Nasty Slytherins wanted

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Roberta Esperon

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
This is the thread:

named a not so better world

Currently two first years have found shelter in the room of the north tower. They were both terrorized by two different groups of slytherins.
Roberta was jinxed with a tripping curse. She was cornered and she used a couple of dungbombs that she had to make her escape and find a hideout in the north tower where she met

David, also hiding as he was bullied from other Slytherins whom injured him.

Briar, a 4th year took care of Roberta's (?) Slytherins buy cursing them and followed the first years in their hideout.

What we need is a couple of non-first year Slytherins who would be either the ones that cursed the first year girl and then being cursed by the fourth year or the ones that injured the first year boy, seeking for revenge.
Somehow in the end (we'll figure out in the process) the trio hiding we'll manage to escape, after maybe a sort of dueling and some threatening, followed maybe by a chase at hogwarts corridors (is up to all of us, we are open to suggestions).
It's just for the fun and making an interesting roleplaying.

Read a bit the thread before posting, to get a better view of the situation and fit you character better in the story.
If you wish to participate, please post first on here, as we want to have a few more posts before the furious Slytherins make their appearance.

If you want to ask anything please post here or pm me :D

So, Because I produce Slytherin's like it's second nature. I have a few options for you.

Although, I don't think you can duel, with out permission. Might want to check.

Anyway, I have 3 Slytherins.

1st, Lily Fossil. 5th Year Slytherin.
She's a major b!tch. She cares about no one and thinks Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs
as lesser. She's very self involved and likes to annoy people. She'll probably laugh
at them. Call them all pathetic, and say some snide comment about how Gryffindors
were getting more and more like Hufflepuffs. She might offer her assistance, but that
would probably be two faced, so she'd just leave.

2nd, Stefan Archer. 2nd Year Slytherin.
He's a kind guy really. Not actually that "slytherin". But he's snapped and decided to
put up this intense and somewhat evil front. He's not listening to anyone. He doesn't
care about people and is pushing all his friends away. He would feel really sorry for the
boy who was bullied, since he has a pretty awful dad. (and that's putting it nicely). Stefan
might help them in the end, but it would half hearted.

3rd, Crystal Hayden. 2nd Year Slytherin.
She's sort of like Lily in a sense. Apart from she's a little nicer. She'd help them out.
And not really say anything of it. But if they were to attack her as she came in or if
he believed that she was part of the group. She'd fly off her handle. Crystal is the kind
of girl who doesn't mind getting dirty. She wouldn't ever do it for no reason, so they'd
have to accuse her for her to completely lose it with them.

So, I'm not sure what type of SLytherin you would like. That's what I can offer you.
If it's not what you are looking for, tis cool.
I think the guy wouldn't do it but the girls sounds good.
You can use whichever you think might have bullied first years just for fun and would like to mess around with them a bit longer.
Please take your time to read a bit the thread and post whenever you like. xD

Umm by the way do you know from where we could take permission in case a sort of duel might be needed?
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