Closed Need to Know Everything

Anisha Khatri

Competitive | Snarky | Bookworm | 6th year
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 11 Inch Unyielding Reed Wand with Veela Hair Core
4/2046 (15)
It bugged Anisha that she had to go to the professor's office during office hours to get full context for the lesson, wasn't it his job to teach them everything? But here she was, she just wanted to make sure she understood everything she needed to understand. Anisha had waited until lessons were over and then headed to the professor's office, knocking on his door after hesitating for a moment. Surely he wouldn't mind explaining it after he told them to come to his office? She hoped not. She had tried to look horcruxes up herself in her books but she hadn't found anything, that intrigued her more than anything.
Never once did Killian Borisyuk have so many students coming to his office in one year just over the sheer mention of Horcruxes. He had one come by already, and while he was writing out a small letter, he heard a knock on his door. He waved his hand to open the door to let the other sixth year in. Killian remembered the girl's name from the class. She was diligent to say the least, but that was as far as he knew. "Miss Khatri," Killian said, with a motion of his hand for her to come in. He wouldn't ask what she wanted since he knew that she would make it known rather fast. It wasn't like students came here for a chat.
Anisha headed into the professor's office and closed the door behind her. "Hi Professor, you said we could come in if we had more questions about Horcruxes? Can I ask why you're not covering it in class?" She asked. "It's also not in my book, I think." She knew it wasn't. "Can I sit down?" She asked. With other professors she might have just taken a seat, but Professor Borisyuk was somewhat intimidating.
Killian started to move behind his desk once Miss Khatri spoke, but paused when he heard the reason why. There were more people interested in an offhanded comment than any previous year. He let out a sigh and sat down at his desk. He clasped his hands on the desk and nodded as she asked if she could sit down. "Horcruxes are incredibly dark objects. You won't find any mention of them in any books. It was just a theory on what Voldemort might have resorted to, and not actual fact that is substantiated." Killian shrugged his shoulders and added, "I only know what they are, not how they work."
Anisha got the feeling Professor Borisyuk wasn't thrilled she was here, but she thought he should've just explained it in his lesson if he didn't want people knocking on his door later. She sat down, listening to what he said. She nodded. "Can you explain what they are, then?" She asked, trying not to sound too eager. She just wanted to know things, she didn't want the professor to think she was into dark magic or anything, but Anisha was very curious and she felt the urge to learn about anything she could. Especially now that she knew this wouldn't be in any books.
Killian thought about her question, and assumed that there was no harm in explaining what they are. That was as far as his knowledge went anyway. Just what they were, not what they could do or how to make one. "From what I know, they are among the darkest objects. A person that wants one slices off a piece of their soul and stores it into an object, making it a Horcrux. I have theories on how to tear off a piece of a soul, but none of it leads to anything good." He doubted that one could really even die and ascend to the afterlife if someone did not have their soul fully intact.
Anisha had half expected Professor Borisyuk not to give any more information, so she was pleasantly surprised when he gave some sort of explanation of what Horcruxes are. Though... it was kind of barren. She was surprised to hear you could apparently slice off a piece of your soul, as it meant people had a soul and it could be affected by magic. She nodded at the explanation. "That sounds awful." She told him. "Do you really think that works? It just sounds so strange." She said, frowning slightly. "And I can't imagine who would do that, if it harms you that much."
"I think it is a possibility, but without knowing who currently has one, I cannot give a definitive answer. Not that I would want to meet someone who has succeeded in that sort of magic." Killian shrugged his shoulders, speaking in a more relaxed tone that he does not use for his students at all. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans, and stated, "All Dark Magic is damaging, one way or another. I'm sure everyone has seen it from how it affected Voldemort." Killian himself would hate to lose his nose, or look like that. He took pride in his looks.
Anisha tried not to let her disappointment show when Professor Borisyuk let her know he didn't know much more than he had said already. She wasn't entirely sure if she believed him or if he was just keeping something shocking from her. But she knew prying or asking more questions wouldn't do her any good. "Thank you professor." She said after a moment. "I'm still curious- but I get it's something that not much is known about." She got to her feet. "Thanks for explaining."

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