Closed New Developments

Avaria Lockwood

~Mommy- Keystone Ink Apprentice~ Bartender~
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 Inch Swishy Walnut Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
3/3/2034 (27)
Ava should have seen this coming. Honestly, she needed to stop drinking. But, she needed to be an adult and own up to her... well, she wouldn't say mistakes. Now that she'd told Vader, she needed to tell Noelle. She was about three or so months along now, and... starting to show, but she wore a baggy enough dress to cover it. She knew she'd been putting this off, but she needed to tell Noelle at some point. She had called him over, sent the twins back to her parents house for the day while Vader was at work. Noelle should be by soon, so she set out a few cups of cocoa. She had a vague idea how this might go, but he could surprise her in a bad way. She waited for him, chewing absently on her lip while she watched the clock.
Noelle was ecstatic receiving a note from Ava inviting him over. It had been a while since he was there, with work for both of them. Also, he had not heard from her since that time. He had given her the space she needed, occasionally sending her letters and gifts, hoping that she would know that he was keeping his word. To be there for her.

Now, Noelle was at her doorstep with fresh flowers for her. He was debating whether he should knock or just walk in. He decided on the former, knocking on the wood. He wondered why she wanted him over but still, he was glad about the invitation.
Ava took a deep breath as the knock on the door came. She didn't bother getting up, instead just smoothing her shirt and making sure she wasn't showing before speaking. "Come in," She called, a vase already on the table for the flowers she was sure he'd probably brought along. She didn't know if it was a good or bad thing she knew him well enough to know he'd bring them along. She twisted her hair around her finger, staring at her shoes as nerves gnawed at her stomach. Or maybe Plum-Berry was kicking. It was a possibility.
It took a second before Noelle could hear Ava's voice. Strange, she normally opens the door. Then again, she was expecting him and she could be busy with something else. Noelle knew the twins were not there since he could not hear them. "Hey!", he greeted her, handing the flowers he brought and kissing her on the forehead. It was something he liked doing when he was around her. He took a seat next to her, just enough space for him to face her fully.
Ava was distracted, humming softly as Noelle kissed her cheek and gave her flowers. She didn't get up, just using magic to move them into the vase. "Noelle, we've gotta talk," She told him, not looking at him and just wringing her hands in her lap. "I don't know if I'm ready for this, but- well, I'm out of time." She took a deep breath and raised her eyes to meet his. She'd never been one to beat around the bush. "Noelle, I'm pregnant- again." She gave a half-hearted smile, one corner of her lips turning up in an almost bemused way. "I swear to god if you propose or something stupid I'll throw you out that window." She threatened idly.
Noelle chuckled at how Ava was utilizing her magic. One common thing they had although he was pretty sure most wizards did that. He looked at her, looking all fidgety and all. He made a move to cover her hands with his to stop her from twisting them off when she dropped the bomb. He looked at her. His eyes went to her stomach, smartly concealed by her shirt but now he could see it now that he knew. Before he could say anything, she threatened him. "Ava...", he chuckled, scooting closer before taking her hands in his. "How about we talk about how you're feeling with all this before we talk about a wedding?", he teased. He wanted to marry her but her threat was one thing he saw coming. He could already sense what the woman felt about weddings and the idea of marriage. And to a Maxwell no less. "I'm gonna be a father?", he asked, wanting to hear it from her. He could not believe it. And with Ava, of course. Not the course of things he wanted, but who he to complain when all the good things still came his way?
Ava let him take her hands, not pulling away but not moving closer. "How about you shut up about a wedding before I throw you out the window," She repeated her threat. She sighed at his question. "No Noelle, I called you here because I make it a habit of getting drunk and sleeping with men." She retorted sarcastically and rolled her eyes.

She shifted, blushing as she recalled her conversation with Vader. "Look, I- am not admitting to anything." She told him gently. "You can act all sweet, but you make big decisions without even telling me, Noelle. I'm not saying that you need to tell me everything you do- but how can you expect me to think you're serious if you make giant, huge life altering decisions without ever even mentioning that they're in the running?" She asked him seriously. "I'll let you be involved with this baby, if thats what you want, but Vader and I are a family. He's my best friend, the godfather of all of my children and he will love and support this baby just as much as he does for the twins. And if you don't like it, well," She motioned towards the door.
Noelle sighed, already knew it coming. Ava's retorts and reactions. "Fine, no wedding talk. Ever.", he added the last word a bit hesitantly because if things were up to him, he'd marry her right here, right now.

