🌹 Rose Giving Near the Birds

Hazel Ashworth

🧵Quirky | Try-Hard | Fashion Designer| ACCIO 📸
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 10 Inch Flexible Birch Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
6/2049 (13)
Yellow rose for @Michael Watson

Hazel knew her next recipient was an older student in Ravenclaw, after asking around about him for a bit. She made her way up to near the Ravenclaw common room, hoping she would run into one of her friends. Once she was at the common room, she asked one of the nearby students to get Michael Watson out for her, then she hummed to herself as she waited.
Michael had been not as busy as he could have been today, he wanted to make sure the dance went really well tonight but aside from that had mostly just been catching up on schoolwork when he wasn't doing Quidditch practice. He wasn't expecting many roses, mainly just the one really, so he'd gone back to the dorms to relax and make sure his suit was in order. It was a surprise to be called outside, but he headed out to wave at a younger girl, a little curious to see what she had for him. "Hey, sorry, I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long."
Hazel couldn't help giggling a little as the handsome older boy came out of the Ravenclaw common room and spoke to her, she felt jittery and oddly nervous talking to someone like that. "Oh, not at all!" She said brightly. "Here you go!"
Thanks for putting your trust in me!

- Ambrose
Michael wondered if he'd accidentally left some tissue on his face from shaving or something, the girl seemed a little awkward around him. He rubbed his chin half-heartedly, somewhat subtly checking while wondering who else might have sent him a rose. "Oh, thank you," he said, politely, grinning when he saw the note from Ambrose. In a way, it was oddly nostalgic - in his first year, Sawyer had taken a punt on him on the team, and now, he was able to do the same for another keen first year. "Ha, that's nice of him." He looked back up from the note and gave the girl a smile. "Hey, thanks, I appreciate it. Happy Valentine's Day!"

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