Needing help!

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Caysi Romance

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Caysi (Main Account)
Lignum Vitae Wand - The Merlin 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
So I have quite a few characters that need help here. :)

Collin Thomas - 23
Collin is very intellectual, and super smart. He's not only book smart, but street smart as well. Collin can get himself out of any situation, and resolve it as well. He's very shy, but once opened he can never be closed. Don't get me wrong he is a sweetheart and will do anything for his love. For him, I'm looking for a girlfriend? Perhaps a final if you wish. PB is Zac Efron if that helps you :p

Jacob Thomas- 22

Collin's younger brother. Jacob is more of the outgoing type, the type that you would see clubbing and hanging out with some girls. Jacob is also quite the romantic, but does flirt a lot. Hopefully I can find him a girlfriend, maybe a few flings, whatever you want. His PB is Taylor Lautner.

Mark Finnigan- 24
Mark Finnigan is also an outgoing character, but can be a bit rude at times. He needs someone that will show him a good time, but also be supportive and help him not to be a rude ****. He needs a girl friend, or a final. His PB is Zac Efron.

Sanja Petrovic- 21
Sanja is a reserved girl. She doesn't really go out too much, but is mostly a home body. I'm looking for a guy that will bring her out of the shell that she's in and show her a life. I'm looking for a boyfriend, maybe a fling or two? Her PB is Rachel Bilson.

If you could help out that would be super awesome! :)
I can offer you Blair Archibald for Mark Finnigan. She lives in New York and is a Broadway actress. She can be rude to people if they cross her. She's exhausted from working and haven't been able to get enough sleep so... She often lose her temper.

But she's sweet and pretty nice... And fun... def not a mean charrie...
yeah sure xD
Well, I have this little hottie pants here. Vladmir Sykes. Ain't he prettyful *bats eyelashes* Oh goodness, let me get down to business before I sit myself in a puddle of drool. I had posted up a Plot Development a while ago and well I got busy and didn't really have time to commit, but now I have some free time so...yeah. I can offer him up as a boyfriend for Sanja Petrovic and obviously a friend for any of the others. Let me know what you think!
You are right, he's a super hottie pants! I wouldn't mind being Sanja at the moment ;). But that sounds really good! Do you want me to start something or can you start something? :)
Umm, could you possibly start it please?
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