Closed New and a little bit alarming

Kirby Rosatta-Chevotet

it's me, hi, i'm the problem, its me | sixth year
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
She couldn't believe she was actually here - she'd never been to New Zealand before so she was excited to see how everything was going. It was all so different, least of all because everything was in English, and she was used to most things being in French. She looked around the pitch, her broom hugged eagerly in her arms. But the Great Lawn was so big, not as big as the Quad she was used to practicing in, but big enough all the same. Getting here had taken less time than she thought, and everything was just to interesting to look at - she couldn't wait to play against the New Zealand champions, but she hoped they would win. She was sure they would. Mostly she wanted to come and find the seeker, so she could keep any eye on them, learn how they move, and the Beaters so she could watch out where she was flying. She wasn't as skilled as some of the others maybe, having to sit on the bench, learn the ropes, but she'd won for their team against Ilvermorny, and that meant something to her - she didn't want to leave here a loser. "Hey! You must be Bailey right? I saw your name on the list of players, you're an alternate? Do you think it's gauche of me to ask you about your regular seeker?"
Bailey was still on a high from catching the snitch in the championship game, whatever else happened in her Quidditch career she had directly contributed to winning the cup for Hufflepuff. It was sad that Penelope had been denied that chance in her final year, but Bailey hoped she would take comfort in the knowledge that she had been the one who got them in that position. If Penelope hadn’t won their previous game, Bailey catching the snitch would have been meaningless.

Knowing she would be back on the bench for the inter-school game against Beauxbaton was disappointing, but she was still excited to be taking part in the game and the potential to meet interesting people from a different school. She was lost in her own thoughts when she was suddenly approached by a girl in an unusual looking blue uniform, she definitely wasn’t a Hogwarts student. “Oh hi! Yeah I’m Bailey,” Her smile faltered slightly when she asked about Penelope. Was she trying to get intel on her opponent? “Uhm, yeah kinda, I don’t want to give you any insight that might help you win,”
She grinned at the girl, well she could definitely appreciate the loyalty. "I'm Kirby and mostly I was kidding, I can appreciate a girl who's loyal to her team - I just wanted something to say to approach you and I wasn't sure if my French would appeal," she joked, leaning on her broom. "Are you a prefect? You must be really busy with that and doing this," she said, complimentary as she took the girl in, trying to figure out if she would be someone that Kirby would have to be careful of. She might only have been an alternate, but that didn't mean anything, she wanted to know how likely it was for the Kiwis to win, she would have hated to leave here as a loser, she liked being a winner. "Hey, do you know a guy called Elio? I owled him a couple of weeks ago, but I haven't seen him around yet -" it was probably wishful thinking since she was pretty sure Elio was in the red house, Gryffindor? And this girl was clearly not that house if her yellow uniform was any indication. Still, it would have been nice to see him, Ocarina would be around somewhere too, so she'd like to see her sister as well, but she had time.
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Bailey had her back up already after Kirby’s attempts to get intel on Penelope. She raised her eyebrow at the girl as she told her she was joking and had just been looking for something to say to her. “Why? Why so keen to talk to me?” She hadn’t seen this girl before so she didn’t understand why she would be looking for an excuse to talk to her. “I am yeah, it’s a lot of work doing all the practice sessions on top of prefect duties, as well as just generally being in fifth year is kicking my a**,” Bailey laughed, O.W.L year was difficult but it was almost over, just the small matter of the exams to sit.

“Yeah I know Elio,” She blushed as she talked about the Gryffindor boy. “How do you know Elio?”
Kirby grinned at the Hufflepuff, why else would she want to talk to her. “My friend and I were doing a flyover earlier and you stood out, why wouldn’t I want to come over and talk to you. You’re cute, isn’t that enough to want to get to know you?” Okay so she wasn’t very smooth but no one had ever accused her of being smooth before, bold, sure, definitely forward. Kirby knew what she wanted and she went for it when she saw it. That’s how most people came to get to know her, she generally forced them to. “I bet you’re really good at it, I hope I get to see you play, not that I want to knock out your regular seeker or anything. That’s not my call,” Celestine would have that covered, girl was a menace with a bat. Kirby liked to keep out of her way as much as possible.

As the topic moved to Elio she shrugged. “Met him last year during a vacation, he’s friends with my sister, she’s probably around here somewhere,” there wasn’t much point going into details about it, she wasn’t here for that really, she’d mostly just wanted to confirm Elio was at the school, butt head hadn’t written her back. “Bit like dealing with a smoke monster.”
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Bailey didn’t know how to take the compliment of being called cute by Kirby. She had been pretty forward when pursuing Elio, despite how that ended, but she was completely floored by the concept that Kirby might hold any kind of interest in her and suddenly the shoe was on the other foot and she didn’t know what to do about it. “Oh, thanks, you, you’re cute too,” Bailey fought the urge to facepalm herself and just hoped she could get out of their interaction with some of her dignity intact. “I’ve only played once but I did catch the snitch so…I’m pretty good,” She smiled bashfully, Bailey was a confident person especially when it came to her Quidditch ability but she hated the idea of bragging to Kirby. “It would be fun to play against you, hopefully you wouldn’t be too distracted by how cute I am,”

It was a surprise to hear someone from a different school talk about Elio. She didn’t know why it bothered her, in truth she barely knew Elio, they’d fooled around a couple of times and now he was dating someone else. They’d settled into a comfortable friendship that she had been pleasantly surprised to be devoid of awkwardness. “He isn’t that elusive,” Bailey laughed. “Though I guess I have the advantage of being in the same school,”

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