He sat back as he listened to Ava ramble on. He realized what she meant about making big decisions. It was about him taking on a professor post at Hogwarts. He wanted to butt in to plead his case but decided to remain quiet as it seemed the woman had no intention of stopping. As soon as she motioned to the door, he stood and went to the window, his back on her. He was trying to be calm, the happiness of becoming a father quieted down inside him as he was slightly offended that Ava would just assume that he would up and leave that easily. He looked outside, people casually passing by going about their business.

"I only took the job to be closer to you, Ava.", he said quietly, still looking out the window. "Would you rather I am in the UK and you here? Would it make you happier than I", he asked. He would give up his job and go home if it meant her happiness. If it meant him having a chance with her. But it would be her choice, not his. "I'll be in this child's life, in any way that I can. In any way you allow me to be.", he said, finally facing her. "You don't need to worry about Vader. I know he's always there and many times I told you that I am happy that he is there for you and the twins." He gave a small smile at that. "I will be here. For him. Or her. And you. If you let me.", he held her gaze. He said his piece, leaving everything up to her. From this time on, her happiness was all that matters and he would honor whatever her choice would be.
Ava watched Noelle, weary of his response. She fidgeted a little, biting her lip and sighing. She stood up, shuffling over to him. She hesitated a moment before slipping her hand over his. "Noelle," She took a breath, and brought her other hand up to his arm. "I don't want you to leave," She told him, lowering her eyes and just gently rubbing her fingers on his arm. "I don't like big surprises." She offered, leaning her head against his shoulder. "I can appreciate the thought behind it, but big things like that shouldn't be surprises. It sets the precedent that you're willing to make life changing decisions without warning."

She trailed off, cuddled in close. "I know I've been... a little bit difficult. And I won't lie and tell you I'm worth it. I never wanted to marry or have kids. The twins caught me by surprise, and they're the best thing I've ever had." She shifted, peeking up at him. "Maybe... maybe you can come over for dinner. Friday?"
Noelle's breath hitched the moment he felt Ava's hand in his. He squeezed it, loving the feeling of it in his hands. "Who says I'm leaving?", he chuckled. "And I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about it, I just want it to be a surprise but hey, not taken that my child's mother is not into big surprises.", he teasingly added. Mother. His child's mother. Those words just sounded foreign but music to his ears.

He faced her, taking her in his arms. "And I completely understand, love. I just hope one day you'll open your mind to the idea... someday?", he slipped the last word with a tiny chuckle. "Dinner sounds lovely. Will it be only us or the twins and Vader?", he asked, wondering if he should bring something for the kids and his child's godfather. He knew Ava would make him one and Noelle definitely agreed. He had to call Yvette about this too.
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Ava leaned back, studying him. "I've had too many big surprises in my life, Noelle. I don't need any more. Flowers are a nice surprise, or like, chocolates. Gifts are surprises. If you try any more of those 'big surprises' you're next big surprise is going to be an empty house." She threatened him idly.

She rolled her eyes as he said something cheesy, ignoring it and instead focusing on the dinner invitation. "Seeing as how I eat dinner with Vader and the twins, if you want dinner with me it's dinner with them." She told him firmly. If the twins didn't like him, well, that was the end of it. He had a lot of work to do if he wanted to be more actively involved in her life.
Noelle laughed as he pulled Ava closer before relaxing on the sofa. "Chocolates, flowers, gifts. Notes. Is jewelry included?", he playfully asked. His mind wandered to a future that was already close at hand with the woman beside her and their daughter. He glanced at her when she spoke about the dinner. "Just wanna make sure. I'm thinking of bringing some gifts for them.", he replied nonchalantly, subtly emphasizing the word gifts.
Ava rolled her eyes. "No jewelry," She countered. She considered what he was getting at. "They're still just little- Aurora loves playing with everyones hair, so lots of bows and accessories right now, but she's really idolizing Vader- I'm thinking of getting her a kids camera but I haven't looked too much into it yet. Nico is quieter, he loves to color, he's always following Aurora around." She chuckled. "And Vader would bleed coffee, I swear." She was twisting her hands in her lap unthinkingly, biting her lip. "What would you like for dinner?"

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