a hug. It would go well with Stews and certainly a biscuit dipped in can be good.

It's difficult to say, I find the written work a bit complex, but it is a language I've spoken for most of my life, so I don't remember learning it..really. But I find it difficult to keep up, I'm good but not as good, so I'm always trying twice as hard.

I do like to read, there's nothing nicer than a good book and a good cup of tea. But admittedly with my classes and everything I don't have much time to read.

What's your favourite book?

Happy Halloween
Hamish was starting to look forward to the letters he received from his pen pal. When the next one came in, he'd been reading. He set his book down and took the letter, scanning it with a slight smile on his face. He wrote out a reply quickly before settling back down with his book.


It's nice having a twin. Our parents are never around, so we've always been close, relying on each other pretty heavily. He's my best friend. We're different in personality, and he prefers contacts while I prefer glasses. I couldn't imagine life without him around, or with another sibling involved.

Thank you for the tea, I'll share it with Seamus later. Personal taste really affects everything, doesn't it? I know there are some foods my brother dislikes that I rather enjoy. French does sound like a difficult language, especially if you've lived there all your life and you still need to try harder to speak it. I do hear it's beautiful, though.

I'm not sure I have a favorite book... there are so many good ones. I have a small bookshelf worth of books I enjoy. I don't care much for my classes, so it gives me plenty of time to read. I hope your semester is going well. Let me know how your game goes against Ilvermorny. With any luck, perhaps we'll meet on the field.

Ophelia was pretty disappointed by the fact that she wouldn't get to go to Hogwarts with her quidditch team. Losing hadn't exactly been fun but the fact she wouldn't be able to meet Hamish just yet was as disappointing. She did however get another letter from him which she was very eager for. She grabbed her quill and wrote the response before sending it off.


That sounds lovely. I don't have any siblings but that's exactly how I imagine it would be. I'm not around a lot of people my own age in my family. My cousins are all older than me, and I spend a lot of time helping my parents in the shop. I'm often told how mature I am. It doesn't always feel like a compliment.

It really does, there are so many teas I hate, but customers will swear down that they are the best thing ever. Part of the fun of getting to know people is getting to know their tastes. French isn't too bad, it can be difficult, and I do struggle with it, but, also it's hard.

I graduate year after next, and I'm trying to decide if I should stay in France or go back to London, or even go elsewhere.

We lost the game unfortunately, but perhaps there will be next year? Perhaps we'll met on the pitch yet.

I've enclosed my favourite book, it's a story of love and magic..It's a bit childish maybe, but it's fun...Perhaps you'll love it or hate it, but it's worth a read.

Happy Yuletide Hamish!

Hamish was considering what to do with his holiday, knowing they were going home at least. He was thinking of getting a job, like Seamus had, but it was still up in the air. Then, an idea hit him. He thought of it when the owl came, delivering his letter from Ophelia. He smiled, settling in to read and reply.


We do have an uncle, but we don't have much to do with him, so really it's only me and my brother. Are you close with your parents? I've always wondered what it's like to have parents that are- well- around, honestly. It's not like we don't see ours, but they're more like... in the background, really.

Taste really does play into things. There are plenty of foods I enjoy, but my brother is an intensely picky eater. I know exactly how to feed him. Maybe I can make dinner for you some time- I've been meaning to expand my horizons, it would be interesting to take a look at French Cuisines.

You're graduating a year sooner than I am, so that's interesting. You'll have to keep me updated on what you decide to do- where you go- how life works outside of school. I'll definitely read the book you sent, I've found you can always find out something about the person by the books they love.

Speaking of the holidays, why don't you come visit me? I'll be home for break. I'm enclosing my address. As I can't apparate, and I don't think you can either, your more involved parents might make visiting a bit easier. And who knows, maybe we'll meet on the pitch, still. There's always next year.


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