New BFF on the go!

Dylan Ward

Active Member
OOC First Name
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
Dylan, in his early age experienced of losing his parents. They died because of car accident. He mourned terribly. He tried to commit suicide but he failed to kill himself. His aunt adopted him and owned as her true son but not his uncle. That time, he didn't know who he really was. His mother was a muggle and his father was a pureblood wizard.

He lived with his aunt and uncle in mother's side but he wasn't happy. His uncle was blaming him of the accident that happened. He tried to understand him somehow, but there was a time that he couldn't take him anymore. He'd been a bully in their place and became a "bad boy". He wasn't a gregarious type of person. He would just isolated himself in his room and locked it.

Once when he had a crush, he tried to change who he was. He really loved that girl. When he was about to assert his feelings, he saw her with other man. From that day, he had an intense strange feeling that he hit the guy, leaving him almost dead. He told everything to his aunt and his aunt revealed a secret about him. She instructed him to go in HOGWARTS as she called it.

His uncle was very mad to know that Dylan hit someone on the street. He reported him in the police station. The day when the police arrived, Dylan's aunt let him escape. His journey going to Hogwarts was not that easy.

He stopped in a Brightstone Village. He wandered around. He was a stranger in that place. He sat when he saw a bench near him. Looking around, he was really astound to think that was his father's world. His world, too. Now, he was hoping to have someone to talked to. He'd been alone since the day he escaped from the muggle world.
OOCOut of Character:
Sorry this is really late ):

It had been a while since Tora had returned back from Japan, her search for answers was far from over even though she had learnt alot over the few weeks she was there. But she knew no matter know much she knew about her mother it would never completely fill that empty whole where her face, her smell, everything a daughter should know by heart should be. Many times Tora thought about her mother she always wished she knew now or had any sort of memory of her but there was just nothing and she wished she could have lived with her mother for way longer than she did. But deep in her heart she knew if that had happened then she would never have met her adopted parents and she did not want that. Tora was sick of hearing her own thoughs and sick of thinking the same things she had thought over and over and over since she got back it was not going to change anything.

After spoiling herself with a peice of chocolate cake Tora made her way out of the cafe and out into the fresh air. It was quite cool but even through the coolness she wanted to stay outside. Making her way down the long road she took at seat on a bench next to someone she had never met before.
Contemplating the things that happened before he went to Hogwarts, he didn't notice that someone sat beside him. He was too serious to notice all things. He remembered his friend he'd met before he decided to settle in Hogwarts. She was benign to help him in all things. He felt that his world around him was moving in a slow motion. He felt a sudden headache.
" Oh crap! Whooooo. " ,he uttered.
He was bumping his left wrist into his head. He was like a crazy from a mental institution.
" I don't like this. " He mumbled. He had still a long journey to take before he completed his mission. He had to be physically and mentally fit. He had still many questions in his head that need many answers.
Out of character said:
Sorry for replying late also.. :erm: I haven't had a chance to look after this topic. I thought you won't reply anymore.
OOCOut of Character:
Oh! Im so sorry ...

