New Firstie needs plottage

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Donald Westwood

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry Wand 12 1/2 Essence of Wood Rose
Hiya, I am new to the forums, and my character, Donald Westwood, needs some friends, enemies, and most important, some plot.

Donald Leonardo Westwood

Donald is a very polite and kind boy, who is often accused of being overly polite and apologetic for his own good. He is also a very intelligent, although he doesn’t let it go to his head, or at least tries not too anyway. He is also a shy young boy. He can be very shy at times, and does have occasional doubts about himself and his ability, but he usually manages to get out of his shell most of the time. Although he is overall a good person, he can sometimes be immature, and his politeness and apologetic nature, can get on peoples’ nerves.

The 11 year old really enjoys reading, and he can usually be found n the library reading a book, be it on a subject he is studying to swot up on, or because he is just interested in reading and learning on that subject. Indeed he does enjoy learning new things, and thinks the acquirement of knowledge is a worthwhile pursuit

The Ravenclaw boy also enjoys watching Quidditch, and playing it. He also enjoys reading a good book, or just chatting with friends. Donnie also enjoys Astrology and does it at times, as a hobby; he enjoys nothing more then looking at the night sky. He also loves his older sister (though don’t tell her that), and cares about her deeply, although he does wish he could be closer to her, and indeed, like all younger brothers, he does enjoy annoying her, after all, that is what little brothers are for.

Don is a natural born worrier, and does tend to worry about silly little thinks, and can, at times, get himself worked up over them. Despite this he is a good nature, kind and caring young lad, and does want to try his best by everyone, and hates to think that he might have let anyone down.

However, Donald was bullied in primary school, many pupils viewed him as weak and somewhat pathetic, he was a pretty quiet boy during primary school, which probably led him getting bullied some what. This has led to to having some issues with confidence in himself, and in other people.

Although in Ravenclaw, he is going to be very bad in transfiguration, and will, eventually, need someone to help in that subject.

Also, he hates his middle name, and gets annoyed when people use it (actually, there is a funny OOC story how he came by it, but that is for another time)

Anyway, as I said above, Donald needs friends, enemies and plot.

Hello! I'm new as well. I've got Persephone for now, not too sure if I'll have more characters or not. Sephie needs some friends, if you are interested.

Persephone enjoys reading, Greek mythology, outdoor activities, and spending time with her friends and family. She is quiet until you get to know her, then she can be slightly obnoxious. Persephone is fiercely loyal and trustworthy. She is kind and gracious.

I haven't got her completely worked out yet. I want her to do well in all of her classes, she will excel in Transfiguration and Herbology. We could do a tutoring/study RP if you were interested.

Sounds like they could become good friends, Don would have to make a few mistakes in a couple of Transfiguration classes before he figures out it is his weakness (I usually start him off as a third year, so this will be interesting), but i am sure that Donald and Persephone could become friends first outside of classes.
Hey! ^_^

So, I currently have three first years, a Hufflepuff, Slytherin and Ravenclaw.
So, I was thinking that my Ravenclaw (Tate Darkhart) could meet Donald - but they are rather similar in personality, both being kind, polite and apologetic, so I'm not too sure of the dynamic. I could see them getting along famously, but I fear the rp would be mellow, nothing really happening.
Unless we have it in somewhere exciting. :teehee: But that's for later.

Anyway: Tate Darkhart is the third (I think) Darkhart to attend Hogwarts New Zealand - however, he has very small shoes to fill. With one sister skating through the school and barely passing, and another sister being expelled, Tate is determined to pick up the Darkhart name from the dirt and brush it off. He was adopted by the Darkharts - and is aware of this, though he sees them as blood family. He has a brother that was adopted by another family - but that is rather unimportant.
Tate has a habit of blaming himself for things, though he does try not to. He is adventurous, and curious, and has a small problem with rules - he believes they are important, but their true function is to be bent. He tries to restrain himself from such thoughts because he wants to make his parents proud since everyone else has failed them so far. He stresses himself out at times.
He loves playing sport - mostly muggle since he was raised in that environment - but does know the rules of Quidditch and loves the game. His favourite sport is soccer and if someone offers him a game of soccer, he will love them unconditionally. He is a bit of a bookworm, but sport is his primary love. When the opportunity to make a friend appears, he can seem a little too eager to make them, but is loyal to them always.

