Closed Never one for clubs.

Ellie Tsai

🌊🏄 stoic but reliable 🏄🌊
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Ellie hadn't done much during her time at Hogwarts, she went to classes and did her homework. Other than that she couldn't even count on one hand the extra activities she had taken part in. She had seen one or two quidditch matches when it was important to Ravenclaw. She never felt bad about not getting prefect or head girl as it would have meant she'd have to be more social and that wasn't too appealing for Ellie. She had never really gotten used to being so far from Hawaii. Sure New Zealand was an island nation but being locked into staying at the school meant she hadn't gotten to enjoy the country. She was sure there would be some great waves to catch somewhere that wasn't landlocked like Hogwarts was. Her plan as she entered back for her seventh year was to remain the same and continue all the same. Walking in she was surprised how small the castle seemed now. She had always been tall but now she was in her final year the castle felt so much smaller than it had felt before. Maybe it was the pressure of always wanting to do well was finally lifting off of her, or maybe she suddenly turned into a giant. Looking down it was easy to determine the feeling had nothing to do with her height as that hadn't really changed from the previous year.
Kiara was determined to spend a lot more of her attention on the Wild Patch than she had done last year. With OWLs in the way they had been busy and she had perhaps not done as much as she could've. Something she was keen to make up for this year when classes would hopefully be a little less stressful. In an attempt to attract some more attention for the club Kiara had created little cards that helped remind people of when their next meeting would be. Even if they hadn't decided on what the meeting would be yet she thought it was nice to offer people something that would help them realize it was happening when the time came around for it. Plus, it was a good opportunity for her to push herself a little. Speak to other students. Something that was a lot less daunting when most were now younger than she was. "Hi," She smiled when an older girl was about to walk past her. "Are you interested in the Wild Patch? I have these little cards they, uh, they'll help remind you when the first meeting of the year comes around. Or if you don't you can still take one, it grows a little flower when opened. It's really cute.." She said a little awkwardly. Just handing them out to younger students had been easier but she wasn't going to suddenly stop when someone older walked by.
Ellie was walking through as normal not expecting to be stopped by anyone. She usually kept her head low and focused on her studies and that was that. But she felt compelled to stop this time and hear out the girl. She was certain this was a prefect in the year below her, not that they had talked before. But it'd be silly to not know who were the prefects in your own house Ellie thought. Wild Patch, the flower club? She hadn't ever given it much thought before. She couldn't even remember ever getting one of their roses before but alas she didn't have many friends to get one from. "Oh, thanks," Ellie said looking over the card but not opening it right at the moment. She finally looked up to the teen in front of her. "So you're in the club?"
Kiara tried her best to remain cool when talking to the other girl. She was a little disappointed that talking to someone older than her made her feel more nervous than she would've liked, especially in comparison with how at ease she had been handing out the cards to younger students. She wasn't going to let it get to her though. It only meant there was still plenty of room for her to push herself, to grow. "Uh, yeah, I am." Kiara had to stop herself from already moving on to the next student when the girl asked her a question. "I'm co-leader, actually." She added with a small smile. "Never too late to try something new, right?"
Ellie smiled politely as she listened to the perfect. It sounded like it had probably been a great way to make friends. That made her think of her friends back home, those were the people Ellie wanted to be hanging out with at the moment. But she was stuck at Hogwarts one last year and had told herself to enjoy it rather than just study and work hard in classes. "Alright, yea, I'll come. I'm not much of a plant person but maybe you'll be able to change my mind," she said.

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