New friends

Ralph Ramos

Active Member
OOC First Name
Elder 15 1/2" Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
Ralph was walking around Hogwarts.He didn't got out of his dorm often so he didn't know many people except his friends Princess,Gerald,Arriane and Sasori.He went to Lake Front.He stared at the lake for a while and sat down on the grass.He said to himself softly"Will I meet new friends?"
Amanda lay down on the grass, putting her notebook beside her. It was useless. Darn writer's block, she thought. She stared up at the sky, and the clouds began to move. They were slowly shifting, creating shapes. She saw one with three holes in it that made it look like a smiley face, It moved to her right, and there she looked. She saw a boy, who looked like another first year. She took a deep breath. Amanda smiled and walked over to him. "Hi, my name is Amanda," she said.
Ralph heard a girl's voice from behind and when he looked behind he saw a first year student.Ralph said smiling at the first year student"Hello,I am Ralph."
Katie was wandering around the area for the possibility that she might meet anyone to befriend of her. She had been alone since the day of sorting that she and her stepsister was parted away. She knew that she hated her but sometimes she realized that she was too harsh to her. Now, she was all alone. And she was desperated to meet even just one. She passed the two students who were having their first-meeting-of-conversation that she had heard them introducing their names. She turned her back and walked towards them.
Maybe, they can be my first friends here. Lucky, and it's not just one but... two.
She smiled in that thought. When she was near at them, she was pricked of an unknown thing.
" Ouch! " ,she said it too loud that she got all the attention of many students in that place.
" Ooops. " ,she mumbled. She was hoping that on that incident, her new friends to be, wouldn't be appalled to her.
" Hi. " ,she was speaking to both of them.
Ralph and Amanda were talking when he heard a loud yell and looked behind and saw a first year student.He walked towards the girl and said"Are you alright?"
Katie was very overwhelmed to hear that one of the two students whom she greeted pleasantly was walking towards her asked if she was alright. Was this a good beginning of their friendship? She hoped so. She stood straightly and composed herself to meet that guy but she flinched when she started to step. She checked the area where she was pricked, on her sole feet. It was bleeding, a little.
" Crap! " ,she muttered.
Despite of the sore, she managed to stand again and walked directly. She could feel the moist of blood on her feet that she was skidded off her slippers whenever she stepped. She had a short patience, so she stopped and sat exactly from where she paused and checked again the affected area.
" Uhmmm, yeah. Sort of. But it's alright. It's just a little wound. Nothing to worry about. "
She smiled at him and looked at the girl he'd left.
Amanda was about to say something in response to Ralph when a girl seemed to be hurt. "Are you alright?" she asked, walking over to the girl. "I'm Amanda. What's your name?"
Kate was walking towards the lake wondering would she meet any people who would like to be her friend when.she saw three first years she walked over to see would they become her friend."hello"she said and they all looked at her.
Ralph looked at the wound and said looking at affected area "It looks bad to me.Are you sure you don't want to go to the Hospital Wing?I am Ralph."Ralph heard a voice form another first year like the three of them.When the girl said hello he looked behind and also said"hello!"
The boy turned around"hello"he said Kate was relived hopefully this would be the start of a friendship"hi,my names Kate whats yours"she asked
Gerald was looking for Ralph so he decided to go to Lake Front.When he arrived at Lake Front he saw Ralph talking with other first year student so he decided to go back in his dorm.
Ralph said as he waited for Kate's reply"I am Ralph from Gryffindor house."
"cool , i'm in Hufflepuff,so what do you think of the place so far.?"Kate asked
Amanda noticed a new girl join them. She watched Ralph talk to her. Then she realized she should introduce herself. "My name is Amanda. I'm in Ravenclaw." She turned back to the girl who was hurt. "Yeah, he's right. You probably should go to the hospital wing."
" I'm Katie of Slytherin. " ,she answered the guy who asked her named Ralph.
" Yes. I am alright. " ,she turned her gaze to the other girl named Amanda.
Katie felt a shuffle of exasperation and glee. Exasperation because this was a wrong time to be hurt and glee because they were all concerned of her.

