Closed Needing a Crew

Sunday Weeks

~Girly~ Boss~ Dramatic~ Sunny~
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curved 12 Inch Swishy Acacia Wand with Acromantula Web Core
11 (8/29/2050)
Deciding to continue her accrual of minions, Sunday made her way to the seventh floor, looking to catch another Ravenclaw she'd had positive interactions with in the past. It wasn't hard to find him- it was always easier finding people when you had an idea of who you were looking for. Plus, it was early enough she could catch him on the way down to breakfast. Spotting him on his own, Sunday put on her best smile. "Ambrose!" She called, jogging to catch up with him. "Wait up!"
Ambrose enjoyed being back at school. For one thing, the food was much better than it was at home. Neither of his parents were good cooks and he often had to prepare his own food so having to simply head to the great hall and sit down if he wanted to eat was a huge win. Having decided that he would get some quidditch practice in today Ambrose was making his way down to get some breakfast, turning on his heels when he heard someone call his name. He raised his hand to greet Sunday when he noticed her jogging his way, standing still until she had caught up with him.

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