🌹 Rose Giving Name Based Intimidation

Audrey Beauchamp

I have a cunning plan...
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Unyielding Walnut Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
16 (17/11/2047)
yellow rose for @Terror Zhefarovich

Merlin, thought Audrey as she wandered down to the dungeons. Wizards really did give their children weird names, didn't they? She was living proof of it, so she wouldn't dare say anything to anyone. But Terror, really? She supposed it projected a certain image. She did actually vaguely know who Terror was, considering he was also a prefect, she just found herself pondering it as she looked at the note and rose she had to deliver. She looked around at Slytherins passing by, and raised her hand to wave when she spotted him. "Hey, Terror! I've got a rose here with your name on it! Well, on the note attached to it, anyway."
Terror Zhefarovich might have sent a rose to stir up some trouble, since it was hard to mess with Cassius now. However, he did not expect one himself. His girl did not even attend this school, so who would? Well, he could think of a couple if he considered the color yellow. His red eyes landed on Audrey, and folded his arms across his chest, "Fascinating, didn't expect one." Terror flashed a smile, which honestly, was a smirk. He could only show mischievousness. Never friendliness.​
Maybe the name was chosen for a good reason, thought Audrey idly as she carefully picked up the rose and folded note to hand over. She didn't really feel any reason to be afraid of him, but he did have a certain intimidating aura about him. Must have been a family thing. If so, they were better judges of character or cultivated the appropriate attitude amongst themselves. Better that than being named Prudence, a name that hardly fit. "Aha, well hopefully it's a nice surprise then!" she said cheerfully as she offered them out to him. "Haven't got any sort of song and dance prepared, which I can only gather is a good thing. Happy Valentines!" Some of the other deliverers were especially enthusiastic. Audrey had been flat out with organising it and hadn't prepared any real grand spectacle. That honestly seemed to be appreciated more by a fair amount of people. Maybe she suited her name more than she thought.

Thank you for helping me <3
Terror assumed that it was likely from Hinata. She seemed like the type to send a yellow rose to everyone. Then again, it might be from someone else. He took the rose from her and the note. He looked over it, and thought that it could have been from Hinata, or perhaps that Eurydice girl. "Let's not embarrass yourself with something like that. But thank you and have a good one with Loki." Terror smirked as he turned to walk off.​

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