Wow.. Not just two.. She thought when another 2 students joined them. She looked up at them when they had a first-meeting-of-conversation. She couldn't resist to smile a bit.
She heard that Amanda was now talking to her.

" Uhmmm. No.. I'm really okay.. " ,she stood to feel it was still aching. She felt that someone assisted her to balance herself but she kept her attention down to her wound. She felt that it was quite alright now. The bleeding had stopped too.
" Yes. It's not aching now. " She gestured formally.
" Hi. Nice to meet you all. "
Kate noticed the girl was hurt Kate agreed with Ralph and Amanda"you should really go to the hospital wing just to make sure it doesn't get infected ,my names Kate by the way and nice to meet you too I'm in Huffelpuff"she said "whats your name "she asked the girl
Ralph answered Kate's question"I like it here in Hogwarts.I am having so much fun studying here."
Katie looked up at Kate.
" I'm Katie from Slytherin. " ,she smiled at her.
" Thanks for the.... uhmmm.. concern again. But... I'm really really OK. " ,she gave them her pleasant smile again.
" Look. " ,she balanced herself well so that they could see her in a good sign of health. Of course if they would believe her.
" I'm stronger than anyone you know. Stronger than a carabao? " ,she smirked to that idea. She walked steadily through the beautiful scene of the lake.
" Hey! Come on. Why don't we have a small-gathering-for-our-new-friendship? Let's know each other! " ,she exclaimed.
"Thats a nice name almost the same as mine.."Kate thought "well I suppose if we can't persaude you to go to the hospital we may as well get to know each other properly"Kate followed Kaite and sat down beside her waiting for the others
Ralph followed the two and sat down near the lake.Ralph felt the cool breeze that made him shiver.He said "Alright let us get to know each other.Come on Amanda."
Amanda was a little dazed. She hadn't met just one person, but many. "Yes, well, I suppose if you think it's fine..." She started to follow the group, a grin on her face. She took a seat with them. "So, it's nice to meet all of you."
Ralph was waiting for the others to talk first so he started gazing at the lake.He couldn't wait any longer so he said"What should we talk about on this wonderful day?"
Katie waited for the others to come with Kate. While she was sittinng beside her, she was looking far away. Far away that no one could depict what she was thinking of. She stopped her reverie when she heard of Ralph's voice.
" What should we talk about on this wonderful day? " ,he asked.
Katie immediately thought of something. At first, she was hesitant to ask it but she wanted to find their answers. Answers that she could change her way of life.
" Okay.. Uhmmm.. Aside from learning of magic here, meeting new friends or because of being a witch or wizard, what brings you here? "
She asked them curiously. Actually, she had her personal answer in her thought. An answer that until now, she couldn't imagine why she was here.
Kate sat down and was gazing at the mountains in the distance when she heard Ralph say"What should we talk about on this wonderful day"Kate was thinking when Katie said "other than being a wizard/witch to learn magic or meeting new friends why did we come here" Kate thought for a while "Well when I got the letter I was like this is not real and things like that but when Sara got one too I kinda believed it then.I guess the reason was I wanted to start again and be the real me and not somebody else like I was in my old school.I never told anybody what I liked i was real quiet and shy and only had a handful of friends Sara was the only person who knew the real me so I decided this would be a great way to start again so thats my reason anyway"Kate said and looked around at them and waited for the next person to talk..
Amanda nodded as Kate spoke. "Yeah, I was kind of quiet and shy, too. But I really can be funny and friendly. I only had a few friends, but I've been making a lot more here. I moved from America a few months ago. Not many people liked me back there, so I wanted to learn magic somewhere else instead. And I had looked at pictures of New Zealand before, and thought it would be great. What about the rest of you?"

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