New friends

Embry Makwa

Active Member
Embry walked around the Harbour aimlessly. He had the week off and he didn't know what to do with himself and had found himself here before. Obsidian just attracted him and he would always come here when he was bored at home or something. He walked with his hands in his pockets. A sigh escaped his lips as he walked down onto the sand and sat down. He loved the sound of the water, it was so calming. It reminded him a bit like home and he liked that. Embry brought his knees to his chest and rested his chin on them as he looked out over the water
Veronica was in NewZealand for the weekend because she needed a serious break from all her studies and activities at Durmstrang. She was glad Dympna had an authority with which she was allowed to go home at any time she wished. She had planned to spend some time in the Harbour and then hit the Makutu mall and do some shopping but the only problem which she commonly faced when she was in New Zealand was loneliness. All her friends were in Durmstrang and her two friends from NewZealand were obviously not on a break so she was all alone. With a sigh she went to sit by the ocean and get some good cool breeze in the hot sun. She observed a boy of about her age looking at the ocean as well. "Beautiful, isn't it?"she asked hoping she would be able to make a little conversation.
Embry looked to his side when he heard a girls voice talking to him. A girls voice was always welcome to him. He smiled at the boy. "Well it definitely is now thats for sure. Im Embry." He said holding out his hand, more for her touch then for the greeting. Although then again he could tell a lot about a person from their hand shake. "I dont believe i have seen your face around here before. Do you go to school around here?" He asked curiously. As Embry was home school he didnt spend all of his time cooked up in some school and he actually go to go out a lot of the time and talk to people, now being a good example of one of those times
Veronica smiled relieved that the boy seemed interested in a conversation. "I'm Veronica White" she said as she introduced herself and shook his hand. She shook her head when he asked if she attended school in NewZealand. "No, I go to Durmstrang" she told Embry wondering what year he was in and which school he attended. "I just came to visit my mother for the weekend"she explained to him as her eyes moved back and looked at the calm waters. "What about you?"
Embry nodded, he didnt think that she was a local schooled girl, he would have remembered her face from around. "Oh well lucky me to come here on the weekend that you decide to stay. I live around here, im home schooled so i get out a lot. If i went to a proper school then i would be a sixth year. But unfortunately im school with my annoying brothers." He laughed as he spoke about his brother. It wasnt that he didnt like them, he just got annoyed with them like any teenage boy would. "So as we are here on the beach mind if i take you for a walk." He said with a grin
Veronica smiled as Embry said he was lucky to be here when she had come. The boy had a charm but charming or non-charming boys didn't work for Veronica, not at the moment at least since she had recently suffered a break up. "Oh yeah..sure" she said as she agreed to take a walk with him on the beach. It was a little weird if Embry was trying to flirt because Veronica had never been a player except once when she was drunk and the consequences which came out had been ugly. "Is homeschooling fun?"she asked wondering how it would have been if she would be studying in the manor and not in Durmstrang. "I mean are your parents capable of teaching you everything?"
Embry grinned widely and stood up waiting for her to join. He looked over the water as the wind blew through his hair and down his back. Looking back to Veronica when she spoke again he shrugged. "We get professors that come and teach us different subjects. My parents dot really teach me and yeah i would say its fun, less strict i would imagine and me and my brothers can get up to all sorts of trouble." He smiled at the memories of the pranks he had pulled with his brothers. He had had some serious fun with the Makwa bunch and recently since Esme had joined their family he had been meaning to get to know her better but he never got around to it and preferred to go out than spend time with his family. "You know there is an ice cream place about a mile from here if you wanna get one after our walk." He said to her looking in the direction of the ice cream shop then back to her with a smile
Veronica had been thinking from forever that the parents taught the children who home schooled. She should have known that it couldn't be possible unless everyone was a genius. "How many siblings do you have?"she asked wondering if Embry only had brothers and whether they were elder or younger than him. She smiled as she watched the kids splash around it water with their floaters. She had spent her childhood similarly by the river banks in the mountains with the muggle kids whom she had later grown to dislike.

"Ice cream seems ideal in the sun" she said with a smile. She had an idea although it wasn't a good one they could give it a try. "I'm so awful at physical activities or sports but how about when we come back we race?"she offered with a smirk. "I mean I totally know I'll lose...I can hardly run but I haven't done anything like that from long" she explained him.
Embry shrugged as he walked along side her. he wasnt big on his family at the moment and he was going to leave them at the first chance he got. He had had good times with them but he was growing up and no longer wanted to be a part of them as fights were common and he couldnt be bothered. "I have a few but i want to leave my family. We dont get on that well." He explained but going in to little detail. "Well ok but i am a very fast runner. I run every morning before school." He said to her with a cheeky grin on his face. He liked exercise, it made him feel good about himself and right now he needed to feel like he was actually something. "So how is your school? I would hate to be stuck in side a castle all day." He said as he made conversation, hands tucked deep in his pockets
"Oh okay" Veronica said as she reminded herself that her analysis on people with family was starting to prove that most children with parents were unhappy or something and the others were orphans. Why couldn't there be just normal happy families? She was glad that Embry agreed for the race because normally guys would plainly laugh at that idea. She laughed when Embry mentioned that he wouldn't like being stuck up in a castle whole day.

"First, it creeps on you especially since we learn Dark Arts there and everything but once you start making friends then life becomes fun and easy. I mean hanging around with people of your same age is fun especially since there is so much to learn from each other and all" she explained Embry. "And then there is Qudditch" she added with a grin. "I play seeker for my team"she told him. "Do you play Qudditch?"she asked curiously.

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