Natalie Winters

Natalie Winters

Well-Known Member
12" Dogwood Veela Hair
►Natalie Winters◄

I can see the lights in the distance


Trembling in the dark cloak of night

June 13th

Blood Status:
Half Blood



12" Dogwood, Veela Hair

Although very pretty, Natalie is a tom boy through and through. She has no tolerance for anything pink or girly, and would rather be playing football than putting on makeup any day. Her sister, Leah is very abrupt and harsh, but Natalie is entirely different. She always tries to be polite and nice unless she gets a bad vibe from someone, and then she tries no longer.
It's always outdoors with her. She despises being cooped up in the house all day, even when the weather is cold or rainy. This is one of the reasons she'd rather not go to Hogwarts, and learn from home. It's not to say that she enjoys learning. She actually hates reading and listening to a lecture on magical ability. Her grades are less than acceptable but her skill in magic is exceptional. Natalie learns better by doing, rather than by listening.

Natalie was born a few years after Leah, when her mother Harlow met up with a muggle man named Henry Jones. It was a brief affair that ended as soon as Harlow fell pregnant. Henry left, never to return, and Natalie has never met him, nor cared too. She has no emotions regarding the man who left her mother helpless and alone, she is happy the way things are because that is the way things are meant to be.
Natalie and Harlow have a very close relationship. While Leah stayed cooped up in her room all day reading, Natalie and Harlow went outside and played many muggle games in the local park. It is partly her mothers fault for not wanting to go to school. Harlow never pushed her in academics which led to academic laziness on the girls part.
Leah and Natalie grew up closely together. They love each other as much as sisters can, but barely see each other at all. Leah disapproves of Natalie's lack of education and is heard to constantly lecture her on the importance of school.

Natalie's history was not very eventful at all. She spends a lot of time helping her mother in the muggle shop that Harlow owns, and a lot of time playing games with local muggle residents. She is not prejudice against anyone because of their blood, because she is half blood herself. She would like to be a famous Quidditch player, but doubts that it will happen.

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