new begings

Jethro Gibbson

Active Member
OOC First Name
jethro was out for his routinly jog around his local area. as he was jogging he was wondering what would happen to all of his stuff if he passed away he didnt have any family that he knew of and he didnt want it going to the orhpange that he lived in. he suddenly hit some thing that made him stop in his tracks.
Harleigh pull her black pony tail tight and made sure he shoelaces were tied. She adjusted her jogging gear which was some short sport shorts and a jogging bra. Harleigh was wearing all black and Put in her headphones. She had been at the park earlier so her skin was a little more tan and her face was a little pink. Harleigh took off down the street jogging. She waved at the neighbors houses as she passed. All of a sudden a loud crash happened to the right. Mr.sweeny's trash can fell over and he was trying to pick it up.
do you need help? she asked him before she found herself looking up at a boy her age and rubbing her forehead. He had knocked her down.

((btw a pic o her is underthe max and me spoiler))

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