Name Three Game!

Coke, Pepsi, Sprite

Name three Greek gods.
Athena, Poseidon, Hestia.
name three comedy tv shows
Friends, Modern Family and the Middle.

Name three characters in Shrek.
Shrek, Donkey, Boots
Name three death eaters on the board
Theodore Snow, Nicolette Styx, Professor Kalif Styx.
Name three classes taken at Hogwarts.
History of Magic, Potions, Charms

Name three Barbie movies... :p
Barbie: Mermaidia, Barbie: Mariposa, and Barbie and the Diamond Castle. I admit it. I love Barbie.

Name three Transformers.
Friends, Family guy and Pokemon.

Name three kinds of Berry.
Blue berry, black berry, straw berry

Name three characters on Misfits
Kelly Bailey, Nathan Young, and Alisha Bailey.
Name three kinds of salads.
Fruit Salad, Vegetable Salad and Macaroni Salad....

Name three religions....
Wicca, Christianity, Scientology
Name three potions
Wolfsbane, Polyjuice, and Blood Replenishing Potion.
Name three star constellations.
Aries, Ursa major, Pegasus <---my favorite constellations :p

Name three religions.
Sikhism, Buddhism, Wicca
name three brands/kinds of biscuits.
(professor) Dannii Merrythought, Damian Metzger, Dymetris Kozlov
Name thee books about witches or wizards that aren't harry potter
Skittles, Bananas (The little lolly bananas) Milks (The little lolly milks, which are too cute :r )

Name three colours of the rainbow
Red, Yellow and Blue
Name three types of vitamins
Vitamin B12, folate, Vitamin D
Name three New Zealand icons that Australia has tried to claim (eg. the recent Australian interview with One Direction where they were told pineapple lumps were from Australia, not NZ xD )

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