Open New and Old

Nikko Blackwood

Macaws Keeper 🏄 Independent 🏄 '57 Grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Engaged (Aubrey)
Sexual Orientation
Straight 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Pine Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
07/2039 (24)
Nikko had never been to this part of the castle before. It was strange that he had been here nearly two years and still hadn't found all of the places he could hide and get away from people for a while. He opened the door and was surprised to see what looked like a normal classroom, but it didn't look like it was used anymore. He moved farther into the room and sat down at one of the desks and pulled out his lunch that he had taken from the great hall. Nikko had been looking for a quite place to eat when he had stumbled upon this place, and it was absolutely perfect.

@Clara McCarthy
Clara spend time alone and she take one book to read and find her place and she was thinking about abandonded classroom and why not be here alone. She opened the door slowly and walked here with fantasy book and see here Niko and she was not alone. "Hey!" She told him and walked the classroom and take her sit to read.
Nikko looked up quickly when he heard some one else enter the classroom. He was ready to regret coming here when he recognized the girl who entered. "Oh hey!" he said a little to excitedly in his relief. "Hi Clara." he said a little tentatively. He was pretty sure that was her name but they didn't talk often and he was terrified he had forgotten it.
"I promise, i don't disturb you, i just wanted find place to read!" Clara smiled Nikko and she know that boy don't loved the company. She opened her book and started to slowly read.
Nikko smiled awkwardly, feeling a little guilty for making her feel like she would be unwelcome. "Oh no, it's fine." he said. Besides it wasn't like reading was a loud activity. "So..what are you reading?" he asked after a moment, curious to see if it was one he knew.
"I read The legend of Ferland- Fall of the dragons!" Clara told him and she was glad she don't disturb him and mayby she was still try be friends with Nik."Why, are you here alone?" Clara asked the boy.
Nikko gave Clara a small smile as she told him about the book. "Oh dragons? That sounds cool." he said enthusiastically. "It's kind of crazy to think dragons are real. Have you ever seen one in real life before?" he asked. He didn't know how magical her background was, but for him the idea of seeing an actual dragon still felt like fantasy. "I don't know." he answered with a shrug when she asked about why he was alone. "I don't mind being by myself. I like the quiet." he said and shrugged again.
"I agree, dragons are cool and dangerous to." Clara answered Nikko. When he asked about see a real dragon in her life. Ravenclaw girl started thinking about it. "It's scary, realy. But i not realy see a dragon in my life. " She hoped that never happened and she never wanted be a dragon food. "I can go, if you want" She told him.

So sorry for late post.

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