Needing some help!

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You see, my character here is very lonely. She has recently moved to New Zealand, still having her other home in England. Anita has a twin sister but their nothing alike. Anita is the quiet, shy and laid back one that has always been smart in school and in real life. She can strike up a conversation though if the other person is willing. Once you get to know her she is very nice and outgoing, it's just the first few minutes of talking that are the hardest. I was hoping for some friends, flings, final. If you even have an interesting plot let me know. Thank you :)
I have both Aisling Finnigan and Maia Purdue, take your pick! Maia's eighteen, so maybe not, but Aisling's 21, just moved to New Zealdn-Irish born, Nurse in Hogwarts, sunny and happy and nice etc. etc. What do you think?
Aisling and Anita are half sisters actually :p. Since Caysi and Aisling are twins, Anita is Caysi's half sister. So that could be an interesting role play :)
Oh cool-I had no idea <bangs head>
Elizabeth: Ok Anita and Dakota can be friends, that will be very interesting. Lizzie sounds cool :)
Danton: Haha, that's ok. We can start something up.
I can offer Kier here as a friend, he's often cheerful but he can be downright threatening as well if needed be. :r :D
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