need to think

Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
After a night of tossing and turning in her bed, Cyndi gave up on sleep and slipped out of her bed. It was still pretty early but not so early that she would be the only one up and about. Throwing on a sweatshirt and a pair of sweatpants, Cyndi decided to head outside for a walk. She hoped that it would help to clear her thoughts and think through some things.

As she headed outside, Cyndi was glad that she had put on the sweatshirt because there was a slight chill in the air. She quickly walked and after a few seconds decided to jog toward the forbidden forest and once she reached it, Cyndi stuck to jogging on the edge of the forest. It felt good to be doing something active.
[I hope you dont mind me joining, if not I can edit :) ]

Raff kicked the dirt in front of him as he walked. His hands in his jumper, to keep his hands warm. He played over his thoughts, something he did often lately. Raff had never been the sleeping in type so he was up early, needing to get out of the stuffy dorm. A bit of fresh air would do him good.

He soon found his wandering had lead him to the edge of the Forbidden Forest. He bit his lip, not wanting to go into that place. He decided to start a track around the edge. He lifted his head and noticed a girl jogging a bit further away, so picked up his pace, removing his hands from his jumper allowing them to swing. He caught up with the girl and jogged next to her. He turned his head and smiled. "Early start?" He said in a friendly tone. He had been trying to make more friends sinse his transfer.
(('s perfectly fine ))

Cyndi was startled out of her thoughts as someone came up beside her. She slowed her pace just a little and turned her head to see a guy who looked about her age keeping pace with her. He seemed friendly enough and although Cyndi didn't know him, she was grateful for the company.

When he asked if she was getting an early start, Cyndi nodded. "You could say that...I couldn't really sleep" she confessed, "so I decided to come out here." Cyndi stopped jogging as they reached where the forest met the lakeside. "I'm Cyndi by the way" she said a little breathlessly as she held out her hand.
Raff smiled as the girl answered him and after a short time they stopped jogging. He nodded, "I know how you feel." He chuckled slightly, trying to keep the mood light. He needed as many friends as he could get in this place. "Raff." He said grasping her hand, "Nice to meet you Cyndi." He grinned, withdrawing his hand after a firm shake. "I just transfered here, its so different." Raffael said as he looked from the forest to the lake. In truth it was, Beauxbatons was a completely different environment. Raff would have to say though. Hogwarts felt much friendlier.
When Raff said that he had transferred to Hogwarts, Cyndi realized why she had never seen him before. "Where did you transfer from?" Cyndi asked curiously. Raff seemed like a nice guy and Cyndi found him easy to talk to.
Raff answered, "Beauxbatons." He knew most people thought all guy transfers were from Durmstrang. It was actually considered slightly weird by some people that he was from Beauxbatons. They all seemed to think it was an all girl school. But that most definatly wasnt the case. "What year are you in?" Raff asked, slightly curious.
"Really, hmm..." Cyndi said as Raff told her that he was from Beauxbatons. After thinking about it for a second though, she realized that it made sense. He seemed a lot nicer than the Durmstrang guys that she had met in the past.

"I'm a 7th year" Cyndi answered happily enough. She was proud of having made it through all of the other years and finally making it to the final year. "What year are you?" she asked afterward. Raff looked to be about her age but since he wasn't in any of her classes, Cyndi figured that he was at least a year younger. There was one new guy in her classes, but Raff wasn't that guy.
"Wow 7th Year, how does it feel to have almost finished schooling?" Raff asked with a smile. He didnt know how he would feel about finishing his schooling. "Im a fifth year." He confessed, although he disliked the fact that he went down a year when he transfered. He was technically meant to be in year six considering he turned 16 before coming here, but he guessed it didnt matter.
Cyndi listened to his question and thought for a moment before replying. Other than the day they had arrived back for school, Cyndi had tried to avoid thinking about this being her last year, but it was proving to be difficult. "The truth?" Cyndi asked with a small sigh, "I dunno...on the one hand, I'm excited to be graduating and looking for a job. But, I know I'm going to miss everything about here so friends, the grounds and even some of the professors" Cyndi ended with a small laugh as she included the professors.

