Closed Never Had a Friend Like Me

Lorelai Gates

Twin- Artist- Lo
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 14 1/2 Inch Unyielding Cypress Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
13 (3/15/2050)
Lorelai was struggling a little. She was never the best with spellwork. She didn't want to go to any Professors- logically she knew that would be the better option, but she just felt silly all the same. After a bit of thought, she'd decided she knew who to go to- Enoch. He was one of her friends, even if he didn't know it yet. She hummed, moving around the castle in search of him for a good while, before eventually she came across him in the student lounge. She lit up, moving over to sit next to him. "Enoch!" She greeted brightly, crossing her ankles and angling herself towards him. "I've been looking for you everywhere."
Enoch was managing really. Things with his brothers hadn't improved over the break, and he was glad to be back at school, trying his best to be motivated by the things he was involved in, but it was hard. It was hard to not feel hopeless at times. He just had no real friends to be able to speak to, and no desire to take his problems to a professor. He had come to the lounge to get to work on the potions homework, and was interuptted as a girl approached him and sat close. he had to wrack his brain for who this was. Lorelai or something. He frowned at her. "Why?" he asked a little sharply.
Lorelai smiled, not bothered by his sharp tongue. "Cuz we're friends, silly." She replied. "You just don't know it yet." She sighed dramatically, tucking her legs up underneath her. "Whatcha doing?" She asked, deciding she didn't want to start right away with asking him to help her out.
Enoch felt like his brain had stopped working when the girl called them friends, they weren't friends. He hadn't even though she'd remember him, let alone approach him, because he equally would not have approached her. "Working," he told her, just looking down at his work again. "What do you want?" he asked.
Lorelai laughed, not phased by his crankiness "To be friends, silly," She countered, propping her chin in her hand. "What are you working on?" She asked, trying to peek at his books. He did always seem to be working on something, and it made her curious what could hold so much of his interest.
Enoch rolled his eyes a little and had been about to say that this wasn't the place for friends, but he realised he was probably pretty wrong. That this would actually be exactly the place for it. This is the lounge and not like the library. "More advanced stuff, potions." he added the subject as an almost after thought.
Lorelai lit up, completely forgetting everything she'd originally come by for. "Ooh, you're into potions?" She asked, leaning in to try and peek at his work. "Aren't they fun? It's almost like cooking," She confided with a conspiratory whisper, though she doubted it was an original thought. She giggled all the same, just generally enjoying herself.
Enoch shook his head lightly, not necessarily disagreeing with her, but just trying to say no to get away. He just turned away slightly, covering his work more with his arm, so that he could continue to work in peace and hope she got the hint.
Lorelai was blissfully ignorant- which she was doing on purpose right now, sure he needed friends but was just too stubborn to give in. She kept chattering, not minding how he'd pulled away. "I think about a career making potion labels sometimes- really fun, creative ones, with the ingredients or like, some artistic interpretations for the potion name, like maybe a moon and stars for a sleep potion, but that could get confusing, so I think about other things I could do, like maybe being a professional chalk artist, that would be fun! Or one of those people that do sketches at carnivals, that would be cool!" She chattered, giggling at the ideas flowing through her mind.

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