New friends

Ralph let them finish talking first and said"My father is a full blood wizard so he told me so many things about this place.I was thinking it would be a lot of fun learning magic.I also have some childhood friends studying here some of them are mixed blood and halfblood.I still see them here often because we always go here on Monday to talk with each other."
Katie was listening very eagerly to their answers. After their story, she held back to her past. Sinking all the memories that drove into a reason why she was here.
" Well. Nice and you all have a good reason why you're here. " ,she broke off her thought
" For me.. I really don't like to be here. It was just because of my mother and stepsister. " She said the word stepsister bitterly.
" My mom wanted me to be here for my stepsister. To accompany her and..... Uhgggg, what was she thinking of me? Babysitter?" Katie was really embarassed that now, she was like nothing to her mother. Her own mother. It started when her father died, 3 years ago and it got worse when she met her stepfather now and got married.
" What if I'll follow the evil side of me? " ,she smiled to the idea that was running through her thought.
" Learn more powerful spells and bammmmm!!!! KILL my stepsister. "
There was a long silence for a moment. Katie outburst her laugh when she looked at each expression.
" Kidding! Of course there's still a kind side of me. "
Tears were smoldering in her eyes and she was stopping it to flow down her cheeks.
" But I really can't accept them. I mean my new family. No matter what I do to ease my hatred. Still, I hate them. And I hate myself. I'm blaming myself for my father's death. If he didn't save me from the fire. If he just allowed me to die. Let alone to be burned, he won't die. "
She didn't know what drives her to speak out all her anguish. But it helped to lessen the lump in her heart.
Alexia took a long walk down the lake. It was a perfectly alright day and if she spent another day in the library she might just scream, She hated spending too mush time inside and now that she was outside for the first time in over a week it felt good, she felt good and confident. Alexia was in the mood for meting new people and for a good fun talk - It was almost too perfect when she seen a group of friends sitting having fun and Alexia could not help but feel jealous so she decided to be brave and out going (which is something she never does). She walked up to the group and when she was just feet away she felt nervous and knew it was a bad idea. She forced a smile "Hey guys!" She said brightly in her perfect french acsent, "I'm Alexia, Is it alright it i join you?"
Kate was silent after she heard Katie say her bit there were tears in her eyes too but she held them back she felt really sorry for Katie "Do you like being here now"Kate asked she really liked Katie as a person and friend and hoped she would be happy in the future and not down like this.."
Kate noticed another first year coming over she said Hey guys!"I'm Alexia, Is it alright it i join you?" she had a strong French accent Kate had learned a bit of French in her other school and had liked it.. "Sure"Kate said she smiled at the girl she decided to try some of her French "Je m'appelle Kate" she said hoping she was right
Amanda listened to Ralph speak and then Katie was speaking. She was a little scared by what she was saying. When Katie said she was kidding, she chuckled nervously. She was then distracted by yet another person. "Hello, Alexia, sure you can join us," she said, her smile returning.
Katie composed herself when someone spoke. She introduced herself as Alexia.
" Oh.. Hi Alexia. " ,she said in a bleak tone. She tried not to remember what she'd confessed and shared with her new friends. It was now the time to face back again the present.
"Bonjour à tous, Il est formidable de rencontre vous tous! - Its great to met you all" Alexia replied, looking around at everyone, she could tell by one persons reactions that she had walked in on something important, Alexia could not help but notice the tone that she spoke in and felt very bad for just walking up, the way her eyes were slightly glassy she could tell she was just/or about to cry which was something horrible to barge in on, 'This is why you stick by yourself' a small voice in her head told her, making her feel even more out of place. "I'm sorry... did I just interupt a moment" She blushed slightly and took a step away from the group "I did not mean to... you can trust me, i know you don't no me, but...." She knew she should stop talking now.
Ralph turned to look at the person who just have arrived and said"Hi Alexia,I'm Ralph.Do you want to join us ?"
Kate saw the girl looked kinda worried "its okay you can join us "Kate said "its nice you shared that story with us it must of been hard"Kate said "well lets think of happier things for now lets all introduce ourselves to Alexia" indicating Alexia to sit down
Alexia smiled returned as Kate asked her to sit down, "Merci" Alexia thanked as she sat down gentaly on the ground. "So it's; Kate and Ralph," She said, using her open palm to show who she was talking about, "What's the rest of your names?" She asked. All the faces were unfimilar and she liked to put names to the faces she was talking to. "And what were you guys talking about before I interupted?" She blushed slightly at her last question.
"Well we were talking about why we came here other than the fact that we wanted to learn magic"Kate said "Hey guys some of us are having a picnic sometime next week and were're aloud bring some friends would ye like to come..??"Kate asked hoping they would except
Alexia thought about it for a moment and left the conversation open, she did not want to spill her secrets to some people she just met and she was quite glad they had not asked her. Avoding it all together she was glad when Kate continued talking and invited them to a picnic. Alexia smiled and felt it fade as she was unsure if this included her or not. She stayed silent for a small moment and decided that she was being outgoing enough to ask to join the group she should be outgoing enough and just include herself, "That would be great" She said her smiled returning "I would definatly go, if i would be welcome there?".
"Sure you would I'm not exactly sure when but I'm glad you can come Alexia what about ye guys..??"Kate said glad someone was coming she smiled at Alexia "Why don't you tell us a bit about yourself like what you like you don't have to if you don't want to"Kate said liking Alexia already she seemed nice
Alexia smiled and thought about what she would tell, "Well my full name is Alexia Lorrelle-Eve Evenstar" She began, "I moved here from france, dont know if you could tell my the acsent. I now live here with my Father. I love Photography and Martial Arts and I was actually learning to master Tai Chi - which is said to be the hardest Martial Art to master - Little usless fact there. So yeah...That's me" She stopped beacuse she did not want to look like she was babbling.
"Ohh cool I'm more into music but I live in Ireland with my two sisters there names are Sara who is in Ravenclaw were're twins and my Star whos coming here at Christmas and my parents."Kate said "What about ye guys?"Kate asked
Alexia smiled, "That's cool" She said, wondering what it would be like to have a twin. A lot of trouble was all she could think of. She smiled and turned to everyone else wondering what exciting stuff she would find out from them

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