🌹 Rose Giving Near the Snake Den

Isadora Novak

✨ Rebellious | Free Spirit | Angry🍀
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 13 1/2 Inch Rigid Applewood Wand with Boomslang venom Core
3/2044 (17)
Isadora's next rose was for someone she wasn't too excited to talk to. It was one of Natalia's roommates, and Isadora bet her sister had been talking badly to her to all her roommates for the past four years. Isadora found someone near the Slytherin common room and asked them to call for Lucie, then she waited.

@Lucie Vernier
Lucie never really liked Valentine's Day as she didn't ever see the point in it. She never received any roses and so always just locked herself in the common room, not wanting to go out and endure everyone's happiness. As someone told her that someone was waiting outside to see her, Lucie just assumed that it was her brother. The pair of them hadn't spoken in a while, and so perhaps that's just what Lucie was hoping. When she saw it was a Gryffindor first year, and in fact a roommate's sister, the Slytherin raised an eyebrow, a little confused as to why she wanted to see her. "What's... up?" Lucie asked a little awkwardly, shifting from side to side.
Isadora couldn't help noticing the surprise on the other girl's face, and she imagined she was probably judging her based on everything Natalia had said about her. She couldn't quite bring herself to smile as brightly at the girl as she had to the other people she had seen today. "Rose." She simply said, holding out the rose to her.


I didn’t know if anyone was going to get you a rose this time, so I thought I’d get you one. I know you probably don’t want to, but you can be friends with my friends if you want, and I can teach you how to play gobstones. Sorry for being a bad brother.


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