New First Years!

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Ryleigh Millet

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
<COLOR color="#000">Hello there! Seeing I'm new to this board and actually this whole sort of roleplay I decided to post something here, because I need to begin somewhere. If you're reacting to this, please keep in mind that I still have a lot to learn about roleplaying like this and hope that you guys, by roleplaying with me, can help me develop in this. So here's what I have to offer!


Ryleigh Adelaide Millet
So this is here is Ryleigh, she's a first-year Ravenclaw and a Muggle Born. Ryleigh is a single child and has been living with her uncle since she was four, because her parents disowned her the moment they found out she was a witch. She is quite intelligent and very friendly, which allows her to make friends quite easily. Though she might seem a bit shy at first, when you get to know her you'll find out that she is a real sweetheart and fun to be around. She loves to make people laugh and can be rather funny at times. Ryleigh also has this smile upon her face which almost always seems to be there, when it's not you can almost tell for certain that something's wrong. She loves being outside and that's why you'll often find her in the gardens or at the lake.

What she needs: Basically everything, but most of all friends. Ryleigh has learned not to judge people by their House, so it could be from any of them. She makes friends quite easily, but ofcourse she also needs some people who might not like her. Some people who are not too fond of smart people perhaps?


Katherine Elisa McVanough

And this here is Katherine, mostly called Kath, my first-year Halfblood Gryffindor! Kath was born in a small town in New Zealand and lived there with her parents, older sister and big brother. Her brother had always been her role model and they often went out to the forest together, so when he left after a fight with their parents Kath was quite devestated. Since then she has always been afraid of people leaving her and that's why she's very picky about who can be her friend; she needs to know that she can trust them. Once you'll befriend her though you'll soon find out that she is a real sweetheart who will do a lot to protect her friends. Kath is also quite the adventurous type and therefore can be a real trouble maker. She'll easily break rules and can't wait to explore the castle and its grounds. Kath is also someone who doesn't like to show when she's hurt, because it'll make her look weak and that's not an idea she likes.

What I need: again, basically everything. Kath needs people that she can trust and from whom she'll notice that they will stick up with her for a long time. It would also be fun for her to maybe develop a crush on someone on who you'd least expect her to get a crush on. She'll also need some enemies, maybe some people who'll get her into a lot of trouble or break her trust? Seeing she'll easily take the blame for something, this wouldn't be to hard.

So that's it for my crappy character description! I hope some of you guys might come up with some good matches and we can think about a plot. Again, remember that I'm new to all of this, but have to start somewhere and I can't wait to get started.

~ Marijke.
I am new too, and a Ravenclaw., It might be nice to get an RP going between us?
Lorin is a Ravenclaw first year with a lack of worldly practice in socialising with other children his age. In some cases he can come across very adult or formal, and he frequently struggles to determine appropriate responses to situations. He's a target for bullying and spends most of his time withdrawn to a quiet corner where he can read, think, and tinker with his little clockwork machines. He loves logical challenges and chess is one of his favoured pastimes. He is very warm and welcoming (in his own way) to anyone he meets and could really use a few good friends. His family have pretty much disowned him for not making Slytherin and so he is feeling particularly lonely. It would be great if either of the girls would like to get to know him a little better and maybe formulate some good friendships. Let me know what you think. And welcome to the board :)
Can you maybe give me some more information about Donald? So I can know with whom he might fit best.

I think Lorin would fit as a friend for either of the girls. Him and Ryleigh have some things in common and it would be great for her to have a friend in her own House. On the other side, seeing he's a target for bullying, I think Kath and Loring would also make good friends. It's easy to see that Lorin is a friendly boy and wouldn't break her trust. If they'd get to know each other a bit better I'm sure Kath would definetely stand up for him in case of bullying and although it might be a bit of an odd combination, seeing Lorin is so quiet and Kath not at all, I think it would work out. Tell me what you think? :)
So I have Anna-Jo here and she's a very sweet type of girl. Very small and frail but if encouraged she wouldn't let her small frame stop her from adventures though she be the oldest child hasn't ever been the type to step out of the boundaries. She comes from an upper class family in Northern England but has been taught that it means she's better than everyone else. More so she was never taught that others aren't the same as her. But she too needs friends of the like and being a nice friendly girl it's up to you who you think she could really be friends with ^_^
I have Grace to offer for now, she basically needs a friend that can hold her a bit back and that sometimes think for her. Grace is pretty smart and when she wants something she can usually achieve it. Grace is Ravenclaw chaser and she wants and desires attention from that. Although, Grace can be very mean she would hide this for her friends especially best friend and such. Grace will change, but she will never be a standard One of a dozen kind. Grace is fun to roleplay with because she mainly thinks the 'mean' stuff and not applies it into the real world. Deep down inside Grace is really insecure and shy, but she does not know this herself. She needs a friend to get this side out of her. Grace can be a bully, but I dont like a four paged long bully topic. Give me your thoughts about her they are really appreciated.

Ty, Tamara.
(Stiekem ken ik jou al.)
He marijke i can offer my little lion Lauren Abbott she is very social and friendly. I PM yoi if uou want to now more about her or already do.
I think Anna-Jo could make a pretty good friend for Ryleigh. She would like the fact that they're in the same house and I think their personalities will fit quite well together.

For Grace I think Katherine would be a great match. She can be rather rude and won't be afraid to say what she thinks, but I guess this might be a good thing in roleplaying with Grace. Kath is also a big lover of Quidditch so she'll find it absolutely splendid that Grace is a chaser. En ja stiekem wel een beetje hé.

Jamie! I would love to hear some more about Lauren, so it'll be great if you can PM me. It can be in Dutch ofcourse.
Hmm, nice.. Where should such role play set place and who starts it? I am totally busy so if you can start it, it would be lovely. :') Great Idea, Grace can lie though.. so trust hmm only when they become real friends and such.
Sounds absolutely brilliant :) Could definitely see Lorin being friends with both girls for different reasons. He'd be a very loyal and trustworthy friend. Let me know when you want to get a roleplay going and who you would like to start it.
I'm quite busy too at the moment, but I can think of something and then I'll post or send you the link! (It might take a few days) As for the part about lies and trust, Kath really needs to learn that people leave and lie and trust is sometimes there to be broken. She might finally learn that, probably the hard way, when hanging around with Grace. That'll be one of the things that'll change about her along the way, and I think it'll be a good one.

As for Lorin, I would love to get a roleplay going! I have a few exams at the moment so it would great if you could start one. I don't mind starting one either, but it'll just take a few days, so tell me what you prefer :)

Sorry, how remiss of me. I apologise.

Donald is a nice, intelliget, polite and kind Ravenclaw. He is very apologetic, sometimes overly appologetic some might say, and it has been said that he can be too poltie for his own good sometimes. He really cares for his friends, and enjoys quidditch, reading and studying. He does have a good sense of humour, but is not the prankster type, although he can take a joke too far sometimes. .

He is also a very intelligent, although he doesn’t let it go to his head, or at least tries not too anyway. He is also a shy young boy. He can be very shy at times, and does have occasional doubts about himself and his ability, but he usually manages to get out of his shell most of the time. Although he is overall a good person, he can sometimes be immature, and his politeness and apologetic nature, can get on peoples’ nerves.

Don is a natural born worrier, and does tend to worry about silly little thinks, and can, at times, get himself worked up over them. Despite this he is a good nature, kind and caring young lad, and does want to try his best by everyone, and hates to think that he might have let anyone down.
Don't worry about, I haven't read your description yet but I will later and see with which of the girls he would fit best.

I'm quite busy at the moment, but I'm still looking for rp's for when I have time again!
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