Closed Needing To Be Better

Ivelisse Burleigh

inadequate ▪️ accidental magic reversal squad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 14 Inch Flexible Laurel Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
03/2042 (19)
After the disaster that had been last year's quidditch season Ivelisse was keen on improving her skills as much as she could, for various reasons. One such reason was that she wasn't willing to give Celia the satisfaction of seeing her fail again. If the beaters weren't going to even attempt to protect her from incoming bludgers she would just have to be quick enough to catch the snitch before anyone could get three hits in on her. Another reason was that she had no clue how ruthless Liusadh might be and, even if she didn't want to admit it, was worried that the captain might see reason to replace her. Even if she had won them the championship game as quickly as she had.

Knowing the year had only just started and tryouts were still a little while away Ive had taken to the sky quite early in the morning, trying everything she could to get better. She tried to move quicker, turn and switch altitudes smoother. All of it. She had to push herself to the limit if she wanted to be as good as she knew she could be. After having wrapped her fingers around the snitch for who knows how many times Ive eventually touched down on the ground again. She let herself drop down onto the grass to rest up for a second, grateful for the chilly air to cool her down, and looked around to see if anyone else was coming to claim some airspace around the pitch.

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