New character anyone?

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Luna Paramore

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Kelsey ^_^
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" with a Essence of Phoenix Ash
Okay, so the character isn't a very major one. But her role is still needed, in my absence I need to explain what my characters have been up to. In most cases this will be rather simple but with Luna I'm going all out. In the panic of motherhood and becoming an adult caused Luna to buckle and drop off of the face of the Earth with her girlfriend, who she met while pregnant the summer after her seventh year.

The pair now live in New York City, Luna hasn't seen anybody from her old life since the day of her daughters birth. Most presume her to be dead. She and Soliel Meadows live in a cramped apartment, neither holds a steady job and live mostly off of what art they can sell along with alcohol and nicotine, I need someone who want to play the role of Soliel and any ideas for Lunas integration back into the magical world and her old life after she breaks it off with Soliel would be appreciated!

Soliel is 21 year old muggle High School Dropout, the two met in New Zealand at an art show it seemed to be love immediately, as soon as Luna gave birth and was able to move again they packed their things and flew out of the country. Soliel is the bad influence, most of her personality is up to the person who takes her on. All I ask is that she be an irresponsible party girl.

Sorry if this isn't very helpful, feel free to ask as many questions as you wish!
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