Namikaze Haruka

Haruka Namikaze

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OOC First Name
Madame Gray
Full Name: Namikaze Haruka (Haruka being the first name)

Date of Birth: 1st of November

Current Age: 15

Basic Appearance: Haruka, being an Asian, has long black hair that she keeps straight and shiny all the time. And because of her hair color, her big dark brown eyes seem to become black under her long lashes. Her skin is fair and almost pale white and this makes her thin lips look redder. She is 5'4 in height and looks rather petite in her delicate features. Most people describe her as someone who looks like a doll or a manequin.

Personality: Most of the time, Haruka thinks that she does not have the ability to accomplish her goals. She tends to feel hopeless most of the time, resulting from others underestimating her. But when she gains something significant, something that can show others that she is superior, Haruka starts to act highly and bossy. Because she cannot comprehend well with the world's imperfections, she becomes selfish and tends to get things she wants by any means, including bad things, of course. Haruka doesn't care about what others might think of her because she believes that if people don't like her, then she should force them to acknowledge her.

She is not as difficult as this, though. Haruka still loves a few people. In fact, since she loves only a few of them, she tends to love them too much and will do anything for them. She will break rules and will make her own values just to save herself from the grief of laying her life to those she loves.

Haruka says that during a certain rainy day one or two years ago, she has lost her memories of an important event that might have caused something bizarre in her life. She says she cannot really explain or remember why she chose to finally study in a school outside England. This was because she had a trauma about a murder incident back in her old home. It was Haruka who had cause the death of her only friend. (She also can't remember that her friend died.) And so, while she was half-mad about it, she decided to go away from the place. Her parents thought it's a good idea and might heal the wound that they thought to be incurable in Haruka's heart. And it did. But when Haruka calmed down and became sane again, she forgot everything about that incident, not knowing that it caused her change of personality.

She started to believe that she and her friend just had a fight and they couldn't get back to their previous relationship unless she changes herself. Thus, leaving England.

Pets: None

Area of Residence: Haruka was born in Japan, though she lived all her life in England.

Blood Status: Half blood, her mother being the magical parent.

Heritage: Japanese

Special Abilities: None

Interests or Hobbies: Haruka loves collecting dolls. Back in England, she used to own a collection of china dolls that are obviously expensive and rare all throughout the world. This was because when she was little and heard from people that she looks like a doll, she thought it would be really fun if she go to all that business about dolls. In fact, she brought a doll she named Maria to her school and says that Maria is her "exact opposite and yet her perfect self." In truth, Haruka's description about Maria is actually her real self if ever she drops her antihero attitude.

Haruka is a soprano and she used to sing with choirs back in England. She says she doesn't approve of those girls with high voices but sound really dark. She says they're "just boasting their voices." Because of this, Haruka sings with a tiny and cold voice that most people describe as angelic.

Strengths: Her loved ones.

Weaknesses: Her never-ending quest for self-realization.

Describe your character in three words: Arrogant, beautiful, cunning.

Favourite place to be: Haruka loves spending her time inside her room because her doll collection is placed there. She can also sing freely there because it's sound-proof. Inside her room, no one can disturb her whenever she's meditating about things.

Friends: Back in England, Haruka didn't make a lot of friends. A lot of children her age wanted to, but she dismissed their approaches because she believes that she is only talked to because she was beautiful. She did have, though, one loyal friend who was like a big brother to her. That friend had been the one who played the piano for her and she loved him dearly, though the murder had deprived Haruka of this relationship.

Hogwarts House: She's planning to join Durmstrang but if ever she goes to Hogwarts, she might possibly be sorted to Slytherin.

Best school subjects:
Haruka is hungry to learn the dark arts. It was her reason why she joined Durmstrang; because of the rumored things about the school. Haruka would possibly love Defense Against the Dark Arts because as she said, "If you know your weakness, you'll learn how to make a counterattack for them."

Worst school subjects:
She thinks Herbology is a stupid subject for the stupid wizards who can't be good with the other subjects.

Extracurricular Activities:
She would probably join a glee club or something.

Plans for your future:
Haruka plans to return to England and fix the problem that has risen between her and her friend. She will find true love and will find someone who can acknowledge her.

Your Boggart:
Her boggart is a slim woman with long brown hair. The woman doesn't have a face, though, because she is actually Haruka's friend's killer who Haruka had forgotten since the traumatic incident.

Mirror of Erised: She sees her friend behind her, smiling at her kindly as though the past has been given back to Haruka.

A page from your diary:
(Before she forgot the murder)
Dear Diary,
I have sinned. I have sinned and I took his life away. Is it not her fault? I wish it was. But it is mine and I carry the burden alone. How could she have that cause if I were not alive? How can she have that feelings if I never existed? It is my sin. I saw his face before the life drained away from his eyes. He smiled at me. He smiled at me gently just as he smiled at me before. And I ask now, how could he still pull back his feelings for me while he was in the verge of his death? Oh, he had had high hopes! Hopes that I could have never dreamed of. And he was capable of reaching them. But now he could not for I brought him his own end. I cannot understand why he still smiled at me despite knowing that he should be alive and well today if it weren't for me? I cannot understand. Any of it. I cannot.

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