The only thing I could see causing some discomfort is if Donald has a problem with part-veelas, as Tate is one. In fact, all my first years are. xD Anyway, continuing:

Tommy Hayes ;
Tommy is my Slytherin and Tate's brother.
Tommy was raised in a very different household to Tate, and therefore has a rather different personality. Sport is not something Tommy enjoys - he is a reader and loves reading. He was brought up in a magical based family and knows little of muggle things. The only sport he knows much of and would ever desire to play is quidditch. Otherwise, you would find him reading by himself in a secluded area.
Tommy does not like crowds, and is rather strict with himself. He has his life segregated and will only do certain things in certain situations (such as speaking of family at home, eating only when it's breakfast/lunch/dinner, only reading in the Common Room or Library, etc) With his habit of doing this, it can be difficult to befriend him, as he sees school as a place he lives and learns, not a place to make friends. However he is slowly realising that he has to make himself uncomfortable in order to make friends and survive here.
Tommy has a sharp tongue, but he rarely uses it. He does not get angry, he gets even and then some. He does not initiate fights, but he sees no reason why he should back away from them, either. He is blunt, and often confused by social situations as he has grown up in an adult environment with no other children near him (except those that are very, very young) he is awkward, he is quiet, and he is a little distant at times.
Tommy's main problem is trust. He is hard to please, and very difficult to befriend. However, once his trust is gained it is easily broken, but the upside is that you have gained a friend that will never betray you, as his opinion on trust is that is be given rarely, taken easily, and broken never.

My third, and final firstie ;
Damita Lesley.
Damita Lesley is a hard character for me to roleplay, I will admit, but I have always been up for a challenge.

Damita is the 'typical blonde' she is airy, she is dim-witted, and she often looses focus. However, she makes up for this with incredible enthusiasm. She loves life and loves making friends. She does not quite understand why people don't like being her friend as he likes to talk about fashion, the colour pink and long hair. To her, hose topics are some of the most important things in the world. However, she also loves to talk about her family, and it is quite large so she always has something to say when asked anything focused on family. She has a twin sister Davina Lesley, who is also in Hufflepuff and is slightly more intelligent than sweet little Damita. Damita has an older brother in Slytherin second year, Dexter Lesley, who she adores to the end of time, though they don't have much in common, they get along very well.
Damita can appear to be superficial because all she knows is fashion, colours and hair, she can appear self-absorbed because she talks about herself and her family more than other people. This is only because she rarely has anything else to say on other topics and hates being unable to reply to someone's question. She finds herself in tough spots often, such as slipping over nothing, finding herself in heavy rain when it's supposed to be sunny - etc. She believes she is unlucky and this can effect her conversations and actions as she desperately tries to cure herself of 'unluckiness'. This being said, she is a very happy girl, but totally reliant on her twin sister for help and can be described as a total sheep - meaning she can be led straight into trouble. If she were used, however, and her feelings hurt, be assured that she will cry and tell her sister and brother. She is, however, very kind and wears her big heart on her sleeve.
She is still rather under-developed, but I love her so.
Don doesn't have a problem with anyone being part Veela or anything, in fact, that might interest him to ask some questions about how that is, once he feels he knows them well enough and that it isn't a rude thing to ask, that is.

Donald would get on well with both Tate and Tommy I would think, although he might be a bit weary of Tommy first, given he is a Ravenclaw. Although Don isn't too worried that much about other houses, as long as people are nice. Tom and Don sound like that would share a few interests. I think a friendship between those could work.

Donald and Tate also sound like a promising match,although Donald does not like Soccer football. I can see Tate getting Donald into a fair bit of trouble with his adventurous nature, since I am not too sure Don would always have the maturity or strength to be the voice of reason, although sometimes he would try to be. Even then if he failed to convince Tate, if they were good friend,s he still probably go along with it, rather than risk that friendship (unless Tate was doing something really bad, like cheating on a test or something. Then he would grass)

I am not sure Donnie would get on well with Damita though, although he wouldn't be mean to her, at least not intentionally so, he probably would choose not to interact with her. It sounds like the sort of person that would irk him a lot. Now if I had created another other chracters I often RP (and if I remain active here, like I hope to do, I think I will create them), then I can see at least two of them getting on with her. Well, sort of. But thats another matter. As a Don, I don't think he would interact with her intentionally, although it might be interestng if they do end up together somehow. Especially in a sitution where Donald could not escape her company....actually I am quiet liking that idea.
Sounds good! Persephone still has to figure out wether she'll be good at it. She's interested in it, so that'll likely push her to strive to be successful. If you wanted them to go ahead and meet, I've got an RP set up in the Hogwarts Garden if you want to peek in on it. Also, let me know if you have any RP ideas!
Tommy has no concept of the houses - he comes from a family that pays little attention to such things. His only opinion of the houses is the colours - and he does not like green. :p I too believe they would work rather well.
I don't think Tate will drag Donald into too much trouble, as his loyalty to his parents does hold him back somewhat. What he won't do is cheat or anything, so there's no worries on that front. But the occasional attempted sneak-out may occur.

Yeah, I just threw Damita in because she's intriguing to roleplay. If they do roleplay, I could see her being an irritation - but a friendly one. She tries a little too hard to make friends, and rarely acknowledges personal space and such. So, it's your choice if they meet.
Anyway, I can start one or all, though it would take a few days with other commitments, but possible. :)
I am not too fussed about who starts what. I have got an open RP set up in the second floor corridor, which no-one has yet replied in. If anyone (not just first years) wants to use that to meet Donnie, that would be fine.
That would be great
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