She was surprised to hear that the boy standing before her was only a 5th year because he simply didn't look it. "So you've still got a couple of years to go. That's good. It gives you time to get to know people. It would probably be harder if you were a 6th or 7th year" Cyndi said, not knowing that Raff truly was supposed to be a 6th year.
Raff listened as Cyndi explained how it felt. It seemed similar to the way he felt when he left the country. "Yeah, what your saying makes sense." He admitted, with a half smile, he hadnt had too many friends over in France, but leaving there was harder than he thought it would be. On the other hand, he was adapting faster than he thought he would over here in some ways too.

"Yeah, two years. It will go too quickly though." He said, knowing it would. It seemed like yesterday he was a first year. He deciding on mentioning the age fact, but thought it unimportant, nothing he could do about. Its just what Hogwarts wanted.
Cyndi smiled as Raff seemed to agree with her, glad that someone could understand how she felt. She was glad that Raff seemed to be feeling comfortable and at home here in New Zealand. "So, if you don't mind me asking...what made you transfer here?" Cyndi asked curiously.
Cyndi next question had Raff unsure of how to answer. His parents had gotten divorced? But he wasnt sure he wanted to say as much because he didnt want Cyndi to feel like it was a bad thing. The only reason it was bad was because he had to move to New Zealand instead of staying in his home. France. "Parents split, so me and my Dad came here." He shrugged with a reasurring smile, he couldnt think of anything else and Raff didnt like lying anyway.
"Oh" Cyndi replied though Raff seemed to be ok with his parent's divorce. "Sorry to hear that." Cyndi was grateful that her parents were still together, though she hadn't seen them in a while. Her parents had left for Europe just after Cyndi returned home for vacation.

"Have you gotten to enjoy the grounds?" Cyndi asked, changing the subject. "I've always thought that this spot between the forest and the lakefront was the best spot here"she confessed. She looked to the forest, thinking that she had heard something moving inside.
"No its okay." Raff said quickly with a shrug, eager to change the subject when Cyndi mentioned the grounds. "Not particuarly. I havent really explored as much as might have liked to." He admitted, glancing around subconciously. This place really was nice, he made a note to visit the grounds more often. He realised why she favoured this spot, he looked into the forest as she did and then laughed and looked back. "Yeah, Im not too keen on entering there anytime soon though." He admitted.
"Me either" Cyndi admitted with a nervous chuckle as she saw Raff look into the forest too. "Though I did find a secret passage back into the school in there a few years back." She left out the part of the story about falling under a tree trunk and getting covered in dirt, but the secret passage part had actually occurred back when the Triwizard tournament was going on. The passage had led them right into the dungeons.
Raff raised his eyebrows. Secret passages? Wow, he didnt think they had them back in Beauxbatons. "Really? That awesome." He admitted, with a small laugh. He would have to have a better look around the castle, if it was going to be his new home. Raff glanced around, not sure what to contribute next to the conversation. He looked up in the sky and thought of a popular conversation topic. "Do you play Quidditch?" He asked.
As they continued to talk, the topic turned to Quidditch, a popular topic at HNZ. Cyndi nodded and said proudly, " I sure do. I play Beater." She had played that position for a number of years and enjoyed it immensely. "Are you going to try out for your house?" she asked Raff wondering if he even played Quidditch or if he preferred watching.
Raff smiled, Beater didnt seem to fit the girl stood in front of him, but he couldnt exactly make judgements when he didnt know her. "Cool." He said, then shook his head when she asked if he was going to try out. "Quidditch isnt for me. Prefer my feet on the ground." He chuckled, with a grin.
Cyndi giggled along with Raff as he said that he didn't play Quidditch but preferred his feet on the ground. " I guess I don't have to worry about you being competition on the field" Cyndi said jokingly.
Raff shook his head. "Nope, no chance of getting me in the air." He said with a smile, Raff looked out across the lake then back at Cyndi. "Well, I better get going." He said, realising he had taken up much of her time already. "Ill see you around though?" He said more as a question than a statement. She seemed nice and Raff wouldnt mind getting to know her better. Raff waved with a grin one last time, before jogging off back to the castle.
As Raff left, he asked whether they would see each other around. Cyndi smiled and replied, "I hope so." With a wave, she added "Bye Raff"as the Ravenclaw boy walked away. He had been awfully nice and Cyndi was glad to have come across him this morning. Cyndi watched as he jogged away and she too decided to head back toward the castle.

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