NEEDS!!!!!! =D

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Rapunzel Frost

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Rapunzel Elaine Frost:
She's outgoing(SUPER outgoing), brilliant, exciting, occassionally adventurous, loving, can be sneaky.

She wants:
-More Friends! :D Any personality works
-A Bestfriend! xD Any personality works
-A Boyfriend Who Acts As Another Best Friend With A Romantic Edge To The Relationship! :wub: She prefers a nice boy who will be there for her whenever! But again Any personality works

PM me or post on this if you would like to be any of these ^_^
Maybe if you like become a Librarian or something like me, we could be friends.

If you don't want that, then I have another character that is planning to be a Student.
Hey :D

Well, i have this character. She is quite outgoing, clever and fun to be with. I would love to be either good or best friends with you seeing as we are in the same year.

Im trying to get her as many friends as possible so yeh, but its up to you xD

Kate :D
Alright, the student character's name is James Slick. He is a nice kid, currently has no friends, and hates his 19 year old brother, Adrian (this character). He plans to be in Ravenclaw, because he thinks it's cool. His favorite things to do are play basketball and eat. When he gets out of Hogwarts, he plans to be an Auror.

Would you like to start the topic or should I on the account?
Alice- Oh! goodness! yes! I forgot! I was supposed to start a topic for us but I had so many I couldn't keep up! I would love for them to friends! I can still start the topic if you would like...?

Adrian-Would you mind starting it, dear? ^_^ Thank you!
Yeh, that would be great thanks :D
Adrian, would James like to do a rp with Alice as well?? She also wants to be in Ravenclaw so they might get on. PM me if you think this is a good idea or not :D Thanks :D
Rapunzel - Sure thing, right away.

Alice - Maybe, I'll try to contact you soon.
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