Closed never even fun back then

Sayuri Edogawa

aikido • things are changing • frustrated
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 11 Inch Rigid Acacia Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Sayuri had specific study habits that she preferred to keep to. She had a schedule that she followed when it came to revising for classes and she stuck to it. When her siblings began to organize a study session exclusively for the four of them, Sayuri had been willing to rearrange her schedule. Concessions could be made because they were her siblings. She'd been annoyed - almost resented their presence before they all packed up and started Hogwarts. Now that she was apart from them more than not, she found their presence a little more tolerable. Besides, with all of them separated into different houses, they've all had to figure out how to stand on their own feet - some of them managing it better than others. In any case, her siblings were just about the only people that she'd been willing to study with for the longest time. There hadn't been a need for her to strictly engage with her housemates. Until now. For some reason, the professor had thought it would be a good idea to do a paired assignment for Transfiguration. She would have really preferred to work with Rose since they shared this class together, but of course, one couldn't have everything and she'd been partnered up with someone from her own house - a roommate even. Kanako Kurosawa. Was she interested? No. Sayuri was not. Was she going to do it? She didn't exactly have a choice, did she? It wasn't even a particularly difficult assignment - a research into Ministry laws pertaining to Animate to Inanimate Transfiguration, in particular, why the law they choose is an important one, pros, cons, and whatnots. Perhaps it was the amount of research that needed to be done that made it a paired assignment - still didn't mean Sayuri should be happy about it. Deciding to get this interaction over with as much as possible, she called out to the girl as soon as they were out of the classroom. "Kurosawa. We need to talk."
Kanako wasn't one to be too concerned with grades or studying. That was her brother's domain. She didn't want to appear stupid however, and there had been a glaring P on her report card last year. Kanako remembered when her father had found out - she'd tried to hide the report but it had come out nonetheless. He wasn't the type to yell but his disappointment could be utilised just as cruelly, in Kanako's opinion. Whatever. Kanako didn't care. She just wanted to get by - by herself. Maybe she secretly wanted friends but she was self-sufficient as she was, thank-you-very-much.

Then, their transfiguration professor insisted on pairing up for an assignment. Something boring about magical laws. Kanako wasn't paying that close attention, and she was going to give it up for the day and talk to her partner another day - what was her name again? Sayuri? - when said partner confronted her. Kanako tried to appear personable. "Sure," Kanako said easily, "we can talk. Is this about the assignment?"
Sayuri didn't particularly have a relationship with any of her roommates. She avoided them and they didn't particularly give her any time of day. this was perhaps one of the few times that she interacted with any of them, and this was only because she needed to. She didn't have any inclinations to fail this assignment after all. "Naturally," she said. It wasn't like there was anything else they could potentially talk about. Sayuri was not interested at all in asking about Kurosawa's personal affairs. "I would prefer to narrow down which law we will be discussing in the project as soon as possible and split the workload," the less they have to coordinate their schedules around each other, the better.
Kanako wasn't the biggest fan of doing homework, so the idea of splitting it didn't really appeal to her. She'd rather get Sayuri to do the whole thing and Kanako to do just enough to warrant credit. But she wanted to appear like she was nice and understanding and all of that boring stuff so Kanako compromised. "Do you have a law in particular that you want to look into?" Kanako asked. "I suppose we could split up the pros and cons," Kanako said thoughtfully, "but I still think we should do it together. We take the same classes so scheduling shouldn't be too hard, right?" Kanako was trying really hard and she hoped it didn't show.
Sayuri took a moment to think about the laws she knew in passing. Transfiguring muggles was one - but that was almost certainly a given considering it would also break the Statute of Secrecy if the muggle wasn't even aware of magic prior. The law stating that animate to inanimate transfiguration has a time limit was already mentioned in class so Sayuri wasn't exactly keen on that either. "Perhaps the law stating transfiguration cannot be performed on sentient creatures without their consent," she offered. Sometimes wizarding folk tend to disregard some creatures rights, so it's not a very common law to be discussed. But there are a lot of points that can be discussed once they've found the exact wording of the law. Her eyes narrowed slightly however when the girl insisted on doing the homework together instead of just splitting the workload. "We can do it at the same hours if you insist but I want an outline on which parts exactly each of us would be working on so we can get this done faster."

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