Need an enemy?

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I am pretty sure Annalie could work with that.
ok cool do you wanna start
I would like her to bully Danielle.
Danielle's father died while she was at hogwarts and the last thing she said to him was. "I hate you." She feels very bad about that. And although she never admits it, she is very insecure about her looks, fitting in, and overall afriad of someone who might use her. Her sister is also horrible to her, because she is jealous Danielle has magic, while her sister doesn't. Danielle will fight back at first, ignoring it, backfiring with insults, but if you gang up on her with all these thing, she'll probably begin to cower down and cry. (The father thing is the worst) If you could get back to me thad'd be super :cool: cool.
Hi James,

Annalie would definetly be able to bully Danielle. (how bad does that sound?)
She would easily be able to use those things against her to make a valid argument against her. Annalie would probably start with some cracks about her appearance and then work up to the father thing. Is this okay?

Let me know,
First of, that doesn't sound to good. xD
And secondly thats awesome! I'm very glad and like I said if you really just keep digging deeper and deeper she'll burst. Thats awesome. Who should start it?
Oh goody gumdrops. I don't know if Kiara and Annalie would exactly be friends (I don't know how she feels about having friends in younger years, though Kiara is fifteen) but even still they could get along because of their hatred of Hufflepuffs ;) so whataya say Mel you interested? I mean we did already discuss this, sort of :r

Of course I'm interested! :D
I don't think Annalie would mind about age if they proved to her that they were worthy of her time.
Yes we did dicuss this and yes their hatred of Hufflepuff would certainly make Annalie want to at least hang out with her. Yes?
Yes, that would be fun :shifty: Watch out Hufflepuffs, the meanies are comen' =))
Do you want me to start it? I don't think I have anything else to do right now :erm:
Have they met yet? Are they going to meet in this thread?
Awesome :D
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