Hearing the person next to her Tora slipped off the bench and knelt down in front of him, "Are you okay" She asked grabbing his arms so he would stop hitting his head, "That's only going to make in worse" Tora told him seriously. When he could not see she quickly pulled out her wand so it was pressed up against her leg so nobody arround could see what it was she was doing. Giving her wand a slight flick she silently used a spell to make him feel better. Tora was not one for using magic on muggles but she felt bad and had to do something. After a few more heartbeats she began talking again "My names Tora." She introduced herself as she stood up, "How re you feeling now?" She asked
Dylan couldn't take anymore the pain. It was like it would crack her head off. He didn't know why it was happening to him. Maybe because of too much heat. He heard a girl's voice beside him but he ignored it. The pain made him numb to speak up. He suffered a lot of pain for almost a minute, then suddenly it vanished. It disappeared in an instant.
" Oh.. " ,he was twisting his head, feeling that it was alright now. " How did..?... " He faced the girl beside him. " H-hi.. Uhmm, I'm okay now.. "
The heat of the sun plus the stress were his suspect why he had an intense headache. " Dylan. " ,gesturing his hands to her. " You're not thinking I'm insane, aren't you? " he said looking at her.
Tora smiled softly. "Nice to met you Dylan" She told him and shook his hand. She could not help but laugh when he asked if she though if he was mental. "No definatly not" She shook her head. Tora was happy that she was able to help him. It was one of the best things she loved about being a witch. Simple things like that she was able to hep with but she was no healer or anything like that, but sometimes she wished that she was, it would be so amazing to be able to0 help others to that extent. She smiled "I'm glad your okay" Tora told him.
" Okay.. So, uhmm, do you know where can I find a place where I could stay? " Dylan asked. He was a bit tired now that he wanted to have a rest. He traveled for so long and his body ached. His mind was corrupted of stress. He wasn't able to sleep well too during his journey. He felt that after his intense headache, he was out of his mind. There was something that he couldn't figure flowing in his body. He felt nervous too. He didn't know what would be his life in this place.
Tora could see that Dylan was still confuesed at what had happened and she could see that he was tired and he looked very worn out. "So where are you from?" Tora asked knowing that it was not anywhere around here, "Where are you ment to be staying?" She asked confuesed hearing his question, she hoped that he was not in any trouble or danger.
Even it had been a month since Dylan knew everything about his true identity that he was a wizard, he was still perplexed. He would be very lucky if he could meet a person whom he could trust. Was this a girl he'd been waiting for? To be his ultimate best friend? To rely on everything and lean on with the his problems?
" Actually, I'm not familiar with this place. I'm new here, obviously. " ,he grinned at her. " Oh, don't worry. I'm not in trouble, as of now. " ,reading her eyes, Dylan could sense that she was confused. " Uhmm, I'm a bit hungry. " ,he said while getting out his food from his backpack. " Want some? "
"No thanks" Tora assured him shaking her head. Tora thought about the position she was in and looked at the Dylan "Are you looking for somewhere to stay?" She asked him with a smile. Currently Tora needed a new room mate, her large house was lonely by herself with no one elce there. She hoped he did so that she could have a new room mate. The only thing standing in the way was she was a witch but everything unusual for a mugle that she owned could easily be hidden and eventually she could tell him one day.
Dylan had his first bite before he answered her. " Yeah. If you have a recommended place. " He hoped that she had a place for him. He wasn't going to stay forever in this place. He really had a few questions to be answered. Answers that could be found in that place. About his true identity. " Are you a... uhmm.. mmmm.. " ,he didn't know how to ask her one thing. He sighed. " Do you mind if I'll ask you one thing? If that's... mmmm.. okay with you? " He didn't know how would be the witches or wizards react. " Are you a w-witch? " ,he whispered, looking around that no one could hear him.
Tora sighed, Why had she not made the connection? Standing up she told him to follow her. "Come with me." Turning on her heel she began walking towards her car. When she reatched it she turned to face Dylan again "Thats not a question you just ask anyone" Tora told him seriously. Things could end quite badly when you say stuff like that to the wrong people. "Lucky for you I am" She answered his question "And I'm taking it that you are a Wizard, and a new one at that." She started to sum him up in her head, finding it easy to read him. "Am I right?" Tora Propted him
Oh..... Sorry again for late reply. The internet connection here in house has a problem. :cry:

Dylan followed her towards her car. He was nervous of what would happen next. He had nothing in his new world. He didn't know whom he would trust. People around him seemed peculiar to him. They were somebody who had an extraordinary ability that if you dare to hurt them, you would possibly die. She turned to face him when they reached her car. She looked so serious. Another annoyance flowed down through every nerve of him.
" Y-yeah. " ,he hesitated to answer him. He was too careful to deal with that thing to other person. A wrong person to tell that may think of him that he was crazy.
" And that's the reason why I'm here ..... to clarify many things. " ,he augmented. He sighed deeply before looking at her eye to eye.
Tora knew he wanted answers and knew that to some extent she could help him out. "Come for a ride and if I can help you I will, But I want to know somethings first - then I will answer your questions." She slipped into the drivers seat and waited for him to follow. Tora knew that getting in to some strangers car would not seem like a good idea but if he wanted answers he would follow her. And Tora wanted to help him out, but in public where everyone could hear was not the best place for it. Tora smiled and waited
Facing the reality about Dylan was not that easy to him. He was used to be just an ordinary boy. He followed Tora inside the car. He sat in the passenger's seat and placed his bag in the backseat.
" How long have you been here? ,he asked. He was looking outside the window as the car was passing by the streets.
Tora drove off she took a few casual glances at Dylan. "Lived here my whole life, what I can remember anyway" Tora left out the details of her life before then, her life in Japan and everything elce. "I can tell from the look on your face that you are confuesed about something. Am I right?." Tora told him more of a statement that a question. "Anything you want to know I will answer for you. Ask away" Tora smiled and faced him. She looked away as she turned a sharp corner.

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